
出生日期: 1939-03-03
出生地: 美國,密西根州,底特律
作為導演魔力玩具盒/蟲洞效應 The Last Mimzy (2007)
Book of Love (1990)
On Fighting Witches (1965)
Image (1963)
The Roots of 'Hairspray' (2007)
猛鬼街花絮 Never Sleep Again: The Making of 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' (2006)
The House That Freddy Built (2006)
Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of the Slasher Film (2006)
Introducing Cameron Diaz (2005)
Midnight Movies: From the Margin to the Mainstream (2005)
Before, During and 'After the Sunset' (2005)
The Best of Secter & the Rest of Secter (2005)
Paw Prints and Baby Steps: On the Set of 'Son of the Mask' (2005)
Return to Edge City (2005)
玩命手機/一線聲機/駁命來電/一線生機 Cellular (2004)
Chainsaw Redux: Making a Massacre (2004)
Meet Bob Shaye (2004)
弗萊迪大戰傑森/鬼打鬼/傑森大戰弗萊迪/鬼王再生 Freddy vs. Jason (2003)
The Many Lives of Jason Voorhees (2002)
坎城影展 Festival in Cannes (2001)
"+ de cinéma" (2001)
The Perfect Souffle: Testing 'Final Destination' (2000)
That Moment: Magnolia Diary (2000)
Welcome to Primetime (1999)
Divine Trash (1998)
猛鬼街7/半夜鬼上床7 New Nightmare (1994)
MAX3000迅雷先鋒 Man's Best Friend (1993)
重裝武器 Loaded Weapon 1 (1993)
猛鬼街6/半夜鬼上床6/猛鬼街大結局 Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991)
猛鬼街4/半夜鬼上床4 A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988)
冷麵煞星 Quiet Cool (1986)
午夜大殺手 Alone in the Dark (1982)
Stunts (1977)
新猛鬼街/猛鬼街2010 A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)
魔力玩具盒/蟲洞效應 The Last Mimzy (2007)
黑暗物質:黃金羅盤/黃金羅盤(台)/魔幻羅盤(港) The Golden Compass (2007)
髮膠/髮膠明星夢(台)/戀愛大爆發(港) Hairspray (2007)
指環王:王者歸來/魔戒三部曲:王者再臨(台/港) The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
弗萊迪大戰傑森/鬼打鬼/傑森大戰弗萊迪/鬼王再生 Freddy vs. Jason (2003)
指環王:雙塔奇兵/魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀(台/港) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
指環王:護戒使者/魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身(台/港) The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
黑洞頻率/隔世救未來/超時空頻率/生死調頻 Frequency (2000)
情驚一剎 Blink (1994)
猛鬼街7/半夜鬼上床7 New Nightmare (1994)
猛鬼街6/半夜鬼上床6/猛鬼街大結局 Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991)
龍虎雙響炮 Heart Condition (1990)
猛鬼街5/半夜鬼上床5:猛鬼怪胎 A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Child (1989)
外星通緝者 2 Critters 2: The Main Course (1988)
變發 Hairspray (1988)
猛鬼街4/半夜鬼上床4 A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988)
魔鬼小霸王 The Prince of Pennsylvania (1988)
"Freddy's Nightmares" (1988)
異形附身 The Hidden (1987)
My Demon Lover (1987)
猛鬼街3/半夜鬼上床3 A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
Stranded (1987)
魔精 Critters (1986)
冷麵煞星 Quiet Cool (1986)
猛鬼街2/半夜鬼上床2 A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985)
猛鬼街/半夜鬼上床 A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
第三類外星人 Xtro (1983)
The First Time (1983)
午夜大殺手 Alone in the Dark (1982)
Polyester (1981)
Stunts (1977)
On Fighting Witches (1965)
作為其他職員木蘭花/心靈角落(台)/人生交叉剔(港) Magnolia (1999)
不羈夜/不羈夜(台)/一舉成名(港) Boogie Nights (1997)