1994.09~1998.06本科, 蘇州大學, 物理教育.
1998.09~2003.07碩博連讀, 蘇州大學, 凝聚態物理, 導師: 朱士群教授.
2014.12~2015.12江蘇省高校優秀中青年教師境外研修, 美國馬里蘭大學(University of Maryland), 物理科學與技術學院, 導師: Rajarshi Roy教授.
獲得“國家自然科學基金青年基金” 一項,項目名稱:含有噪聲和延遲的免疫系統動力學行為研究;
參與“國家自然科學基金青年基金” 一項,項目名稱:時延耦合神經元網路共振現象的研究;項目編號:11005077;研究期限:2011.01-2013.12
1. 蔣莉莉,羅曉琴,吳丹,朱士群,“Stochastic properties of tumor growth with coupling between non-Gaussian and Gaussian noise terms”, Chin. Phys. B, Vol.21, No. 9, 090503(2012).
2. 蔣莉莉,羅曉琴,吳丹,朱士群,“Stochastic properties of tumor growth driven by white L’evy noise”, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 26, No. 23, 1250149(2012).
3. 羅曉琴,吳丹,朱士群,“Stochastic resonance in a time-delayed bistable system with colored coupling between noise terms”, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 26, No. 30, 1250149(2012).
4.吳丹,朱士群,羅曉琴,“Coupled Brownian motors with two different kinds of time delays”, Physica A, Vol.391, 1032-1037(2012).
5. 吳丹,朱士群,羅曉琴,“Effects of adaptive coupling on stochastic resonance of small-world networks”, Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 84, 021102 (2011).
6. 趙亮,羅曉琴,吳丹,朱士群,顧濟華,“Entropic Stochastic Resonance Driven by Colored Noise”, Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol. 27, No. 4, 040503(2010).