


















Chapter One The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland……1
Unit 1 Land and People……2
Unit 2 The Origins of the Nation……12
Unit 3 The Shaping of the Nation……19
Unit 4 Transition to Modern Age ……31
Unit 5 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire……41
Unit 6 Economy……51
Unit 7 Government and Administration……62
Unit 8 Justice and the Law……73
Unit 9 Cultural Affairs……78
Unit 10 Social Life……98
Unit 11 Military Affairs and Foreign Relations……105
Chapter Two The Republic of Ireland1……22
Unit 12 Geography and History……123
Unit 13 Politics, Economy, Demographics and Culture……130
Unit 14 Military Affairs and Foreign Relations……134
Chapter Three The United States of America……138
Unit 15 Geography……139
Unit 16 Population, Race and Ethnic Groups……149
Unit 17 The Making of the Nation (16001900)……156
Unit 18 The Making of the Nation (19001945)……169
Unit 19 The Making of the Nation (PostWWⅡ Era)……182
Unit 20 Economy……195
Unit 21 Political Institutions…… 213
Unit 22 Education and Cultural Affairs……227
Unit 23 Military Affairs and Foreign Relations……246
Chapter Four Canada……264
Unit 24 Geography, History and Economy……265
Unit 25 Government and Politics ……279
Unit 26 Society and Culture ……284
Unit 27 Military Affairs and Foreign Relations……294
Chapter Five Australia……306
Unit 28 Administrative Divisions and Federal Government……307
Unit 29 The Making of the Nation ……320
Unit 30 Economy……327
Unit 31 Education and Culture……335
Unit 32 Military Affairs and Foreign Relations……345
Chapter Six New Zealand……359
Unit 33 Land and People ……360
Unit 34 Military Affairs and Foreign Relations……376
Chapter Seven Republic of India……382
Unit 35 Land and People……383
Unit 36 The Making of the Nation……388
Unit 37 Military Affairs and Foreign Relations……395
Chapter Eight The Republic of South Africa……407
Unit 38 Land and People……408
Unit 39 Military Affairs and Foreign Relations……418"

