出版社: 東南大學出版社; 第1版 (2009年10月1日)
平裝: 459頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787564118426
條形碼: 9787564118426
商品尺寸: 28.2 x 20.8 x 2.6 cm
商品重量: 1.2 Kg
《第6屆國際後基因組生命科學技術學術論壇論文集》內容簡介:Human body consists of many organs where many cells work together to perform their functions. although massive molecular data are averages over ensembles of cells, the question is whether all the cells in an organ work in the same way. In a cancer tissue, it has been pointed out that a small amount of cancer stem cells play important roles to reconstruct a cancer tissue again even after destroying the cancer tissue by anti-cancer drugs.