Ph.D. Harvard University.
Bachelor‘s degree Naikai University, Tianjin City, China.
美國哈佛大學 顧問 博士後
美國 Meharry 醫學院 Assist. Prof.
2001.1-2003.8 為套用有錯觀測誤差模型等方法的研究人員提供諮詢和幫助
2003.8-2006.9 教學並為醫學研究者提供數據收集和數據處理方面的諮詢和幫助
教材:非參數統計 (第三版)
作者:吳喜之 趙博娟
出版社:中國統計出版社 2009.11

1. X. Wu and B. Zhao, Optimal sampling of hierarchical screening with inspection errors , Communications in Statistics, 1994,23, No.3, 803-814.
2. B. Zhao and X. Wu, Tests on differently formed contingency tables, Mathematical Statistics and Applied Probability, 1997, 12. No. 2. 176-184.
3. Liu, R. and Chen, T. and B. Zhao. A new method to predict critical temperature of the Ising model by variational cumulant expansion to infinite order, Chinese Physics Letter, 1995,12. 179-182.
4 B.Zhao and X. Wu , A new method on model selection. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis, 1995, 28, No.3, 80-84.
5. B.Zhao and X. Wu. A new model selection criterion for linear model, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis, 1998, 31, No.1, 14-20.
6. Xizhi Wu, B. Zhao and Fengda Chang. Jig performance and statistical modeling, Application of Statistics and Management, 2000. N.105, p.34-38.
7. B.S. Kim, B. Zhao, H.J. Kim and M-H. Cho. The statistical analyses of in-vitro chromosome aberration assay using Chinese hamster ovary cells, Mut.Res.- Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 2000, 469, 243-252.
8. Wayne A. Woodward, Stephen R.Sain, H.L. Gray, B. Zhao, and M.D.Fisk. Testing for multivariate outliers in the presence of missing data, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2002,159, 889-903.
9. D. Spiegelman, B. Zhao, and J.Kim. Correlated errors in biased surrogates: study designs and methods for measurement error correction. Statistics in Medicine, 2005, 24: 1657-1682.
10. B. Zhao, B. Kilbourne, S. Stain, V. Cain, N. Briggs, B. Husaini, R. Levine, Racial Disparities and trends in use of Colorectal Procedures among Tennessee Elderly (1996-2000), Ethnicity & Diseas, 2006, Volume 16 No. 2, 412-420.
11. Flora A. Ukoli, Eruke Egbagbe, Barbara B. Zhao, Efosa Iyamu, Dale Young, Philip Oside, Usifo Osime, Lucile L. Adams-Campbell. Anthropometric Body Fat Predictors of Elevated Prostate Specific Antigen among Rural and Urban Nigerians: A Population-Based Study. West African J of Med, 2007, Vol. 26, 7-13.
1. U54 CA 91408 (Adunyah/Moses) 04/01/01-03/31/06
項目名稱:Examining disparities in compliance with recommended colonoscopy
角色: 合作人和生物統計學家
2.U50 CCU417280-02 Marrs (PI), Grandison (PI, sub-contract) 09/30/02-09/29/09
項目名稱: Nashville REACH 2010
角色: 合作人和生物統計學家
3.1-R24-HS014767-01 Husaini (PI) S. Stain (mentor), 09/30/04-09/29/07
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角色: 子項目負責人和生物統計學家