
1985.9 - 1992.2:成都科技大學(今“四川大學”) 化學工程系 本科、碩士
1992.3 - 1995.3:東北大學 礦物工程系 博士
1995.4 - 1997.5:四川大學 化工學院 講師;四川大學高速水力學國家重點實驗室 博士後
1997.6 - 1999.9:四川大學 化工學院 教授(1997.6 破格提升)
1999.10 - 2001.9:日本 東京大學 化學系統工程系 (Department of Chemical System Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan) 博士後研究員
2001.9-:四川大學 化工學院 教授、博士生導師
2001.9 - 2010.12:四川省過濾與分離重點實驗室 主任
2006.8 - 2007.2:美國哈佛大學 工程與套用科學學院 (School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Harvard University, USA) 高級研究學者
2007.12 - 2008.2:法國巴黎高等工業物理化學學院 (Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles (ESPCI, Industrial Physics and Chemistry Higher Educational Institution), Paris, France) 即:法國巴黎市工業物理化學學校,做訪問教授
2011.1 - 2014.11:四川大學 化工學院 副院長
2011.11 - 2011.12:英國 伯明罕大學 化學工程學院 (School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, UK) 訪問教授

2012.4-:英國伯明罕大學名譽教授 (Honorary Professor, University of Birmingham, UK)
2014.6-:英國皇家化學會會士 (Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, FRSC)
2014.11 - 2017.6:四川大學 化工學院 院長
2017.6-:四川大學 科學技術發展研究院 院長
主要研究領域(Current Research Interests)有:
1、膜材料與膜技術 (Membrane materials and technology)
2、智慧型化控制釋放與靶向式藥物送達系統 (Smart controlled-release and targeting drug delivery systems)
3、微流控技術 (Microfluidics)
4、傳質與分離 (Mass transfer and Separations)
5、生物材料 (Biomaterials)
膜材料與膜技術 (Membrane materials and technology)
環境刺激回響型智慧型膜材料與膜技術;智慧型化手性拆分膜材料與膜技術;分子識別型膜材料與膜技術;智慧型化微囊膜與納米囊膜; 膜材料改性;膜過程強化
智慧型化控制釋放與靶向式藥物送達系統 (Smart controlled-release and targeting DDS)
溫度和pH等環境刺激回響型控制釋放載體系統;特異分子識別型自律式給藥載體系統; 單分散智慧型型微納米囊和球形載體系統; 新型環境回響型控制釋放與靶向式藥物送達系統; 可生物降解型智慧型控制釋放載體系統
微流控技術 ( Microfluidics )
傳質與分離 (Mass transfer and Separations)
生物材料 (Biomaterials)
藥物載體材料;生物相容性材料;天然生物材料;仿生材料 。
•迄今發表論文已被SCI收錄232篇 、EI收錄233篇 ,其中在NatureCommunications等影響因子10.0以上國際頂尖刊物發表論文18篇 ,影響因子3.0以上重要刊物論文163篇 (國際著名期刊封面論文7篇、封面導讀論文5篇、封底論文4篇、扉頁插圖論文2篇)。
•申請中國專利48項(已授權37項)和國際專利9項(已授權9項) 。
•出版學術專著5部(其中,國際著名出版社Wiley-VCH和Springer邀請撰寫英文專著3部),參編全國大型技術手冊2部,參編中英文專著和教材等12部 。
•研究成果受到了國內外同行的廣泛關注和重視(引用刊物包括Science、Nature Materials和Nature Nanotechnology等國際頂級期刊,引用作者包括已開發國家科學院院士和工程院院士等著名專家),成果被Nature Materials作為“研究亮點(Research highlights)”專題報導。
•被國際會議邀請做主題報告或邀請報告53次 。曾獲國家技術發明獎二等獎 ,省級科技進步獎一、二、三等獎各1項,部級自然科學獎一等獎1項 和二等獎1項。國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者,教育部長江學者獎勵計畫特聘教授,教育部“長江學者和創新團隊發展計畫”創新團隊帶頭人,全國優秀博士學位論文指導教師,英國伯明罕大學名譽教授,中國化工學會常務理事 。培養的博士生中有3人獲得教育部博士研究生學術新人獎,3人獲得四川省優秀博士學位論文獎,1人獲得全國優秀博士學位論文提名獎,1人獲得全國優秀博士學位論文獎。
獲國家技術發明獎二等獎(2018) ,教育部自然科學獎二等獎(2003),四川省青年科技獎(2005),山東省科技進步三等獎(2008),山東省科技進步二等獎(2009),上海市科技進步獎 一等獎(2010) , 四川省科技進步獎自然科學類一等獎(2015) 。教育部跨世紀人才計畫入選者(2002) ,教育部優秀青年教師資助計畫入選者(2002),成都市優秀青年(2003),四川省傑出青年學科帶頭人培養計畫入選者(2003),四川省學術和技術帶頭人(2004),國務院享受政府特殊津貼專家(2004),科學中國人年度人物(2006),四川省十大傑出青年(2007),國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者(2008),教育部長江學者特聘教授(2009),全國百篇優秀博士學位論文指導教師(2010),教育部“長江學者和創新團隊發展計畫”創新團隊帶頭人(2011),侯德榜化工科學技術獎創新獎獲得者(2013) , 國家百千萬人才工程入選者、有突出貢獻中青年專家(2015) 。
1)2018.1-- : 中國高等教育學會科技管理研究分會第九屆理事會副理事長 ;
2)2017-- :中國化工學會第40屆理事會常務理事 ;
3)2018-- :《中國科學:化學》( Science China Chemistry)編委 ;
4)2017-- : Member of Editorial Board, Scientific Reports ;
5)2015-- : Member of Editorial Board, Separation and Purification Technology
1)2018.1-- : 中國人民政治協商會議第十二屆四川省委員會常務委員 ;
2)2017.12-- : 九三學社第十四屆中央委員會委員 ;
3)2017.6-- : 九三學社四川省第八屆委員會副主委
[1]Liu Z., Wang W., Xie R., Ju X.J.,ChuL.Y., 2016. Stimuli-responsive smart gating membranes. Chemical Society Reviews, 45(3): 460-475. (2016 Impact Factor = 38.618)
This work has been featured as the Inside Front Cover
[2]Xie R.,ChuL.Y.,Deng J.G., 2008. Membranes and membrane processes for chiral resolution. Chemical Society Reviews, 37(6): 1243-1263. ( 2016 Impact Factor = 38.618 )
[3]Wang W., Zhang M.J.,ChuL.Y.,2014.Functional polymeric microparticles engineered from controllable microfluidic emulsions. Accounts of Chemical Research,47(2): 373-384. (2016 Impact Factor = 20.268)
[4]Shah R.K., Shum H.C., Rowat A.C., Lee D., Agresti J.J., Utada A.S.,Chu L.Y., Kim J.W., Fernandez-Nieves A., Martinez C.J., Weitz D.A., 2008. Designer emulsions using microfluidics. Materials Today, 11(4): 18-27. (2016 Impact Factor = 21.695)
Cover Story ;
Invited Review;
Rank ed No.11 inTop 25 Hottest Articles during 04/2008-06/2008
[5]ChuL.Y., Yamaguchi T., Nakao S.,2002. A molecular recognition microcapsule for environmental stimuli-responsive controlled-release. Advanced Materials, 14(5): 386-389. (2016 Impact Factor = 19.791)
This work was featured in the Front Cover
[6]Xia L.W., Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chen Q.M.,ChuL.Y.,2013.Nano-structured smart hydrogels with rapid response and high elasticity. Nature Communications, 4: 2226,doi: 10.1038/ncomms3226. (2016 Impact Factor = 12.124)
Most-Read Articles ofNature Communications,ranked No.18 in the Top Content of Most-Read Articles on August 6, 2013 ; No.16 on August 7, 2013 ; No.14 on August 8, 2013 ; No.10 on August 9, 2013 ; No.8 on August 10, 2013 ; No.8 on August 11, 2013 ; No.8 on August 12, 2013 ; No.8 on August 14, 2013 ; No.5 on August 15, 2013 .
[7]Wang W., Zhang M.J., Xie R., Ju X.J., Yang C., Mou C.L., Weitz D.A.,ChuL.Y.,2013. Hole-shell microparticles from controllably evolved double emulsions. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 52(31): 8084-8087. (2016 Impact Factor = 11.994)
Front Cover Story
[8]ChuL.Y.,Utada A.S., Shah R.K., Kim J.W., Weitz D.A., 2007.Controllable monodisperse multiple emulsions. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 46(47): 8970-8974. (2016 Impact Factor = 11.994)
This work has been featured in the Frontispiece ;
Materials Today ;
Chemical & Engineering News ;
SEAS (School of Engineering and Applied Science) Soft Matter Wiki of Harvard University ;
Poster for “New Concept in Microfluidics: Theory and Application (April 20, 2007, Harvard)” ;
Poster (background image) for “32nd New England Complex Fluids Meeting (September 28, 2007, University of Connecticut)” ;
“Complex Fluids” T-Shirt (image on the back) for “32nd New England Complex Fluids Meeting (September 28, 2007, University of Connecticut)” ;
Flyer (optical micrographs for New England States fill) for “33rd New England Complex Fluids Meeting” (Harvard University, November 30, 2007) ;
Flyer (optical micrographs for New England States fill) for “37th New England Complex Fluids Meeting” (Harvard University, December 5, 2008) ;
Flyer (optical micrographs for New England States fill) for “49th New England Complex Fluids Meeting” (Harvard University, December 2, 2011) ;
Flyer (optical micrographs for New England States fill) for “53th New England Complex FluidsWorkshop” (Harvard University, November 30, 2012) ;
Flyer (optical micrographs for New England States fill) for “61st New England Complex Fluids Meeting” (Harvard University, December 5, 2014) ;
Flyer (optical micrographs for New England States fill) for “69th New England Complex FluidsWorkshop” (Harvard University, December 2, 2016) ; and
Flyer (optical micrographs for New England States fill) for “73rd New England Complex Fluids Workshop” (Harvard University, December 1, 2017)
[9]ChuL.Y., Li Y., Zhu J.H., Chen W.M., 2005. Negatively thermoresponsive membranes with functional gates driven by zipper-type hydrogen-bondinginteractions. Angewandte Chemie International Edition,44(14): 2124-2127. (2016 Impact Factor = 11.994)
[10]YaoC.,Liu Z.,Yang C., Wang W.,Ju X.J.,Xie R.,ChuL.Y., 2015.Poly( N-isopropylacrylamide)-clay nanocomposite hydrogels with responsive bending property as temperature-controlled manipulators. Advanced Functional Materials,25(20): 2980-2991. (2016 Impact Factor = 12.124)
This work has been featured in the Back Cover
[11]Wei J., Ju X.J., Zou X.Y., Xie R., Wang W.,Liu Y.M.,Chu L.Y., 2014. Multi-stimuli-responsive microcapsules for adjustable controlled-release. Advanced Functional Materials, 24(22): 3312-3323. (2016 Impact Factor = 12.124)
This work has been featured in the Inside Front Cover
[12]Liu Z., Luo F.,Ju X.J.,Xie R., Luo T., Sun Y.M.,Chu L.Y., 2012.Positively K-responsive membranes with functional gates driven by host-guest molecular recognition. Advanced Functional Materials,22(22): 4742-4750. (2016 Impact Factor = 12.124)
This work has been featured in the Frontispiece
[13]Yang M.,ChuL.Y.,Wang H.D., Xie R., Song H., Niu C.H., 2008. A thermo-responsive membrane for chiral resolution. Advanced Functional Materials, 18(4): 652-663. ( 2016 Impact Factor = 12.124 )
[14]ChuL.Y.,Kim J.W., Shah R.K., Weitz D.A., 2007. Monodisperse thermo-responsive microgels with tunable volume-phase transition kinetics. Advanced Functional Materials, 17(17): 3499-3504. ( 2016 Impact Factor = 12.124)
This work has been featured in the Front Cover
[15]Qu J.B.,ChuL.Y.,Yang M., Xie R., Hu L., Chen W.M., 2006.A pH-responsive gating membrane system with pumping effects for improved controlled-release. Advanced Functional Materials, 16(14): 1865-1872. ( 2016 Impact Factor = 12.124 )
This work has been featured in the Front Cover ; and
High-Tech Materials Alert
[16]Xiao X.C.,ChuL.Y., Chen W.M., Wang S., Li Y., 2003.Positively thermo-sensitive monodisperse core-shell microspheres. Advanced Functional Materials, 13(11): 847-852. (2016 Impact Factor = 12.124)
This work was featured in the Front Cover
[17]Lin S., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., Yu H.R., Zhang C.,Chu L.Y., 2016.Ultrasensitive microchip based on smart microgel for real-time on-line detection of trace threat analytes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 113(8): 2023-2028. (2016 Impact Factor = 9.661)
入選 《美國科學院學報》( PNAS )重要新聞發布摘要
[18]Mou C.L.,Wang W.,Li Z.L.,Ju X.J., Xie R.,Deng N.N., Wei J.,Liu Z.,Chu L.Y., 2018. Trojan-Horse-Like Stimuli-Responsive Microcapsules. Advanced Science, in press. (2016 Impact Factor = 9.034)
[19]Liu Z., Luo F., Ju X.J.,Xie R., Sun Y.M., Wang W.,ChuL.Y.,2013.Gating membranes for water treatment: Detection and removal of trace Pbions based on molecular recognition and polymer phase transition. Journal of Materials Chemistry A,1(34): 9659-9671. (2016 Impact Factor = 8.867)
This work has been featured as Inside Front Cover Story
[20]Chu L.Y., Li Y., Zhu J.H., Wang H.D., Liang Y.J., 2004.Control of pore size and permeability of a glucose-responsive gating membrane for insulin delivery. Journal of Controlled Release,97(1): 43-53. (2016 Impact Factor = 7.786)

1)Liang-Yin Chu, Wei Wang. Microfluidics for Advanced Functional Polymeric Materials(ISBN: 978-3-527-34182-5 (Print); 978-3-527-80366-8 (ePDF); 978-3-527-80365-1 (ePub); 978-3-527-80364-4 (Mobi); 978-3-527-80363-7 (oBook)). Publisher:Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Boschstr. 12, 69469, Weinheim, Germany, 2017.
2)Liang-YinChu, Rui Xie, Xiao-Jie Ju, Wei Wang. Smart Hydrogel Functional Materials (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-39538-3; ISBN: 978-3-642-39537-6 (Print); 978-3-642-39538-3 (Online)). Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; Copyright Holder: Chemical Industry Press, Beijing and Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
3)Liang-Yin Chu. Smart Membrane Materials and Systems - From Flat Membranes to Microcapsule Membranes(DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-18114-6; ISBN: 978-3-642-18113-9 (Print); 978-3-642-18114-6 (Online)). Publisher:Springer Berlin Heidelberg; Copyright Holder:Zhejiang University Press, Hangzhou and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
4)褚良銀,陳文梅著, 《旋轉流分離理論》,北京:冶金工業出版社,2002.
5)褚良銀, 陳文梅主編, 《水力旋流器》, 北京:化學工業出版社,1998.
1. 劉壯,奚月恆,胡嘉麒,褚良銀,謝銳,巨曉潔,汪偉. “層間距可控的穩定氧化石墨烯膜及其製備方法”. 中國發明專利ZL201510578482.3, 專利申請日2015.9.11, 授權時間2017.12.19.
2. 林碩,褚良銀,汪偉,謝銳,巨曉潔,劉壯. “一種Pb微流控檢測晶片及水樣中Pb的可視化檢測方法”. 中國發明專利ZL201610424594.8, 專利申請日2016.06.14, 授權時間2017.12.15.
3. 巨曉潔, 王小雪, 褚良銀, 謝銳, 汪偉, 劉壯. “具有血紅細胞形狀和大小的殼聚糖微顆粒及其製備方法”. 中國發明專利ZL201510478719.0, 專利申請日2015.8.7, 授權時間2017.12.15.
4. 林碩,褚良銀,汪偉,謝銳,巨曉潔,劉壯,余海溶,張川. “基於智慧型凝膠的Pb微流控檢測晶片及水樣中Pb的檢測方法”. 中國發明專利ZL201610011704.8, 專利申請日2016.1.8,授權時間2017.10.3.
5. 巨曉潔, 王小雪, 褚良銀, 謝銳, 汪偉, 劉壯. “一種酸溶解性殼聚糖微球及其製備方法”. 中國發明專利ZL201510142199.6, 專利申請日2015.3.27, 授權時間2017.7.14.
6. 張茂潔, 褚良銀, 汪偉, 謝銳, 巨曉潔, 劉壯, 楊秀蘭, 馬冰. “具有微米/納米分級式孔的微顆粒及其製備方法”. 中國發明專利ZL201510140330.5, 專利申請日2015.3.27, 授權時間2017.1.25.
7. 溫國清, 謝銳, 褚良銀, 汪偉, 巨曉潔, 劉壯, 李明, 何曉恆. “具有隔離腔室的相變儲能纖維及其製備方法”. 中國發明專利ZL201510015017.9, 專利申請日2015.1.13, 授權時間2016.11.30.
8. 駱楓, 褚良銀, 謝銳, 劉壯, 巨曉潔, 汪偉. “聚醚碸溫度刺激回響膜及其製備方法”. 中國發明專利ZL201410532365.9, 專利申請日2014.10.11, 授權時間2016.8.24.
9. Jérôme Bibette, Liang-Yin Chu, Enric Santanach Carreras, Audrey Royere. “Procede de fabrication d’une serie de capsules, et serie de capsules associee”. 歐洲發明專利EP2,370,066, 專利申請日2009.12.1,授權時間2016.3.30.
10. Jérôme Bibette, Liang-Yin Chu, Enric Santanach Carreras, Audrey Royere, Nicolas Bremond.“Method for Manufacturing Capsule Series, and Related Capsule Series”. 美國發明專利US9,277,759, 專利申請日2009.12.1,授權時間2016.3.8.
11. 牟川淋, 褚良銀, 汪偉, 巨曉潔, 謝銳. “一種單分散囊包囊結構的複合微囊的製備方法”. 中國發明專利ZL201410209858.9, 專利申請日2014.5.19, 授權時間2016.1.20.
12. Jeremy J. Agresti, Liang-Yin Chu, David A. Weitz, Jin-Woong Kim, Amy Rowat, Morten Sommer, Gautam Dantas, George Church. “Assay and Other Reactions Involving Droplets”. 美國發明專利US9,068,210, 專利申請日2014.2.4,授權時間2015.6.30.
13. Jeremy J. Agresti, Liang-Yin Chu, David A. Weitz, Jin-Woong Kim, Amy Rowat, Morten Sommer, Gautam Dantas, George Church. “Assays and Other Reactions Involving Droplets”. 美國發明專利US9,029,085, 專利申請日2008.3.7,授權時間2015.5.12.
14. Jeremy J. Agresti, Liang-Yin Chu, David A. Weitz, Jin-Woong Kim, Amy Rowat, Morten Sommer, Gautam Dantas, George Church. “Assays and Other Reactions Involving Droplets”. 美國發明專利US9,017,948, 專利申請日2014.2.4,授權時間2015.4.28.
15. 張磊, 褚良銀, 汪偉, 謝銳, 巨曉潔, 劉壯. “以感光乾膜為抗腐蝕掩膜製作玻璃微流體裝置的方法”. 中國發明專利 ZL201410416124.8, 專利申請日2014.8.21, 授權時間2015.10.7.
16. 梅麗, 褚良銀, 何帆, 謝銳, 巨曉潔, 汪偉. “一種口服pH回響性腸靶向載體及其製備方法與套用”. 中國發明專利 ZL201310024931.0, 專利申請日2013.1.23, 授權時間2015.2.18.
17. 鄧楠楠, 褚良銀, 汪偉, 巨曉潔, 謝銳, 孫少興. “一種微手術刀觸發液滴融合的方法”. 中國發明專利 ZL201310169404.9, 專利申請日2013.5.9, 授權時間2015.1.7.
18. 鄧楠楠, 褚良銀, 汪偉, 巨曉潔, 謝銳, D·A·威茨 (Nan-Nan Deng, Liang-Yin Chu, Wei Wang, Xiao-Jie Ju, Rui Xie, David A. Weitz). “一種液體浸潤引發液滴融合的方法 (A method of wetting-induced droplet coalescence)”. 中國發明專利 ZL201310169391.5, 專利申請日2013.5.9,授權時間2014.8.13.
19. 鄧楠楠, 褚良銀, 汪偉, 巨曉潔, 謝銳, D·A·威茨 (Nan-Nan Deng, Liang-Yin Chu, Wei Wang, Xiao-Jie Ju, Rui Xie, David A. Weitz). “一種單分散多組分多重乳液的製備方法 (An approach for preparation of monodisperse multiple emulsions with multiple components)”. 中國發明專利ZL201310169399.1, 專利申請日2013.5.9, 授權時間2014.8.13.
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28. Liang-Yin Chu, Ho Cheung Shum, Alberto Fernandez-Nieves, Andrew S. Utada, Enric Santanach Carreras, David A. Weitz. “Emulsions and Techniques for Formation”. 美國發明專利US7,776,927, 專利申請日2008.3.28,授權時間2010.8.17.
29. 米鵬, 褚良銀. “離子識別型智慧型高分子材料及其製備方法與用途”. 中國發明專利ZL200710048725.8, 專利申請日2007.3.26,授權時間2009.12.9.
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36. 周先桃, 雷明光, 吳世見, 陳文梅, 褚良銀.“超高效可調水力旋流器”. 中國實用新型專利ZL02221295.7, 專利申請日2002.1.16,授權時間2002.12.18.
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