
肖鴻 性別: 男 出生年月: 1981-08-20 學位: 博士 四川大學水利水電學院副教授。第35屆國際水力學大會組織委員會委員 國際水利與環境工程學會IAHR會員 四川省水力發電學會會員 在山區水庫滑坡涌浪、潰壩潰口演化、水中自由運動物體數值模擬等方面進行了系統的研究。發表水力學及相關學科學術論文20餘篇,其中SCI收錄11篇,EI收錄15篇。在能模擬帶自由面紊流與結構相互作用的二維及三維數學模型的開發方面進行了大量的研究工作。在研課題 5項,主持及參與的相關項目,已結題項目6項,代表性論著,期刊論文11篇,會議論文6篇。 肖鴻 性別: 男 出生年月: 1981-08-20 學位: 博士 四川大學水利水電學院副教授 招生方向: [1]計算水力學及非恆定流 [2]海岸及近海工程



2006.9-2009.9 美國佛羅里達州立大學 土木工程 博士

2003.9-2006.7 天津大學 流體力學 碩士

1999.9-2003.7 天津大學 工程力學 學士


2010.7-至今 四川大學水力學與山區河流開發保護國家重點實驗室 人才引進特聘副教授

2006.9-2009.9美國佛羅里達州立大學 part-time research assistant/teach assistant



1) 滑坡涌浪壩前涌浪特徵動態識別

2) 滑坡涌浪翻壩過程特徵

3) 滑坡涌浪翻壩流量與壩後坡面切應力特性


1) 水中運動物體的運動軌跡以及周邊流場特性

2) 數值模擬結構物上的水動力學載荷


1) 模擬普通河道、河網的水流運動及水質情況

2) 模擬河口、海灣流場的潮流運動、水交換以及水質情況




[1] 第一主研參與973課題《梯級水庫群風險孕育機制與動態風險評價》(2013CB036401),2013-2017,XXX萬元

[2] 主持國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目《山區水庫滑坡涌浪翻壩機制研究》(51309171),2014-2017,XX萬

[3] 主持四川大學優優秀青年學者科研基金,2013-2015,XX萬

[4] 主持教育部博士點基金新教師基金《極端海況下破碎波浪的載荷特性與數值模擬研究》(20120181120123),2013-2015,X萬元

[5] 主持教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金《作用在跨海大橋橋面極限波浪載荷的三維數值模擬與實驗驗證》,2013-2014,X萬元

[6] 主持四川大學引進人才科研啟動經費資助項目《水工結構物在極端自然災害條件下所受動水壓力的數值模擬》,2011-2013,XX萬元



[1] Xiao, H., Huang, W., 2014. Three-dimensional numerical modeling of solitary wave breaking and forces on cylinder pile located at different elevations in the coastal surf zone. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE.

[2] Xiao, H., Huang, W., Johnson, E., and Lou, S., 2014. Effects of sea level rise on salinity intrusion in St. Mark River estuary. Journal of Coastal Research.

[3] Xiao, H., Huang, W., Tao, J., and Liu, C., 2013. Numerical modeling of wave-current forces acting on horizontal cylinder of marine structures by VOF method. Ocean Engineering, 67, 58-67(SCI&EI, IF=1.06, D級)

[4] Xiao, H., Zhang, H., 2012. Numerical investigation of the fall rate of a sea-monitoring probe. Ocean Engineering, 56, 20-27.(SCI&EI, IF=1.06, D級)

[5] Xiao, H., Huang, W., and Chen, Q., 2010. Effects of submersion depth on wave uplift force acting on Biloxi Bay Bridge decks during Hurricane Katrina. Computers & Fluids, 39(8), Pages 1390-1400.(SCI&EI, IF=1.86, D級)

[6] Huang, W., Xiao, H., 2009. Numerical modeling of dynamic wave force acting on Escambia bay bridge deck during Hurricane Ivan. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 135(4), Pages 164-175.(SCI&EI, IF=1.25, D級)

[7] Xiao, H., Huang, W., and Tao, J., 2009. Numerical modeling of wave overtopping a levee during Hurricane Katrina. Computers & Fluids, 38(5), Pages 991-996.(SCI&EI, IF=1.86, D級)

[8] Huang. W., Yang, Q., and Xiao, H., 2009. CFD modeling of scale effects on turbulence flow and scour around bridge piers. Computers & Fluids, 38(5), 1050-1058.(SCI&EI, IF=1.83, D級)

[9] Xiao, H., Huang, W., 2008. Numerical modeling of wave runup and forces on an idealized beachfront house. Ocean Engineering, 35(1), 106–116. (SCI&EI, IF=1.06, D級)

[10] Xiao, H., Liu, C., and Tao, J., 2006. Numerical simulation and experiments of a probe descending in the sea. Ocean Engineering, 33(10), 1343-1353.(SCI&EI, IF=1.06, D級)

[11] Yuan, D., Lin, B., and Xiao, H., 2004. Parabolic wave propagation modeling in orthogonal coordinate systems. China Ocean Engineering, 18(3), 445-456. (SCI&EI, IF=0.42, D級)


[1] Xiao, H., Huang, W., 2010. Effects of turbulence models on numerical simulations of wave breaking and run-up on a mild slope beach. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics, October, Shanghai, China.(EI)

[2] Xiao, H., Huang, W., 2010. VOF method in modeling dynamic wave forces on bridge decks during hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, September, Tianjin, China.

[3] Xiao, H.,Huang, W., and Chen, Q., 2008. Wave forces on submerged, alternately submerged, and emerged bridge decks during Hurricane Ivan. Proceedings of the First American Academy of Mechanics Conference, June 17-20, 2008, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

[4] Xiao, H.,Huang, W., 2008. Numerical modeling of interactions of solitary wave and current in the vicinity of horizontal cylinder. Proceedings of the Inaugural International Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute (EM08), May 18-21, 2008, Department of Civil Engineering University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

[5] Huang, W., Xiao, H., 2008. Numerical modeling investigation of the damage of Escambia Bay bridge deck by wave force during Hurricane Ivan. Proceedings of the 7th Asia-Pacific Transportation Development Conference, May 25-28, 2008, Nanjing, China.

[6] Xiao, H., Huang, W., and Tao, J., 2007. Numerical modeling of levee overtopping during Hurricane Katrina. Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization (FLUCOME), September 16-19, 2007, Tallahassee, Florida, USA. (EI)

[7] Tao, J., Liu, C., and Xiao, H., 2007. Numerical modeling of interacting among coastal pipelines, solitary wave and uniform current. Proceedings of the Ninth InternationalSymposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization (FLUCOME), September 16-19, 2007, Tallahassee, Florida, USA

[8] Huang, W., Yang, Q., and Xiao, H., 2007. Investigating scale effects on turbulence flow around bridge pier by 3D CFD modeling. Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization (FLUCOME), September 16-19, 2007, Tallahassee, Florida, USA. (EI)



[1]第一主研參與St. Marks River water quality modeling,美國佛羅里達州立大學,2008-2009

[2]主研參與Florida bridge safety under extreme flood effects,美國佛羅里達州立大學(FHWA資助項目),2005-2007












國際學術期刊Ocean Engineering(海洋工程期刊)評審人

國際學術期刊Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE(美國土木工程師協會工程力學期刊)評審人

國際學術期刊International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow(國際熱學與流體流數值方法雜誌)評審人

ournal of Coastal Research 評審人


