
王俊賢,男,中國科技大學天體物理中心教授。 主講研究生課程《活動星系核》,《天文文獻閱讀》,《天體物理前沿講座》.

1) The Unique Rapid Variabilities of the Iron Kalpha Line Profiles in NGC4151 - ApJ - 2001 -
2) Ultraviolet Broad Absorption Features and the Spectral Energy Distribution of the Quasar PG 1351+64 - ApJ - 2001 -
3) Chandra Deep Field South:The 1 Ms Catalog,2002 - ApJS - 2002 -
4) No X-Ray-bright Type II Quasars among the Ly-alpha Emitters - ApJ Letter - 2003 -
5) A Puzzling X-Ray Source Found in the chandra Deep Field South - ApJ Letter - 2003 -
6) 172 ks Chandra Exposure of the LALA Bootes Field:X-ray Source Catalog - AJ - 2004 -
7) X-ray nondetection of the Ly-alpha Emitters at z~4.5 - ApJ Letter - 2004 -
8) Identifying High-redshift Active Galactic Nuclei using X-ray hardness - ApJ Letter - 2004 -
9) An Overdensity of Ly-alpha Emitters at Redshift z~5.7 near the Hubble Ultra Deep Field - ApJ Letter - 2005 -
10) On the fraction of X-ray obscured quasars in the local universe - ApJ Letter - 2006 -
11) Investigating the Nuclear Obscuration in Two Types of Seyfert 2 Galaxies - ApJ - 2007 -


