




2009.12-2010.8 英國威爾斯大學聯合培養

2010.9-2012.12 中科院地質與地球物理研究所 博士後


2013年1月 中科院地質與地球物理研究所副研究員。






《磁場重聯擴散區次級磁島結構演化規律和電子加速機制的研究》,國家自然科學基金青年基金項目 2012-2014

《反平行和分量重聯中電子密度空穴的比較研究》,中國博士後基金一等資助 2012-2013



2010年 中國科學院院長優秀獎

2011年 中國科學院優秀博士論文

2012年 全國優博論文提名。


Rongsheng Wang, R. Nakamura, et al., (2012) Asymmetry in the current sheet and secondary magnetic flux ropes during guide field magnetic reconnection, J. Geophys. Res

Rongsheng Wang, Quanming Lu, Aimin Du and Shui Wang, (2010) In Situ Observations of a Secondary Magnetic Island in an Ion Diffusion Region and Associated Energetic Electrons, Phys. Rev. Lett

Rongsheng Wang, Quanming Lu, C. Huang, and S. Wang, (2010) Multispacecraft observation of electron pitch angle distributions in magnetotail reconnection, J. Geophys. Res

Rongsheng Wang, Quanming Lu, Xing Li, Can Huang and Shui Wang, (2010) Observations of energetic electrons up to 200 keV associated with a secondary island near the center of an ion diffusion region: A Cluster case study, J. Geophys. Res

Rongsheng Wang, Li Zhongyuan and Tang Chaoling, (2008) Observations of multiple X lines collisionless reconnection in the near earthtail, Chinese Journal of Geophysics,

Rongsheng Wang, Quanming Lu, Guo, Jun and Wang Shui, (2008) Spatial Distribution of Energetic Electrons during Magnetic Reconnection, Chin.Phys.Lett

Rongsheng Wang, Aimin Du, Quanming Lu, Zhao Xudong and Luo Hao, (2010) Mid-tail magnetic reconnection triggering substorm: A case study, Chinese Journal of Geophysics

T. L. Zhang, Q. M. Lu, W. Baumjohann, C.T. Russell, A. Fedorov, S. Barabash, A.J. Coates, A.M. Du, J.B. Cao, R. Nakamura, W.L. Teh, R. S. Wang, X. K. Dou, S. Wang, K.H. Glassmeirer, H.U. Auster, and M. Balikhin, (2012) Magnetic reconnection in the near Venusian magnetotail, Science

Quanming Lu, Rongsheng Wang, Xie J L, et al. (2011) Electron dynamics in collisionless magnetic reconnection. Chinese Sci. Bul

Quanming Lu, Can Huang, Jinlin Xie, Rongsheng Wang, Mingyu Wu, Andris Vaivads, and Shui Wang, (2010) A further evidence for the existence of Hall currents in collisionless magnetic reconnection, J. Geophys. Res.

Huang Can, Rongsheng Wang, QuanMing Lu and Shui Wang, (2009) Electron density hole and quadruple structure of By during collisionless magnetic reconnection, Chinese Sci. Bull.


