



Part 1 Parents’Love舐犢情深Father's Gift父親的禮物/2The most Beautiful Voice世間最美的聲音/5It Only Takes a Second只需一秒鐘/8Do It Today現在就做/11Learning to Accept學會接受/15About Family家庭公式/17Encounter in the Lake湖中遇險/21You Can Do Anything你能行/24Father's Garden父愛花園/27A Letter from a Father一封來自父親的信/31Christmas at Grandma’s祖母家的聖誕節/35Mother's Hands媽媽的手/39A Little Swan小天鵝/43I Love You,Son兒子,我愛你/46Angel Among Us人間天使/48Father Is God掌管世界的父親/52All You Remember你所記得的一切/56Part 2 Cherished Friendship桃花潭水The Friend Who Followed如影隨形/62A Friend in Need患難見真情/65Is It Worth是否值得/69The Friendship of Color顏色的友誼/71Friends Who Illuminate Me點亮友誼/75Hospital Window希望之窗/78Dreamer追夢人/82Puppies for Sale小狗待售/85At Least You Had a Day至少還活著/88The Sweet Memories美好記憶/91I Need Your Blessing我需要你的祝福/95Try to Heal the Broken Friendships修復友誼/99Catherine’s Touch天使的愛撫/103A Friend’s Note朋友的忠告/107New Start重獲新生/111Two Friends and Their prayers兩個朋友和他們的祈禱/115In Giving I Connect witF0t矗ers給予,讓你我相連/118Twins孿生情意/122Part 3 Falling in Love美麗邂逅How Much I Love You我有多愛你/126Love Is Just a Thread絲線愛情/129Written in the Star命中注定/133Cherish Evenything珍視一切/137Hawaii夏威夷/139Love and Time愛和時間/143Salty Coffee鹹咖啡/146Reasons for Loving You愛你的理由/150Words from the Heart愛在心底/154Back to Basics保鮮愛情/158The Rose from Heaven天堂玫瑰/162The Wedding Dress結婚禮服/165A Special Wedding Day特殊婚禮日/170ABC’s of Courage從頭開始的勇氣/174Real Ways to Say You Chre-切出於愛/178Blue藍/182Love Is a Telephone愛情是一部電話/186Part 4 An Act ofKindness愛的接力Cookies愛心點心/190A Pair of Baseball Gloves一副棒球手套/193Christmas Present聖誕禮物/196The Greatest Reward a Teacher Could ever Get最好的回報/199Easter in Jackson傑克遜的復活節/203The Circle of Love愛的輪迴/207So Much Changed一切都變了/21lLove Is Inside愛真的存在/213Make a Difference一切都不同了/216Show Someone You Care關懷的心/219A Beautiful Heart美麗心靈/223No Greater Gift than Selfless Love真愛無敵/227Leaving Great Legacies愛心傳遞/232The Snowman雪人/235A Letter from Heaven天堂來信/239Never too Late to Right It亡羊補牢/242Run out of the Rainy Season of Your Life跑出人生的雨季/246

