1981.09—1985.07 內蒙古林學院林學系,學士學位,林學
1985.07—1994.02 內蒙古林學院林學系,助教、講師
1994.02—1995.03 日本鳥取大學農學部,進修生,林政學
1995.04—1997.03 日本鳥取大學農學研究科,碩士學位,農林環境科學
1997.04—2001.03 日本鳥取大學聯合農學研究科,博士學位,經濟經營學
2001.04—2001.09 日本鳥取大學農學部外國人研究員
2001.10—現在 中國林科院科信所,副研究員、研究員,研究部主任、副所長
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(11)WANG Dengju LI Weichang GUO Guangrong . Current Status and Countermeasures of Forestry Cooperative Organization in China. Chinese Forestry Science and Technology, 2007, 6(3):1-10
(12)WANG Dengju.Basic Connotation of Modern Forestry and Developing Trend in Chian. Chinese Forestry Science and Technology,2009, 8(3):10-18
(13)WANG Dengju. A Study of Consistency between Land Degradation Control Policy and Farmers’Needs in Western Area,China. Chinese Forestry Science and Technology,2009, 8(4):1-11
(14)FANG Anwen, WANG Dengju(Corresponding author). Research on Ecological Civilization Evaluation Index System. Chinese Forestry Science and Technology,2009, 8(4):19-33
(15)WANG Dengju,HUANG Lili.Problems in Fast-growing and High-yield Plantation Ecosystem Management and Their Countermeasures.Chinese Forestry Science and Technology,2010, 9(2):p.13-23
(16)WANG Dengju. Ecosystem-Management-Based Management Models of Fast-growing and High-yield Plantation and Its Eco-Economic Benefits Analysis. Chinese Forestry Science and Technology, 2010, 9(3):43-49
(17)LIU Chunyan, WANG Dengju, LIU Haiying, Cheng Shun. A Study of Eco-service Valuation of Saihanba Forest. Chinese Forestry Science And Technology. 2010, 9(4):9-18
(18)Zhang Chunyan,Hao Chen,Wang Dengju. Discussion on Diversified Development of Forestry Cooperation Organizations in China. Chinese Forestry Science And Technology. 2011(1/2):52-57
(19)WANG Dengju, HUANG Llli. A Study of Science and Technllogy Support System for Mulrifunctional Frestry. Chinese Forestry Science And Technology. 2011, 10(3):01-10
(20)WANG Dengju, CHEN Jie. Application of Public-Private Partnership in Land Degradation and A Case Study. Chinese Forestry Science And Technology. 2011, 10(4):1-10
(21)HUANG Lili, WANG Dengju. Willingness of Farmer Households for Forest Management and Its Impact Factor Analysis after Collective Forest Tenure Reform. Chinese Forestry Science And Technology. 2011, 10(4):21-35