名稱:反斗星 別名:留校查看編劇:鮑勃.克拉克 Bob Clark (III)主演:丹.莫納漢 Dan Monahan馬克.赫里厄 Mark Herrier 懷亞特.奈特 Wyatt Knight 羅傑.威爾遜 Roger Wilson (I) 西里爾.奧雷里 Cyril O Reilly Tony Ganios Kaki Hunter 金.卡特羅爾 Kim Cattrall Nancy Parsons 斯科特.科倫比 Scott Colomby類 型:喜劇 出 品:美國 / 加拿大片 長:94 min 發行時間:1982
留校查看We follow a bunch of high school kids through a period in their puberty. Their lives mainly consist of watching the girls in the shower and making life a living hell for their teachers and for each other. The movie is packed with practical jokes and eccentric characters, like Pee Wee with the short dick (which he measures every morning) who met up for sex with the school "mattress" Wendy already wearing a rubber, or the fat teaching bitch Beulah Balbricker who is determined on making life a living hell for the boys. The name "porky's" is the name of a striptease bar the boys get thrown out of and humiliated in in the beginning of the movie. They have their minds set on revenge, but that's not easy as the owner's brother is sheriff. Only by forgetting their internal differences can they defeat Porky and his gang.
克拉克事業初期專門拍攝恐怖和驚悚片,執導了《孩子不能同鬼玩》(Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things)、《午夜追殺》(Murder by Decree)、《暴風邊緣》(Breaking Point)和《絕命聖誕夜》(Black Christmas)等影片。1981年的《反斗星》(Porky's)標誌著他事業的一大突破,兩年後他又執導了續集《留校查看》(Porky's II: The Next Day),1983年影片、改編自吉恩·謝帕德(Jean Shepard)小說的《聖誕故事》把他的事業推入佳境,雖然票房平平,卻贏得了評論家的交口稱讚。克拉克的其他作品還包括《三代同堂》(It Runs in the Family)、《功夫神犬》(Karate Dog)、《天才寶寶》(Baby Geniuses)及其續集《天才寶寶2:超級寶寶》(Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2)、《金鋼石》(rhinestone)和《放炮神探》(Loose Cannons)等。