


本書是在2003年第一版教材的基礎上修訂而成。新版教材在沿用原有編寫理念的同時在文章選材、板塊設計、練習編排等方面進行了修訂。本書按主題分為8個單元,每單元包括1篇新聞,3篇文章,所選文章漸進地增加閱讀長度和難度,其後附上一定的閱讀理解和辭彙練習,以及適量的寫作練習,適合大中院校中已完成英語初級階段學習的非英語專業學習者使用,所選閱讀文章均來自來原版英文報刊雜誌,題材多樣。此外,為方便使用, 本書附有練習答案。



Unit One Economics
Part A Lead-in
News Reading: World Bank Sees US Recession Risk
Part B Reading
Reading 1 Evaluating Good Corporate Citizenship
Reading 2 "Banker" Who Lends to the Poor Wins Nobel Peace Prize
Reading 3 The Cost of Survival
Part C Unit Assignments
Unit Two Environment
Part A Lead-in
News Reading: President Hu Jintao Commits China to Carbon-cutting Deal
Part B Reading
Reading 1 How Do You Junk Your Computer
Reading 2 EU Governments Start Tough Climate Change Talks
Reading 3 A Tree Grows in Kenya
Part C Unit Assignments
Unit Three Disasters
Part A Lead-in
News Reading: China Mourns Earthquake Victims.
Part B Reading
Reading 1 Different Natural Disasters, Same Risky Human Habits
Reading 2 Midwest Floods Leave Red Cross in the Red
Reading 3 Humans Add to Natural Disaster Risk
Part C Unit Assignments
Unit Four Science and Technology
Part A Lead-in
News Reading: China's First Spacewalk Succeeds
Part B Reading
Reading 1 Is Someone Spying on You?
Reading 2 Science Lessons Should Tackle Creationism and Intelligent Design
Reading 3 Spit Parties: Genetic Testing Becomes a Social Activity...
Part C Unit Assignments
Unit Five Education
Part A Lead-in
News Reading: Facebook "Cheater" Won't Be Expelled from College.
Part B Reading
Reading 1 Good Education Adds Value to Both Colleges and Society
Reading 2 OLPC: Eliminating Poverty Through Education
Reading 3 "Hire" Education: A Vocational Model Succeeds
Part C Unit Assignments
Unit Six Society
Part A Lead-in
News Reading: Woman Causes Storm on Venice's Grand Canal
Part B Reading
Reading 1 Who Owns You?
Reading 2 The Feelgood Factor
Reading 3 Solving Asia's Food Crisis
Part C Unit Assignments
Unit Seven Politics
Part A Lead-in
News Reading: Thai PM Declares State of Emergency in Capital
Part B Reading
Reading 1 Win-win Governance
Reading 2 The New Words of War
Reading 3 Progress Against Corruption
Part C Unit Assignments
Unit Eight Sports
Part A Lead-in
News Reading: Michael Phelps Makes Olympic History on Busy Day in Beijing
Part B Reading
Reading 1 Education the Heart of Olympics Says Rogge
Reading 2 Olympics: No Regrets, No Limits——How Du Toit Lost a Leg But Won Over the World
Reading 3 Grudge Match
Part C Unit Assignments
Key to the Exercises


