
《英文影視賞析》是2004年清華大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是趙英男 。




Unit One Rebecca 1

Part A Movie Appreciation 1

Part B Hitchcock 17

Unit Two Singin' in the Rain 21

Part A Movie Appreciation 21

Part B The History of Movie 39

Unit Three Forrest Gump 47

Part A Movie Appreciation 47

Part B Oscar Awards 68

Unit Four The Legend of 1900 73

Part A Movie Appreciation 73

Part B Walk of Fame 92

Unit Five The Truman Show 97

Part A Movie Appreciation 97

Part B Studios 114

Unit Six Shrek 123

Part A Movie Appreciation 123

Part B Disney 139

Unit Seven A. I.:Artificial Intelligence 143

Part A Movie Appreciation 143

Part B Film Genres 160

Unit Eight The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King 165

??Part A Movie Appreciation 165

??Part B Film Festivals 183

Appendix ⅠExpressions 187

Appendix ⅡKey to Listening Drills 195

Appendix ⅢTranscript of Listening Drills 203


