【注音】lín wēi bú jù

孔子周遊列國路過匡地,因他的相貌長得與當年侵犯過這裡的陽虎相像,加上他的學生嚴回講說當年跟著陽虎來此的情形,激怒了匡人,於是便被匡人重重包圍,不得脫身。孔子的另一個學生子路,起初被衝散了。他擔心老夫子受不起驚嚇,急忙沖入包圍。不料孔子竟談笑風生,而且還彈著琴,神情並不沮喪。子路問:“老師,你怎么還有這樣的興致啊?” 孔子答道:“我跟你說,在水中來去,不怕蛟龍的,是漁夫之勇;在野外來去,不怕虎豹的,是獵人之勇;面對著雪亮的刀槍,不怕死活向前沖的,是戰士之勇;掌握自己命運,認識當前局勢,臨大難而不懼者,聖人之勇也!”
1.在重慶紅岩的日日夜夜,戰士們英勇鬥爭,臨危不懼。郭小川 《痛悼敬愛的周總理》
face danger fearlessly;be brave in a dangerous situation;be brave in the face of danger;be fearless in the face of danger
1. The commander bade his men be undaunted in the face of perils. 指揮員命令他的戰士要臨危不懼。
2. The soldier's courage was partly caused by his ability to keep cool in the face of danger. 臨危不懼也是這個軍人勇敢的一個原因。
I fear nothing in the face of adversity, because there's no adversity in my dictionary, and what is more, I don't have a dictionary.
An popular argument is that teaching children a little courage and panic, perseverance, upstream.
We remember the images of fire, the final calls of love, the courage of rescuers who saw deathdid not flee.
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During the difficult days of our anti-sars campaign, leading cadres at all levels took to the frontlines, the people throughoutthe country united as one, all sectors of society pulled together, large numbers of medical workers faced danger fearlessly,and the chinese nation withstood a severe test.
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We must do the difficult work today, so that years from now people will look back and say that this generation rose to themoment, prevailed in a tough fight, and left behind a more hopeful region and a safer america.