
dersson train eration


譯 名 聖殿騎士:路盡頭的國度/聖殿騎士2
片 名
年 代
國 家 英國/德國/丹麥/瑞典/芬蘭/挪威
類 別
語 言
字 幕 英文
IMDB評分 6.3/10 (1,969 votes)
片 長
導 演 彼得·弗里奇 Peter Flinth
主 演 斯特蘭·斯卡斯加德 Stellan Skarsgård ....Birger Brosa
畢比·安德森 Bibi Andersson ....Mother Rikkissa
麥可·恩奎斯特 Michael Nyqvist ....Magnus Folkesson, Arns father
Joakim Nätterqvist ....Arn Magnusson
古斯塔·斯柯施卡 Gustaf Skarsgård ....King Knut Eriksson - Arns Childhood Friend
Bill Skarsgård ....Erik Knutsson
Valter Skarsgård ....Jon Knutsson
索菲亞·海林 Sofia Helin ....Cecilia Algotsdotter
Nicholas Boulton ....Gerard De Ridefort
Milind Soman ....SaladinLina Englund ....Katarina Algotsdotter
Tomas Bolme ....Domprosten
Jakob Cedergren ....Ebbe Sunesson
Fanny Risberg ....Cecilia Blanka, Queen and Cecilias dear friend
Martin Wallström ....Magnus Månsköld
Mirja Turestedt ....Sigrid Magnusson, Arns mother
Morgan Alling ....Eskil Magnusson, Arns brother
Elise Pärnenen ....Alde (as Elise Pärnänen)
安妮卡·哈林 Annika Hallin ....Leone
Göran Ragnerstam ....Bishop Erland
Chems-Eddine Zinoune ....Saladins Tjänare (as Zinoun Chams-Eddine)
Anders Baasmo Kristiansen ....Harald
Driss Roukhe ....Fakhir
喬爾·金納曼 Joel Kinnaman ....Sverker Karlsson
Joy Andersson ....Canoness
Nijas Ørnbak-Fjeldmose ....Sune Folkesson


Cecilia is finally allowed to leave the monastery where she has done penance for twenty years, meeting her son Magnus for the first time. She soon hears of the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Templars and believing Arn dead decides to join the monastery for good, being offered the post of abbess by the Folkunge clan. Arn meets her as she is just about to enter the monastery, and they marry, building an estate, Forsvik. After a little time they have a daughter together and Forsvik grows rapidly. Arn starts training several young men and boys to become knights (or at least a competent cavalry force) at Forsvik.
Six years later, King Sverker II attempts to kill the sons of the late King Knut. Commanding his force of cavalry, Arn defeats the king's soldiers at the Battle of Älgarås. Arn takes a fatal wound while pushing forward to attack King Sverker and dies upon his return to Forsvik.
The film concludes by hinting at the completion of the consolidation of Sweden into a single kingdom a generation later through the deeds of Birger jarl, identified as Arn's grandson.


