

凌俠(Zhao Ling-Xia),男,生於1966年1月;博士,上海交通大學植物生物技術研究中心教授,博士生導師。
近年主持或參加科研項目有:1)十一五“863” 計畫生物反應器重大專項“降鈣素與生長因子等植物生物反應器研製”(2007AA100503),2)十五“863”計畫生物反應器重大專項“降鈣素植物生物反應器的研製”(2002AA206511),3)上海科技攻關重大專項“用植物生物反應器生產胸腺素α1(Tα1)技術平台建立及其產品安全性研究”(03DZ19310),4)國際合作項目,“植物生物反應器生產藥用產品”(055407060);5)上海市農委科技興農重點項目 “人血友病凝血IX因子番茄生物反應器的研製”(農科攻字(2001)第3-1號)
近年發表學術論文38篇(SCI 15篇),申請國家發明專利17項,合著《番茄遺傳研究》一部,培育3個蔬菜品種(番茄2個,苦瓜1個)並經省部級審定推廣;2007年獲國家留學基金委資助;2006年“大學生科技創新基地建設及人才培養新模式探索”榮獲上海交通大學教學成果一等獎(排名第2)。
1. Zhao LX,Li J F,Chai YR,Kai G Y,Cao YF,Sun X F and Tang KX. Investigation on genetic relationship and cross compatibility of S. lycopersiocides and Lycopersicon. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 2006, 9(6):1160–1168
2. Kai G Y, Miao ZQ, Zhang L, Zhao D, Liao Z H, Sun X F, Zhao LX* and Tang K X. Molecular cloning and expression analyses of a new gene encoding 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase from Taxus media. Biologia Plantarum,2006,50 (3): 359–366(通訊作者)
3. Zhao L X , Qiu C X, Li J F, Chai Y R , Kai G.Y, Li Z G and Tang KX. Investigation of disease resistance and cold tolerance of Solanum lycopersicoides for tomato improvement. HortScience, 2005,40 (1):43–46
4. Li Z G†, Zhao L X†, Cui CS,Kai GY ,Zhang L D,Sun X F and Tang KX. Molecular cloning and characterization of an anti-bolting related gene (BcpFLC3) from Brassica campestris ssp.Pekinensis. Plant science, 2005,168:407–413(共同第一作者)
5. Li Z G†, Zhao L X†, Kai GY, Yu S W, Cao Y F, Pang Y Z, Sun X F and Tang KX. Cloning and expression analysis of a water stress-induced gene from Brassica oleracea. Plant physiology and biochemistry. 2004, 42:789–794(共同第一作者)
6. Chai Y R,Zhao L X, Liao Z H, Sun X F, Zuo K J , Zhang L., Wang S G. and Tang K X. Molecular cloning of potential Verticillium dahliae resistance gene SlVe1 with multi-site polyadenylation from Solanum lycopersicoides. DNA Sequence, 2003,14(5): 375–384
7. Chen, Y., Zhao, L., Shen, G., Cui, L., Ren, W., Zhang, H., Qian, H. and Tang K. Expression and Analysis of Thymosin alpha 1 Concatemer in Escherichia coli. Biotechnology & Applied Biochemistry, 2007(Epub)
8. Zhang, H., Zhao, L., Chen, Y., Cui, L., Ren, W. and Tang K. Expression of human coagulation factor IX in transgenic tomato. Biotechnology & Applied Biochemistry, 2007(Epub)


