單根多色防偽纖維又稱多色段防偽纖維、色譜防偽纖維、彩虹防偽纖維、斷點防偽纖維,包含可見單根雙色纖維、單根雙色防偽纖維、單根三色防偽纖維、單根雙色螢光防偽纖維、單根三色螢光防偽纖維。該纖維是由多種顏色組合的,在同一根纖維上有“紅-藍-綠、螢光紅-螢光藍-螢光綠”等多種顏色色段按規律排列,每種顏色可以是肉眼可見色,也可以是紫外螢光激發顏色等。該纖維用來製作防偽紙張,可以有效防止造假者用印刷細線的方式仿冒普通有色纖維和單根單色螢光纖維的視覺效果。由於印刷套色很難準確到微米級別,因此無法用印刷細線的方式模仿添加了該種纖維的防偽紙張。消費者可以用以下兩種方法辨別:a、撕開紙張或用針挑出纖維直接觀察,每一根纖維上都有多種顏色。b、兩種色段交接處不會產生錯位,若有錯位,可判定為印刷仿冒。Multi-color fiber: The fibers are usually used to be mixed in the paper pulp to make the security paper. There are more than one color (or UV excitationcolor) on a single fiber. The colorsand the rank of them constitute a specific character of the fiber which is designed by the customer’s order. Some counterfeiters print many short lines on the paper to counterfeit the single color fiber, but it is easy to differentiate the multi-color security fiber in the paper and the short line printed on the paper by means of the following methods: a. To tear the paper or to extract the fiber from the paper by using the needle, there are two(or more) colors on a fiber. b. To observe the junction of thetwo adjacent colors in the short line(or on the fiber) on the paper, there is no malposition or breakpoint on the fiber, but the printed short lines are different, because the print technology level is not enough to make so high accuracy prints.