2015年1月至今 華南農業大學生命科學學院教授、博士生導師
2002年11月-2004年12月 英國格拉斯哥大學(Glasgow University)生物醫學和生命科學研究所植物科學組研究助理
2005年1月-2014年12月 中國科學院武漢植物園首席研究員、博士生導師,中國科學院“百人計畫”引進國外傑出人才、擇優資助
2001年2月-2002年10月 中山大學生命科學學院,副教授、
1998年8月-2001年1月 瑞典隆德大學(Lund University)植物生物學系博士後
1994年7月-1998年8月 中山大學生命科學學院講師、副教授
中國植物學會植物分類與系統進化專業委員會委員;中國花卉協會蕨類植物分會第四屆理事會理事;《生物多樣性》編委;《植物科學學報》編委;《計算生物學》(Hans Journal of Computational Biology)編委;《Frontiers of Biology in China》客座編輯(Guest Editor)
Chunbo Wang, Ting Wang*, Yingjuan Su. 2014. Phylogeography of Cephalotaxus oliveri (Cephalotaxaceae) in relation to habitat heterogeneity, physical barriers and the uplift of the Yungui Plateau. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
Lei Gao, Bo Wang, Zhiwei Wang, Yuan Zhou, Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang*. 2013. Plastome sequences of Lygodium japonicum and Marsilea crenata reveal the genome organization transformation from basal ferns to core leptosporangiates. Genome Biology and Evolution
Xuan Yi, Lei Gao, Bo Wang, Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang*. 2013. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Cephalotaxus oliveri (Cephalotaxaceae): evolutionary comparison of Cephalotaxus chloroplast DNAs and insights into the loss of inverted repeat copies in gymnosperms. Genome Biology and Evolution
Zhiwei Wang, Chuande Wang, Lei Gao, Shiyong Mei, Yuan Zhou, Changping Xiang,Ting Wang*. 2013. Heterozygous alleles restore male fertility to cytoplasmic male-sterile radish (Raphanus sativus L.): a case of overdominance. Journal of Experimental Botany
Yuan Zhou, Lei Gao, Bo Wang, Ting Wang*. 2013. Molecular cloning and characterization of three cryptochrome genes from the fern Asplenium yunnanense.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Lin Sen, Mario A Fares, Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang*. 2012. Molecular evolution of psbA gene in ferns: unraveling selective pressure and co-evolutionary pattern. BMC Evolutionary Biology
Ting Wang, Yingjuan Su, Yuan Li. 2012. Population genetic variation in the tree fern Alsophila spinulosa (Cyatheaceae):Effects of reproductive strategy. PLoS
Ting Wang, Guopei Chen, Qijie Zan, Chunbo Wang, Yingjuan Su. 2012. AFLP genome scan to detect genetic structure and candidate loci under selection for local adaptation of the invasive weed Mikania micrantha. PLoS ONE
Zhiwei Wang, Lei Gao, Haizhou Liu, Shiyong Mei, Yuan Zhou, Changping Xiang, Ting Wang*. 2012. Genetic and cytological analysis of a new spontaneous male sterility in radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Euphytica
Lei Gao, Yuan Zhou, Zhiwei Wang, Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang*. 2011. Evolution of the rpoB-psbZ region in fern plastid genomes: notable structural rearrangements and highly variable intergenic spacers. BMC Plant Biology
Lin Sen, Mario A Fares, Bo Liang, Lei Gao, Bo Wang, Ting Wang*, Yingjuan Su. 2011. Molecular evolution of rbcL in three gymnosperm families: identifying adaptive and coevolutionary patterns. Biology Direct
Yingjuan Su, Wenbo Liao, Ting Wang*, Yufei Sun, Qiang Wei, Hungta Chang. 2011. Phylogeny and evolutionary divergence times in Apterosperma and Euryodendron: Evidence of a Tertiary origin in south China. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology
Huawei Pan, Yingrong Guo, Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang*. 2011. Development of microsatellite loci for Cephalotaxus oliveri (Cephalotaxaceae) and cross-amplification in Cephalotaxus. American Journal of Botany,
Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang*, Feng Deng. 2010. Contrasting genetic variation and differentiation on Hainan Island and the Chinese mainland populations of Dacrycarpus imbricatus (Podocarpaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology
Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang*, Feng Deng. 2010. Population genetic variation, differentiation and bottlenecks of Dacrydium pectinatum (Podocarpaceae) in Hainan Island, China: Implications for its conservation. Australian Journal of Botany
Yongxia Yang, Xiaoqiong Qi, Lin Sen, Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang*. 2010. Cloning and sequence analysis of red/blue light chimeric photoreceptor genes from three fern species (Coniogramme intermedia var. glabra, Plagiogyria distinctissima and Pronephrium lakhimpurnense). American Fern Journal
Lei Gao, Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang*. 2010. Plastid genome sequencing, comparative genomics, and phylogenomics: Current status and prospects. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Invited Review
Zhiwei Wang, Lijun Zhang, Jie Chen, Changping Xiang, Shiyong Mei, Yuan Zhou, Ting Wang*. 2010. A chimeric Rfo gene generated by intergenic recombination cosegregates with the fertility restorer phenotype for cytoplasmic male sterility in radish. Molecular Breeding
Jing Wang, Boqian Yan, Guopei Chen, Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang*. 2010. Adaptive evolution in the GAF domain of phytochromes in gymnosperms. Biochemical Genetics
Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang*, Puyue Ouyang. 2009. High genetic differentiation and variation as revealed by ISSR marker in Pseudotaxus chienii (Taxaceae), an old rare conifer endemic to China. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology
Lei Gao, Xuan Yi, Yongxia Yang, Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang*. 2009. Complete chloroplast genome sequence of a tree fern Alsophila spinulosa: insights into evolutionary changes in fern chloroplast genomes. BMC Evolutionary Biology
Xiaoqiong Qi, Yongxia Yang, Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang*. 2009. Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of cyanovirin-N homology gene in Ceratopteris thalictroides. American Fern Journal
Boqian Yan, Jing Wang, Guopei Chen, Ting Wang*. 2009. Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in a traditional Chinese medicinal plant, Schisandra sphenanthera. Conservation Genetics
Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang*, Yufei Sun, Huagu Ye. 2009. High ISSR variation in 14 surviving individuals of Euryodendron excelsum (Ternstroemiaceae) endemic to China. Biochemical Genetics
Ting Wang, Yingjuan Su, Guopei Chen. 2008. Population genetic variation and structure of the invasive weed Mikania micrantha in southern China: Consequences of rapid range expansion. Journal of Heredity
Zhiwei Wang, Yujie Zhang, Changping Xiang, Shiyong Mei, Yuan Zhou, Guopei Chen, Ting Wang*. 2008. A new fertility restorer locus linked closely to the Rfo locus for cytoplasmic male sterility in radish. Theoretical and Applied Genetics
Yingjuan Su, Qijie Zan, Ting Wang*, Zhanming Ying, Huagu Ye. 2008. High ISSR variation in 24 surviving individuals of Apterosperma oblata (Theaceae) endemic to China. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology
Yuan Zhou, Guopei Chen, Ting Wang*. 2008. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the tree fern Alsophila spinulosa. American Fern Journal
Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang*, Bo Zheng, Yu Jiang, Guopei Chen, Puyue Ouyang, Yufei Sun. 2005. Genetic differentiation of relictual populations of Alsophila spinulosa in southern China inferred from cpDNA trnL–F noncoding sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang*, Bo Zheng, Yu Jiang, Guopei Chen, Hongya Gu. 2004. Population genetic structure and phylogeographical pattern of a relict tree fern, Alsophila spinulosa (Cyatheaceae), inferred from cpDNA atpB– rbcL intergenic spacers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics
Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang*, Bo Zheng, Yu Jiang, Puyue Ouyang, Guopei Chen. 2005. Genetic variation and phylogeographical pattern of Alsophila podophylla from southern China based on cpDNA atpB-rbcL sequence data. American Fern Journal
Ting Wang, Yingjuan Su, Xueyan Li, Bo Zheng, Guopei Chen, Qinglu Zeng. 2004. Genetic structure and variation in the relict populations of Alsophila spinulosa from southern China based on RAPD markers and cpDNA atpB-rbcL sequence data. Hereditas
Ting Wang, Goran Bengtsson, Ingvar Karnefelt, Lars Olof Bjorn. 2001. Proviatmins and vitamins D2 and D3 in Cladina spp. over a latitudinal gradient: possible correlation with UV level. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology
Lars Olof Bjorn, Ting Wang. 2001. Is provitamin D a UV-B receptor in plants? Plant Ecology