



1. 本教材以閱讀技巧為主線。該教材在每課開始分別系統地介紹了各項閱讀技巧並設計了根據這些技巧的練習。

2. 本教材強化研究生閱讀技巧的訓練。除了介紹閱讀技巧外,本書每課配有A、B兩篇閱讀課文,課後配有大量練習。

3. 本教材可操作性好。一教材以講述閱讀技巧為主線,每課配有兩篇課文和大量的練習,這樣可以使教師在教學中有較大的選擇性,既可以以閱讀技巧為教學重點,也可以以閱讀課文、練習或討論為教學重點。本教材配有《教師用書》為教師提供了大量有關作者和文章的背景知識、語言點的介紹、課文中難句的翻譯及練習的答案等,教師可以靈活地組織課堂教學。

4. 本教材也適用於學生自學。

5. 本教材可讀性好。

6. 本教材體現英語閱讀的真實性。

7. 本教材與北京市研究生英語教學研究會組織的每年一月份和六月份的研究生英語學位課統考緊密結合。


Unit 1
Text A Apology of Socrates (Excerpt)
Text B A Person Who Apologises Has the Moral Ball in His Court
Unit 2
Text A The Literature of Knowledge and the Literature of Power
Text B How Should One Read a Book?
Unit 3
Text A The Three New Yorks
Text B A Unified Theory of Urban Living
Unit 4
Text A Why Will Civilizations Clash?
Text B Is American Culture "American"?
Unit 5
Text A Celebrating Entrepreneurs
Text B Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
Unit 6
Text A An Ugly New Footprint in the Sand
Text B Filtering Wildlife
Unit 7
Text A Genes for High Altitudes
Text B Looking at Sexual Selection
Unit 8
Text A On Friendship
Text B A Friend in Need
Unit 9
Text A We Need a Dug-Out Canoe to Navigate the Net
Text B Always On
Unit 10
Text A The "Standard"
Text B The Benefits of Multilingualism
Unit 11
Text A A Crime of Compassion
Text B In Defense of Voluntary Euthanasia
Unit 12
Text A From Composer to Interpreter to Listener
Text B How We Listen to Music
Unit 13
Text A An Observation and an Explanation
Text B Our Evolving View of Childhood
Unit 14
TextA On Becoming a Scientist
Text B What Is a Scientific Paper?
Unit 15
Text A The Sporting Spirit
Text B Reflections on Swimming
Unit 16
Text A How to Avoid Foolish Opinions
Text B The Advantages of Stupidity


