

王文健,2005年於西南交通大學獲工學碩士學位,2008年於西南交通大學獲工學博士學位並留校任教,2009年破格晉升副研究員,2010年入選西南交通大學高層次教師隊伍建設系列計畫“竢實之星”,2011年獲四川省優秀博士學位論文獎,2013年入選四川省學術和技術帶頭人後備人選,2015年3月至2016年2月謝菲爾德大學機械工程系訪問學者(合作教授Roger Lewis)。




(1) 輪軌系統服役行為及可靠性

(2) 鋼軌打磨技術理論及套用

(3) 輪軌材料表面處理技術

(4) 輪軌關係檢測與監測






















[1]W.J. Wang, Z.K. Fu, X. Cao, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, M.H. Zhu. The role of lanthanum oxide on wear resistance and damage of laser cladding Fe-based alloy coating under oil lubrication condition. Tribology International,94(2016):470-478

[2]W.J. Wang, W.J. Jiang, H.Y. Wang, Q.Y. Liu, M.H. Zhu, X.S. Jin. Experimental study on the wear and damage behavior of different wheel/rail materials. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Transit Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid,2016,230(1):3-14

[3]H.H. Ding, C.G. He, L. Ma, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, W.J. Wang. Wear mapping and transitions in wheel and rail materials under different contact pressure and sliding velocity conditions. Wear,352-353(2016):1-8 (通訊作者)

[4]X. Cao, W.L. Huang, C.G. He, J.F. Peng, J. Guo, W.J. Wang, Q.Y. Liu, M.H. Zhu. The effect of alumina particle on improving adhesion and wear damage characteristic of wheel/rail under the wet condition. Wear,348-349(2016):98-115 (通訊作者)

[5]H. Wang, W.J. Wang, Q.Y. Liu. Numerical and experimental investigation on adhesion characteristic of wheel/rail under the third medium condition. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology,2016,230(1):111-118 (通訊作者)

[6]W.L. Huang, X. Cao, Z.F. Wen, W.J. Wang, Q.Y. Liu, M.H. Zhu, X.S. Jin. Influence of sanding on adhesion and rolling contact fatigue of wheel/rail under the water condition. Journal of Tribology, Transactions of the ASME,2016 (通訊作者)

[7]W.J. Wang, H.F. Zhang, Q.Y. Liu, M.H. Zhu, X.S. Jin. Investigation on adhesion characteristic of wheel/rail under the magnetic field condition. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology,2015,DOI: 10.1177/1350650115591232,

[8]W.J. Wang, Z.K. Fu, J. Guo, Y.Q. Zhang, Q.Y. Liu, M.H. Zhu. Investigation on wear resistance and fatigue damage of laser cladding coating on wheel/rail materials under the oil lubrication condition. Tribology Transactions,2015

[9]W.J. Wang, F. Wang, K.K. Gu, H.H. Ding, H.Y. Wang, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, M.H. Zhu. Investigation on braking tribological properties of metro brake shoe materials.Wear,330-331(2015):498-506

[10]H.H. Ding, Z.K. Fu, W.J. Wang, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, M.H. Zhu. Investigation on the effect of rotational speed on rolling wear and damage behaviors of wheel/rail materials. Wear,330-331(2015):563-570 (通訊作者)

[11]Z.K. Fu, H.H. Ding, W.J. Wang, Q.Y. Liu, J. Guo, M.H. Zhu. Investigation on microstructure and wear characteristic of laser cladding Fe-based alloy on wheel/rail materials. Wear,330-331(2015):592-599 (通訊作者)[12]Huo-ming Guo, Qian Wang, Wen-jian Wang, Jun Guo, Qi-yue Liu, Min-hao Zhu. Investigation on wear performance of laser cladding Co-based alloy on single wheel or rail material. Wear,328-329(2015):329-337 (通訊作者)

[13]C.G. He, Y.B. Huang, L. Ma, J. Guo, W.J. Wang, Q.Y. Liu, M.H. Zhu. Experimental investigation on the effect of tangential force on wear and rolling contact fatigue behaviors of wheel material.Tribology International,92(2015):307-316 (通訊作者)

[14]K.K. Gu, Q. Lin, W.J. Wang, H.Y. Wang, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, M.H. Zhu. Analysis on the effect of rotational speed of grinding stone on removal behavior of rail material. Wear,342-343(2015):52-59 (通訊作者)

[15]F. Wang, K.K. Gu, W.J. Wang, Q.Y. Liu, M.H. Zhu. Study on braking tribological behaviors of brake shoe material under the wet condition. Wear,342-343(2015):262-269 (通訊作者)

[16]Y. Zhu, X. Chen, W. Wang, H. Yang. A study on iron oxides and surface roughness in dry and wet wheel-rail contacts. Wear,328-329(2015):241-248

[17]Yi Zhu, Huayong Yang,Wenjian Wang. Twin-disc tests of iron oxides in dry and wet wheel_rail contacts. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid

[18]W.J. Wang, J. Hu, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, M.H. Zhu. Effect of laser cladding on wear of heavy-haul wheel/rail materials. Wear,311(2014):130-136

[19]W.J. Wang, T.F. Liu, H.Y. Wang, Q.Y. Liu, M.H. Zhu, X.S. Jin. Influence of friction modifiers on improving adhesion and surface damage of wheel/rail under low adhesion conditions.Tribology International,75(2014):16-23

[20]W.J. Wang, H.Y. Wang, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, M.H. Zhu, X.S. Jin. Experimental investigation of adhesion coefficient of wheel/rail under the track ramp condition. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology,2014,228(7):808-815

[21]W.J. Wang, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, M.H. Zhu. Effect of laser quenching on wear and damage of heavy-haul wheel/rail materials. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,Part J:Journal of Engineering Tribology,2014,228(1):114-122

[22]J.F. Peng, M.H. Zhu, Z.B. Cai, J.H. Liu, K.C. Zuo, C. Song, W.J. Wang. On the damage mechanisms of bending fretting fatigue.Tribology International,76(2014):133-141

[23]W.J. Wang, H. Wang, H.Y. Wang, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu M.H. Zhu, X.S. Jin. Sub-scale simulation and measurement of railroad wheel/rail adhesion under dry and wet conditions.Wear,203(2013):1461-1467

[24]W.J. Wang, H.M. Guo, X. Du, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, M.H. Zhu. Investigation on the damage mechanism and prevention of heavy-haul railway rail.Engineering Failure Analysis,35(2013):206-218

[25]WANG Wenjian, GUO Jun, LIU Qiyue. Experimental study on wear and spalling behavior of railway wheel. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2013,26(6):1243-1249

[26]W.J. Wang, P. Shen, J. H. Song, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, X.S. Jin. Experimental study on adhesion behavior of wheel/rail under dry and water conditions. Wear,271(2011):2699-2705

[27]W.J. Wang, H.F. Zhang, H.Y. Wang, Q.Y. Liu, M.H. Zhu. Study on the adhesion behavior of wheel/rail under oil, water and sanding conditions. Wear,271(2011):2693-2698

[28]W.J. Wang, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, M.H. Zhu, Z.R. Zhou. Study on relationship between oblique fatigue crack and rail wear in curve track and prevention.Wear,267(2009):540-544

[29]Wenjian Wang, Wen Zhong, Qiyue Liu, Zhongrong Zhou. Investigation on rolling wear and fatigue properties of railway rail. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology,2009,223(7):1033-1039

[30]W.J. Wang, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, Z.R. Zhou. An analysis of wear and spalling characteristics of the wheel steel under rolling-sliding conditions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology,2008,222(2):81-86



























