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出版社: 武漢大學出版社; 第1版 (2008年12月1日)
叢書名: 中西方藝術與文化叢書
平裝: 208頁
正文語種: 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787307066205
條形碼: 9787307066205
尺寸: 23.6 x 17 x 1 cm
重量: 322 g


《現代藝術與文化》從種類繁多、形態各異的現代藝術中精選了有主要代表性的藝術種類及流派,詳細介紹了其起源、發展及藝術特點。全書編寫思路頗具特色,所選材料時代感強,內容豐富,圖文並茂,語言地道。全書共分16個章節,每個章節圍繞一種藝術形式與主題,各個章節後還配有與其內容相關的思考題。全書融知識性、藝術性、審美性和實用性為一體,注重提高讀者的藝術修養和審美能力,加深對現代藝術與文化的認識和理解。 《現代藝術與文化》不僅可以作為高等院校藝術類專業和其他學科人文素質教育的學習用書,而且也適宜於廣大具有英語國中級水平的藝術愛好者及社會人士。


Chapter 1 Modern Art
Section A Early Modern Art
Section B Postmodern Art
Chapter 2 Modern Art History
Section A The Styles of Modern Art
Section B Modern Art Movement
Chapter 3 Painting
Section A Picasso, Pablo Ruizy
Section B Vincent van Gogh
Chapter 4 sculpture
Section A Sculpture of Diverse Styles
Section B Modern Sculpture
Chapter 5 surrealism Art
Section A History of Surrealism
Section B Modernist Literature
Chapter 6 Performance Art
Section A Development of Performance Art
Section B Modem Dance
Chapter 7 Architecture
Section A New Guidelines for Architecture
Section B Architecture Styles
Chapter 8 Film
Section A Motion Picture Film
Section B Epic Beginnings for Hollywood
Chapter 9 Pop Art
Section A Andy Warhol: the Father of Pop Art
Section B History of Pop Art
Chapter 10 Electronic Art
Section A Video Art
Section B Computer Art
Chapter 11 Music
Section A Contemporary Music
Section B American Music
Chapter 12 Photography
Section A Photography as Accessible Art
Section B Professionalism of Photography
Chapter 13 Decoration
Section A History of Italian Decorating
Section B Asian Styles of Decorating
Chapter 14 Fashion
Section A The Functions of Fashion
Section B Status Symbols
Chapter 15 Gardening
Section A The Styles of Gardens
Section B A Flower Gardening
Chapter 16 Museums
Section A The Functions of Art Museum
Section B The Louvre


