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2011.03-: 中國科學院生態環境研究中心,副研究員






1. Wei Wei, Chen Liding, Zhang Handan,Chen Jin, 2015. Effect of rainfall variation and landscape change on runoff and sediment yield from a loess hilly catchment in China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 73:1005–1016.

2. Wei Wei, Jia Fuyan, Yang Lei, Chen Liding, Zhang Handan, Yu Yang, 2014. Effects of surficial condition and rainfall intensity on runoff in a loess hilly area, China. Journal of Hydrology, 513, 115-126.

3. Wei Wei, Chen Liding, Zhang Handan, Yang Lei, Yu Yang, Chen Jin, 2014, Effects of crop rotation and rainfall on water erosion on a gentle slope in the hilly loess area, China. Catena, 123, 205-214.

4. Wei Wei, Chen Liding, Yang Lei,Fred Samadani, Sun Ge, 2012. Microtopography recreation benefits ecosystem restoration. Environmental Science and Technology, 46: 10875−10876.

5. Wei Wei, Chen Liding, Yang Lei, Fu Bojie, Sun Ranhao, 2012. Spatial scale effects of water erosion dynamics: Complexities, variabilities, and uncertainties. Chinese Geographical Science, 22(2): 127-143.

6. Wei Wei, Chen Liding, Fu Bojie, Chen Jin, 2010. Water erosion response to rainfall and land use in different drought-level years in a loess hilly area of China. Catena 81: 24-31.

7. Wei Wei, Chen Liding, Fu Bojie, Lu Yihe, Gong Jie, 2009. Responses of water erosion to rainfall extremes and vegetation types in a loess semiarid hilly area, NW China. Hydrological Processes 23: 1780-1791.

8. Wei Wei, Chen Liding, Fu Bojie, 2009. Effects of rainfall change on water erosion processes in terrestrial ecosystems: a review. Progress in Physical Geography 33 (3): 307-318.

9. Wei Wei, Chen Liding, Fu Bojie, Huang Zhilin, Wu Dongping, Gui Lida, 2007. The effect of land uses and rainfall regimes on runoff and soil erosion in the semi-arid loess hilly area, China. Journal of Hydrology 335: 247-258.

10. Yang Lei, Chen Liding, Wei Wei*, Yu Yang, Zhang Handan, 2014. Comparison of deep soil moisture in two re-vegetation watersheds in semi-arid regions. Journal of Hydrology, 513, 314-321.

11. Yang Lei, Wei Wei,Chen Liding, Wenlin Chen, Wang Jinglan, 2014. Response of temporal variation of soil moisture to vegetation restoration in semi-arid Loess Plateau, China. Catena 115: 123–133.

12. Yang Lei, Wei Wei*,Chen Liding, Jia Fuyan, Mo Baoru, 2012. Spatial variations of shallow and deep soil moisture in the semiarid Loess Plateau, China.Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16: 3199-3217.

13. Yang Lei, Wei Wei*, Chen Liding, Mo Baoru, 2012. Response of deep soil moisture to land use and afforestation in the semi-arid Loess Plateau,China. Journal of Hydrology 475:111-122.

14. Yu Yang, Wei Wei*,Chen Liding, Jia Fuyan,Yang Lei,Zhang Handan,Feng Tianjiao, 2015. Responses of vertical soil moisture to rainfall pulses and land uses in a typical loess hilly area, China. Solid Earth, 6: 595-608.

15. Yao Lei, Chen Liding, Wei Wei*, 2015. Potential reduction in urban runoff by green spaces in Beijing: a scenario analysis. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 14: 300-308.

16. Chen Liding, Wei Wei, Fu Bojie, Lü Yihe, 2007. Soil and water conservation on the Loess Plateau in China: Review and Prospective. Progress in Physical Geography 31 (4): 389-403.

17. Chen Liding, Yang Lei,Wei Wei, et al., 2012. Towards Sustainable Integrated Watershed Ecosystem Management: A Case Study in Dingxi on the Loess Plateau, China. Environmental Management,51(1):126-37.

18. Chen Liding, Wang Jiping, Wei Wei, Fu Bojie, Wu Dongping, 2009. Effects of landscape restoration on soil water storage and water use in the Loess Plateau Region, China. Forest Ecology and Management 259(7): 1291-1298.

19. Lü Yihe, Fu Bojie, Wei Wei, Yu Xiubo, Sun Ranhao, 2011. Major ecosystems in China. Dynamics and challenges for sustainable development. Environmental Management 48:13-27.

20. Gong Jie, Chen Ling Ding, Fu Bojie, Wei Wei, 2007.Integrated effects of slope aspect and land use on soil nutrients in a small catchment in hilly loess area, China.International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 14: 1-10.

21. Lü Yihe, Fu Bojie, Chen Liding, Liu Guohua, Wei Wei, 2007. Nutrient transport associated with water erosion: progress and prospect. Progress in Physical Geography 31(6): 607-620.

22. 于洋,衛偉*,陳利頂,楊磊,張涵丹,2015. 黃土高原年均降水量空間插值及其方法比較. 套用生態學報,26:999-1006.

23. 張涵丹,衛偉*,薛箑,2015. 基於RS分析和Mann-Kendall檢驗的定西市氣溫降水變化特徵分析. 水土保持研究.

24. 張涵丹,衛偉*,陳利頂,于洋,楊磊,賈福岩,2015. 典型黃土區油松樹幹液流變化特徵分析.環境科學,36(1). 349-355.

25. 姚磊,衛偉 ,于洋,肖峻,陳利頂,2015. 基於GIS和RS技術的北京市功能區產流風險分析.地理學報,70:308-318.

26. 餘韻,衛偉*,吳南生,陳瑾,2014. 黃土丘陵區不同土地利用類型下生物土壤結皮的入滲效應. 環境科學研究,27(4):415-421.

27. 衛偉, 餘韻,賈福岩,楊磊,陳利頂, 2013.微地形改造的生態環境效應研究進展.生態學報,20: 6462-6469.

28. 衛偉,陳利頂,溫智,吳東平,陳瑾,2012.黃土小流域水沙輸移過程對土地利用/覆被變化的回響.生態環境學報,21(8):1398-1402.

29. 衛偉,賈福岩,陳利頂,吳東平,陳瑾,2012. 黃土丘陵區坡面水蝕對降雨和下墊面微觀格局的回響.環境科學,33:142-147.

30. 衛偉,溫智,陳利頂,陳瑾,吳東平,2012.半乾旱黃土丘陵區土壤結皮的地表水文效應.環境科學, 33: 3901-3904.

31. 衛偉,2011.水土資源保持的科學與政策:全球視野及其套用.生態學報,31(15):4485-4488.

32. 衛偉,陳利頂,2011.全球變化下的國際水文學研究進展:進展與啟示.生態學報,31(10),2953-2955.

33. 李海防, 衛偉*, 鄧居禮, 王麗君, 2013. 定西關川河流域1995~2010年降雨特性及其水土流失效應. 水土保持通報.

34. 李海防,衛偉*,陳瑾, 李旭春, 張佰林,2013. 基於“源”“匯”景觀指數的定西關川河流域土壤水蝕研究, 生態學報.

35. 李海防, 衛偉*, 陳瑾, 李旭春, 張佰林, 2013. 定西關川河流域“退耕還林還草”對景觀格局演變的影響,乾旱區研究.

36. 楊磊, 衛偉*, 陳利頂, 賈福岩, 王子婷,2012. 黃土丘陵溝壑區深層土壤水分空間變異及其影響因子研究. 農村與生態環境學報, 28(3).

37. 楊磊,衛偉*,陳利頂;蔡國軍;賈福岩,2011.半乾旱黃土丘陵區人工植被深層土壤乾化效應.地理研究, 31(1): 71-81.

38. 楊磊,衛偉*,莫保儒,陳利頂,2011.半乾旱黃土丘陵區不同人工植被恢復土壤水分的相對虧缺.生態學報,31(11):3060-3068.

39. 王移,衛偉*,楊興中,陳利頂,楊磊,2011.黃土丘陵溝壑區典型植物耐旱生理及抗旱性評價.生態與農村環境學報,27(4):56-61.

40. 王移,衛偉*,楊興中,陳利頂,楊磊,2010。我國土壤動物與土壤環境要素相互關係研究進展. 套用生態學報 21 (9): 2443-2450.

41. 衛偉,陳利頂,傅伯傑,鞏傑,黃志霖,2007. 黃土丘陵區極端降雨事件及其徑流泥沙效應. 乾旱區地理 30(6): 896-901.

42. 衛偉,陳利頂,呂一河,傅伯傑,2007. 黃土丘陵溝壑區前期降雨指數構建及其徑流效應研究. 水土保持研究 14(4):368-371.

43. 衛偉,陳利頂,傅伯傑,鞏傑,2006. 半乾旱黃土丘陵溝壑區降雨特徵值和下墊面因子影響下的水土流失規律. 生態學報 26 (11): 3817-3853.

44. 衛偉,陳利頂,傅伯傑,趙新峰,黃志霖,鞏傑, 2006. 黃土丘陵區不同降雨格局下的水土流失效應. 水土保持通報 6: 19-23.

45. 衛偉,陳利頂,2007. 生態系統評價:問題分析與研究展望. 資源開發與市場 23 (7):627-631.

46. 衛偉,彭鴻,李大寨,2004. 黃土高原丘陵溝壑區生態環境現狀及對策. 西北林學院學報 19 (3): 179-182.

47. 衛偉,陳存根,彭鴻,車鳳英,2003. 旅遊信息管理現狀及其發展趨勢. 資源開發與市場. 19(5):341-352.

48. 王計平,楊磊,衛偉,陳利頂,黃志霖.黃土丘陵溝壑區景觀格局對流域侵蝕產沙過程的影響———斑塊類型水平.生態學報,2011,31 ( 19) :5739-5748.

49. 王計平,楊磊,衛偉,陳利頂,黃志霖.黃土丘陵區景觀格局對水土流失過程的影響———景觀水平與多尺度比較.生態學報,2011,31 ( 19) :5531-5541.

50. 張燕燕,曲來葉,陳利頂,衛偉,2010. 黃土丘陵溝壑區不同植被類型土壤微生物特性. 套用生態學報 21(1):165-173.

51. 薛萐,劉國彬,戴全厚,衛偉,候喜祿,2007. 侵蝕環境生態恢復過程中人工刺槐林土壤微生物量演變特徵. 生態學報 27(3):907-917.

52. 陳利頂,呂一河,傅伯傑,衛偉,2006. 基於模式識別的景觀格局分析與尺度轉換研究架構. 生態學報 26(3):663-670.

53. 鞏傑,陳利頂,傅伯傑,虎陳霞,衛偉,2005. 黃土丘陵區小流域植被恢復的土壤養分效應研究. 水土保持學報 19(1):93-96.

54. 彭鴻,鄧民興,衛偉,等,2004. 生態工程綜合效益測算指標體系和評價方法初探. 水土保持研究11 (2): 12-16.


