





Part 1: Overview and Concepts

Chapter 1

Introducing Windows SharePoint

Services 3.0

Chapter 2

Introducing Microsoft Office SharePoint

Server 2007

Part 2: End-User Features and


Chapter 3

Using the Built-In Features of Windows

SharePoint Services 3.0

Chapter 4

Using SharePoint with Microsoft

Office 2007

Part 3: Creating, Designing, and Configuring Sites, Workspaces,

and Pages with a Browser

Chapter 5

Creating SharePoint Sites, Workspaces,and Pages

Chapter 6

Designing Lists, Libraries, and Pages

Part 4: Creating,Designing, and Managing Sites and Working with

SharePoint Designer 2007

Chapter 7

What's New with Templates and Design

Chapter 8

Creating and Formatting Web Part Pages...

Chapter 9

Creating and Modifying Basic Site Features

Chapter 10

Creating Data Sources and Data Views

Chapter 11

Using WSS 3.0 Web Parts

Chapter 12

Managing Site Content

Part 5: Installing Windows

SharePoint Services 3.0

Chapter 13

Planning and Installing Windows

SharePoint Services 3.0

Chapter 14

Backing Up, Restoring, and Migrating Sites

Part 6: Administering SharePoint Services

Chapter 15

Administering a SharePoint Server

Chapter 16

Managing Site Settings

Chapter 17

SharePoint Central Administration

Part 7: Developing Web Parts in Visual Studio 2005, SharePoint Best Practices,and Maintaining Your Implementation

Chapter 18

Advanced Design Techniques 555

Chapter 19

Beginning Web Part Development 577

Chapter 20

Additional SharePoint Best Practices

Chapter 21

Getting SharePoint off the Launch Pad




WindowsSharePointServices3.0 彌補SharePoint平台在內容管理方面的不足之處,提供直觀的審批流程定義和強大的流程邏輯定義功能,結合企業組織結構信息,定義複雜的審批、審閱流程。方蝶工作流平台(Sharepoint )支持在流程中嵌入對企業內容庫進行各種操作,例如對文檔庫簽入簽出和內容許可權更新,內容移動和屬性更改以及定期觸發流程等功能。


利用Sharepoint 工作流可以將企業的日常業務流程如人事入職,出差申請,休假申請,加班申請,費用報銷,項目立項,固定資產採購,公章使用等集中到SharePoint平台統一部署和管理。

當企業各個業務系統中進行的關鍵流程如訂單、報價處理、採購申請、契約審批、公文收發、客戶電話處理、供應鏈管理等需要進行審批、協同時,可以將業務數據通過Web Service接口寫入SharePoint平台,從而方蝶工作流平台(Sharepoint 定義的工作流程。所有參與流程用戶的審批和監控操作均在SharePoint平台上完成。流程的中間結果和最終結果同樣可以通過WebService、XML等接口寫入相關的業務系統中。


Creating a Shared OneNote Notebook in SharePoint

Users can easily create a shared notebook within a WSS 3.0 document library. Whenthe notebook is shared within the library, it becomes a folder, and each section of thenotebook is stored as a file.

To create a shared OneNote notebook within SharePoint, perform the following steps:

1. From the Share menu, select Create Shared Notebook, as in Figure 4-24.

2. The New Notebook Wizard will start. Do the following:

In the Name box, enter the name for the shared notebook.

You have the option to select a color for the new notebook's cover, which will be displayed as the icon on the notebook's navigation bar.

In the From Template list, you have the option to select a template to be used for all the pages in the shared notebook.

3. After the fields in step 2 are populated, click Next.

4. Under Who Will Use This Notebook?, select Multiple People Will Share The Notebook, choose the On A Server option, and click Next.

5. In the Path selection box, enter the location of the SharePoint library where you want to store your notebook. Click Browse to browse for the proper SharePoint site and then click Select when it is located.

6. Send an e-mail to the users you want to notify about the new shared notebook by checking the Create An E-Mail With A Link To This Notebook That I Can Send To Other People check box and then clicking Create.

Figure 4-24 A OneNote user can create a shared notebook and specify the permissionsof the users who can read or contribute to the notes.



