

95年 Diana Krall加盟GRP唱片公司,以專輯「Only Trust Your Heart」打進Billboard爵士專輯榜第八名,Diana Krall 憑此專輯一炮而紅,成為暢銷爵士藝人。有人因為她與Sherily Horn(雪莉荷恩)同樣以三重奏彈唱方式表演,推舉她為荷恩的後繼者,爵士樂的未來之星隱隱若現,來自加拿大英屬哥倫比亞的黛安娜卻並未以此自滿。



這次Ray Brown親自下海,而GRP總裁Tommy Lipuma更是為她擔任製作,Lipuma特別欣賞她,說道:「一個偉大的歌手拿到一首歌時,必定在心中反覆數百次,但是如今許多當代歌手對於斷句處理卻沒有感覺,黛安娜仔細研究前人的演唱,並用自己的方式來詮釋。」


Diana Krall, here with her first GRP album, expands on the delights that populated her 1992 debut, Stepping Out. Again, her talents are simply remarkable: she sings with feeling, emotion, and nuance--she invests a lyric with believability--and plays marvelous piano, no matter the tempo. The program pleases on so many levels: slip the disc into the player, hit any track at random, and you'll be moved. Take the oh-so-slow, heartfelt groover "Squeeze Me," on which her alto is both breathy and demonstrative and her accompaniments are sly, and which features a winsome solo by bass maestro Ray Brown. On another gut-wrenching crawler, "All Night Long," Krall tears you up with her emotive, intimate vocal, interspersing her singing with telling, shimmering piano notes, then delivering a solo full of wry confidences. The succulent title track is a deliciously slow bossa where Krall's vocal is partly whispered, as if sung in your ear. More upbeat is the finger-popping "Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby," where the artist sings with grit and life then solos with an economical drive. Tenor saxophone giant Stanley Turrentine adds a trademark saucy improvisation. "I Love Being Here with You" is a romping shuffle where Krall's voice hits some notes on the head and stretches others like pulled taffy. "Broadway" is another vibrant outing that includes a singing, fat-noted solo from bassist Christian McBride and Lewis Nash's deft brush work. Aces all around.


01. Is You Is Or Is You Ain't (My Baby)

02. Only Trust Your Heart

03. I Love Being Here With You

04. Broadway

05. Folks Who Live On The Hill

06. I've Got The World On A String

07. Squeeze Me

08. All Night Long

09. CRS Craft




