
袁鵬,1975年生。1996年和1999年在合肥工業大學資源與環境科學系獲地質學學士和礦物學碩士學位。1999年至2001年在中科院廣州地球化學研究所攻讀博士,2002年3月獲中科院研究生院礦物學博士學位。2006年受國家留學基金委資助在悉尼大學理學院做訪問學者。現為廣州地球化學研究所研究員、博士生導師、中科院礦物學與成礦學重點實驗室副主任。曾獲廣東省科學技術一等獎(2007年,第二完成人)、第十一屆中國礦物岩石地球化學學會“侯德封獎”(2006年)和中國科學院首屆“盧嘉錫青年人才獎”(2008年)等獎勵。目前擔任國際粘土礦物學領域主流刊物Applied Clay Science編委、中國礦物岩石地球化學學會礦物岩石材料專業委員會委員、環境礦物學專業委員會委員等社會職務。以第一/通訊作者身份在國際SCI刊物上發表論文逾30篇。










1. Yuan, P.; Liu, H. M.; Liu, D.; Tan D. Y.; Yan, W. C.; He, H.P., Role of the interlayer space of montmorillonite in hydrocarbon generation: an experimental study based on high temperature-pressure pyrolysis, Appl. Clay Sci.

2. Yuan, P.; Liu, D.; Tan, D.-Y.; Liu, K.-K.; Yu, H.-G.; Zhong, Y.-H.; Yuan, A.-H.; Yu, W.-B.; He, H.-P., Surface silylation of mesoporous/macroporous diatomite (diatomaceous earth) and its function in Cu(II) adsorption: The effects of heating pretreatment. Micropor. Mesopor. Mat

3. Yuan, P.; Tan, D.; Annabi-Bergaya, F.; Yan, W.; Fan, M.; Liu, D.; He, H., changes in structure, morphology, porosity, and surface activity of mesoporous halloysite nanotubes under heating. Clay Clay Miner

4. Yuan, P.; Southon, P. D.; Liu, Z. W.; Kepert, C. J., Organosilane functionalization of halloysite nanotubes for enhanced loading and controlled release. Nanotechnology

5. Liu, D.; Yuan, P. (Corresponding author); Tan, D. Y.; Liu, H. M.; Wang, T.; Fan, M. D.; Zhu, J. X.; He, H. P., Facile preparation of hierarchically porous carbon using diatomite as both template and catalyst and methylene blue adsorption of carbon products. J. Colloid Interf. Sci

6. Yang, S.Q; Yuan, P. (Corresponding author); He,H.P.; Qin, Z.H.;Zhou,Q.; Zhu,J.X.; Effect of reaction temperature on grafting of gamma-aminopropyl triethoxysilane (APTES) onto kaolinite. Appl. Clay Sci.

7. Liu, D.; Yuan, P. (Corresponding author); Liu, H. M.; Cai, J. G.; Qin, Z. H.; Tan, D. Y.; Zhou, Q.; He, H. P.; Zhu, J. X., Influence of heating on the solid acidity of montmorillonite: A combined study by DRIFT and Hammett indicators. Appl. Clay Sci

8. Fan, M. D.; Yuan, P. (Corresponding author); Bergaya, F.; He, H. P.; Chen, T. H.; Zhu, J. X.; Liu, D., A critical textural evolution study of zerovalent iron/montmorillonite nanosized heterostructures under various iron loadings. Clay Clay Min

9. Yuan, P.; Liu, D.; Fan, M. D.; Yang, D.; Zhu, R. L.; Ge, F.; Zhu, J. X.; He, H. P., Removal of hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions by the diatomite-supported/unsupported magnetite nanoparticles. J. Hazard. Mater

10. Qin, Z. H.; Yuan, P. (Corresponding author); Zhu, J. X.; He, H. P.; Liu, D.; Yang, S. Q., Influences of thermal pretreatment temperature and solvent on the organosilane modification of Al13-intercalated/Al-pillared montmorillonite. Appl. Clay Sci.

11. Liu, D.; Yuan, P. (Corresponding author); Tan, D. Y.; Liu, H. M.; Fan, M. D.; Yuan, A. H.; Zhu, J. X.; He, H. P., Effects of inherent/enhanced solid acidity and morphology of diatomite templates on the synthesis and porosity of hierarchically porous carbon. Langmuir

12. Yuan, P.; Fan, M. D.; Yang, D.; He, H. P.; Liu, D.; Yuan, A. H.; Zhua, J. X.; Chen, T. H., Montmorillonite-supported magnetite nanoparticles for the removal of hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions. J. Hazard. Mater

13. Yuan, P.; Southon, P. D.; Liu, Z. W.; Green, M. E. R.; Hook, J. M.; Antill, S. J.; Kepert, C. J., Functionalization of halloysite clay nanotubes by grafting with gamma-aminopropyltriethoxysilane. J. Phys. Chem. C.

14. Yuan, P.; Annabi-Bergaya, F.; Tao, Q.; Fan, M. D.; Liu, Z. W.; Zhu, J. X.; He, H. P.; Chen, T. H., A combined study by XRD, MR, TG and HRTEM on the structure of delaminated Fe-intercalated/pillared clay. J. Colloid Interface Sci

15. Yuan, P; Yin, X. L.; He, H. P.; Yang, D.; Wang, L. J.; Zhu, J. X., Investigation, on the delaminated-pillared structure of TiO2-PILC synthesized by TiC14 hydrolysis method. Micropo Mesopo Mat

16. Yuan, P; He, H. P.; Bergaya, F.; Wu, D. Q.; Zhou, Q.; Zhu, J. X., Synthesis and characterization of delaminated iron-pillared clay with meso-microporous structure. Micropor Mesopor Mat

17. Yuan, P; Yang, D.; Lin, Z. Y.; He, H. P.; Wen, X. Y.; Wang, L. J.; Deng, F., Influences of pretreatment temperature on the surface silylation of diatomaceous amorphous silica with trimethylchlorosilane. J. Non-Cryst. Solids

18. Yuan, P; Wu, D. Q.; He, H. P.; Lin, Z. Y., The hydroxyl species and acid sites on diatomite surface: a combined IR and Raman study. Appl. Surf. Sci.

19. Yuan, P; He, H. P.; Wu, D. Q.; Wang, D. Q.; Chen, L. J., Characterization of diatomaceous silica by Raman spectroscopy. Spectroc. Acta Pt. A-Molec. Biomolec. Spectr

20. Yuan, P; Wu, D. Q.; Chen, Z.; Chen, Z. W.; Lin, Z. Y.; Diao, G. Y.; Peng, J. L., H-1 MAS NMR spectra of hydroxyl species on diatomite surface. Chin. Sci. Bull.


· 國家自然科學基金項目:“蒙脫石-伊利石”轉化過程中礦物的固體酸性和微結構變化及其對催化生烴的影響與機理研究。

· 國家自然科學基金項目:結構和表面基團對管狀埃洛石負載活性的制約及選擇性調控。

· 中科院知識創新工程方向性項目:納米級管狀埃洛石負載、緩釋活性的制約因素及其調控。

· 國家自然科學基金項目:孔結構及矽烷化改性對硅藻土重金屬離子吸附性的影響及機理。

· 國家科技重大專項子課題:粘土礦物物化性能及其吸附/解吸機理研究。


