
最新美劇推薦 《簡,不簡單》(Jane By Design)又名《設計人生》從2012年1月3日起在ABC家庭頻道播出。該劇是ABC家庭頻道繼《心機少女》(Pretty Little Liars )和《錯位青春》 (Switched at Birth)兩部大熱的青春劇之後,全新帶來的一部集合了青春、校園、時尚、喜劇等元素的新劇。
進入公司之後,她被分配到著名時裝設計師Gray Chandler Murray(AndieMacDowell)手下當助理。Gray大部分時間都花在「週遊世界」上--她希望搶在別人前頭找到最新的流行趨勢。由於Gray總是不在家,這也給了Jane隱瞞真實身份的絕佳機會。

Jane最好的朋友Billy Nutter(Nicholas Roux)知道她的秘密後,主動幫助她在學校里「打掩護」。Jane的哥哥Ben(DavidClayton Rogers)也是她的忠實支持者。但Billy卻對Jane隱瞞了一個秘密--Jane在學校里的死敵LuluPope(Meagan Tandy)?那是Billy的女友。
角色 | 演員 | 備註 |
—— | 艾瑞卡·達舍爾 | ---- |
—— | nick roux | ---- |
簡不簡單 片頭曲
Rachel Platten 演唱了Work Of Art.
My heart, beats like, its on fire
And everything is alright, as long as I am inspired
I stitch together my life from hand-me-downs,
And good advice that finally fit me (good advice that finally fit me)
Wear my heart, where my head should be
And light up the rest of me
'Cause in dreams they wont fall apart
Through the start, it starts
When your life is a work of art
I found this door to my inside
I flung it open so dreams could rush in like a heart attack
I learned a lot and I lived in a fairytale
'Cause in the end I'm not pretending ('Cause in the end I'm not pretending)
Wear my heart, where my head should be
And light up the rest of me
'Cause in dreams they wont fall apart
Through the start, it starts
When your life is a work of art
My heart, where my head should be
And light up the rest of me
'Cause in dreams, they wont fall apart
Through the start, it starts
When your life is a work of art
When your life is a work of art
'Cause my heart keeps tumbling
And I keep fumbling
My life keeps coming
And I jump in the ocean
My heart keeps tumbling
And I keep fumbling
And I think I am finally ready (ready ready ready)
I put my heart where my head should be
And light up the rest of me
'Cause my dreams they wont fall apart
Through the start, it starts
When your life is a work of art
I put my heart where my head should be
And light up the rest of me
'Cause my dreams they wont fall apart
Through the start, it starts
When your life is a Work of Art.