



在法國的博士論文研究工作“利用分子標記RFLP來研究甘蔗分子多樣性以及建立甘蔗的基因組遺傳圖譜”(1988-1992)是甘蔗上最早研究分子遺傳進化和分子遺傳圖的工作; 是世界上最早發現不同植物基因組之間存在同源保守關係的工作之一,為甘蔗的分子遺傳育種打開了廣闊的前景。博士後研究工作“普通小麥的基因圖譜構建及農藝性狀的基因定位”(1992-1994)是法國農業部、科技部及法國14家私有種子公司共同合作的獨一無二的國家聯合攻關項目,也是法國最早的農作物基因組工程項目的試點項目,為後來的法國一系列重大的植物基因組工程項目打下基礎。























7.油菜栽培品種Primor 和Primor-Clg 的BAC庫的構建,法國農業部、科技部聯合項目,2007-2008

8小麥 A 和AB 基因組的BAC庫的構建,法國農業部、科技部聯合項目,2007-2009

9油菜( Brassica napus)基因組測序項目(參與項目),法國農業部、科技部聯合項目,2008-2012


1.獲得專利一項,專利名稱:Identification of a mutant gene( Clg1)implied in the cleistogamy of oilseed rape (Production de Plantes Cleistogames)(2008),授予部門:歐洲共同體European Patent Office,專利號:FR 07/08049,本人排名位次:第一




Youxiong Que, Liping Xu, Cui Yang, Yuting Yang, Ning Huang, Yong-Bao Pan and Yunhai Lu*,(2013)Genetic analysis of diversity within a Chinese local sugarcane germplasm based on start codon targeted (SCoT) polymorphism,BioMed Research International。2014。In press.

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Yun-hai LU, Boulos CHALHOUB,,Régine DELOURME, Michel Renard (2008) Identification and characterisation of cleistogamy gene Clg1inrapeseed,EuropeanPatent,N°:FRN°07/08049

Soazic GARDAIS , Aurélie EVRARD , Cécile HUNEAU , Harry BELCRAM , Yunhai LU , Boulos CHALHOUB (2006) Pooled Large Insert Libraries And Their Successful Use In Targeting Specific Chromosme Regions From Species With Large And Complex Genomes. Plant & Animal Genomes XIV Conference, Town & Country Convention Center, San Diego, CA, January 14-18, 2006

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Lu YH,Geneviève Gagne, Bruno Grezes-Besset, Philippe BLANCHARD (1999) Integration of a molecular linkage group containing the broomrape resistance gene Or5into an RFLP map in sunflower. Genome 42:428-432

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Leroy P, Merlino M, Nègre S, Caissard JC, Sourdille P, LU YH, Bernard M (1996) Non-radioactive methods of detection on southern blots. In Springer Laboratory - Molecular Plant Biology. M. Clark (ed), Springer-Verlag, p41-53

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Leroy P, Lu YH, Merlino M, Nègre S, Caissard JC, Bonhomme A, Atkinson MD, Bernard M, Quétier F, Nelson JC, Sorrells ME (1995) Genetic molecular mapping of the bread wheat nuclear genome. The International Conference on the Plant Genome III, San Diego, 15-19 January 1995, USA.

Leroy P, Lu YH, Merlino M, Nègre S, Bonhomme A, Atkinson MD, Bernard M (1994) French Triticeae Mapping Initiative.- FTMI: Genomic Pst1 DNA library construction and RFLP analysis in wheat. The International Conference on the Plant Genome II, San Diego, 24-27 January 1994, USA.

Lu YH,Leroy P, Merlino M, Isaac PG, Straccy J, Bernard M (1994) A comparative analysis between [32P] and digoxigenin-labelled single copy probes for RFLP detection in wheat. Agronomie 14 (1):33-39

Lu YH,D’Hont A, Walker DIT, Rao PS, Glaszmann JC (1994) Relationships among ancestral species of sugarcane revealed with RFLP using single copy maize nuclear probes. Euphytica 78:7-18

Lu YH,D'Hont A, Paulet F, Grivet L, Arnaud M, Glaszmann JC (1994) Molecular diversity and genome structure in modern sugarcane varieties. Euphytica 78:271-226

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