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出版社: 西安電子科技大學出版社; 第1版 (2003年6月1日)
平裝: 322頁
開本: 16開
ISBN: 7560612423
條形碼: 9787560612423
尺寸: 25.8 x 18.4 x 1.6 cm
重量: 499 g




Part Ⅰ Articles on Science and Technology
Ⅰ-1 Safe Sex for Your Computer
Ⅰ-2 Caught in the Web of the Internet
Ⅰ-3 Why Cloning of Humans Must Forever Be Seen as Unethical
Ⅰ-4 The Ancient History of the Internet
Ⅰ-5 The World of E-Books Is Here
Ⅰ-6 Will Your PC Crash on January 1, 2000?
Ⅰ-7 Technology and Its Positive Impacts on Kids
Ⅰ-8 What’s New in the Computer World?
Ⅰ-9 Hackers Are Enemy Number One on the Internet
Ⅰ-10 The Secret Hacker Wars
Ⅰ-11 New Evidence Supports Global Warming Theory
Ⅰ-12 Electric Tales-21st Century Books
Ⅰ-13 El Nino, La Nina Cause Floods
Ⅰ-14 Independent NASA Satellite Measurements ConfirmEl Nino Is Back and Strong
Ⅰ-15 New Efforts to Learn about Planet Mars
Ⅰ-16 Communicating in the NEW AGE
Ⅰ-17 Clothes That Change Colour in the Heat of the Moment
Ⅰ-18 Typing without Keys
Ⅰ-19 The Second Information Revolution
Ⅰ-20 The Fifth Force
Ⅰ-21 Adapting to Global Greenhouse
Ⅰ-22 From Apple Fall to Superstring
Ⅰ-23 superconductor Search: A Race and an Obsession
Ⅰ-24 Death Rays in Space
Ⅰ-25 The Dazzle of Lasers
Part Ⅱ Extracts from Textbooks and Technical Journals
Ⅱ-1 The Internet: Bringing Order from Chaos
Ⅱ-2 Introduction to Data Communications
Ⅱ-3 An Introduction to Computer Aided Circuit Design
Ⅱ-4 Separating Fact from Fiction
Ⅱ-5 Telecommunications for the 21st Century
Ⅱ-6 Study Aids
Ⅱ-7 A Few Concepts of Mathematics
Ⅱ-8 Physics
Ⅱ-9 Basic Electronics
Ⅱ-10 Communications Systems
Ⅱ-11 digital computer Operation
Ⅱ-12 Applications of Television
Ⅱ-13 Basic Principles of Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation
Ⅱ-14 Concept Formulation
Ⅱ-15 Connecting to the Internet via ISDN: an Overview
Ⅱ-16 Protecting Your Information Assets
Ⅱ-17 Information: Abstraction or Reality?
Ⅱ-18 Mathematics at Forefront of Gulf War
Part Ⅲ Prefaces, Editorials and Abstracts
Ⅲ-1 Prefaces
Ⅲ-2 Editorials
Ⅲ-3 Abstracts
Part Ⅳ The miscellaneous
Ⅳ-1 Technical Manuals
Ⅳ-2 Conference Information
Ⅳ-3 Industry News
Ⅳ-4 Bulletin Board
Ⅳ-5 Advertisements
Part Ⅴ Notes and Questions


