

牛國清 博士副研究員。


2006年  中國科學院微生物研究所,博士




2010年至今 副研究員 中國科學院微生物研究所,微生物資源前期開發國家重點實驗室,研究方向為微生物次級代謝產物的生物合成與分子調控。

2006年-2010年博士後 美國俄克拉荷馬大學健康科學中心,微生物學與免疫學系,研究方向為生物膜中變形鏈球菌的遺傳與生化研究。

2010 年回國後發表的論文

1. Niu G, Tan H*. (2015) Nucleoside antibiotics: Biosynthesis, regulation and biotechnology. Trends in Microbiology23(2): 110-119.

2.Jiang L , Wang L , Zhang J, Liu H, Hong B, Tan H*, Niu G. (2015) Identification of novel mureidomycin analogues via rational activation of a cryptic gene cluster in Streptomyces roseosporusNRRL 15998. Scientific Reports In press.

3.Du D , Wang L , Tian Y, Liu H, Tan H, Niu G . (2015) Genome engineering and direct cloning of antibiotic gene clusters via phagefBT1 integrase-mediated site-specific recombination in Streptomyces. Scientific Reports5:8740.

4.Liu N, Niu G, Xie Z, Chen Z, Itzek A, Kreth J, Gillaspy A, Zeng L, Burne R, Qi F, Merritt J*. (2015) The Streptococcus mutans irvAgene encodes a trans-acting riboregulatory mRNA. Molecular Cell57(1):179-190.

5.王璐,杜德堯,李金娥,田宇清,劉浩 *,牛國清 *,譚華榮。(2015)尼可黴素生物合成基因簇的改造及其異源表達。 微生物學報55(6) :707 -718。

6.Zou Z, Du D, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Niu G*, Tan H*. (2014) A γ-butyrolactone-sensing activator/repressor, JadR3, controls a regulatory mini-network for jadomycin biosynthesis. Molecular Microbiology94(3):490-505.

7.Wei J, Tian Y, Niu G*, Tan H*. (2014) GouR, a TetR-family transcriptional regulator, coordinates the biosynthesis and export of gougerotin in Streptomyces graminearus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology80(2): 714-722.

8.Feng C, Ling H, Du D, Zhang J, Niu G*, Tan H *. (2014) Novel nikkomycin analogues generated by mutasynthesis in Streptomyces ansochromogenes. Microbial Cell Factories13(1): 59.

9. Niu G, Li L , Wei J, Tan H*. (2013) Cloning, heterologous expression, and characterization of the gene cluster required for gougerotin biosynthesis. Chemistry & Biology20(1): 34-44.

10.Du D , Zhu Y , Wei J, Tian Y, Niu G*, Tan H*. (2013) Improvement of gougerotin and nikkomycin production by engineering their biosynthetic gene clusters. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology97(14): 6383-6396.

11.Jiang L , Wei J , Li L, Niu G*, Tan H *. (2013) Combined gene cluster engineering and precursor feeding to improve gougerotin production in Streptomyces graminearus. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology97(24): 10469–10477.

12. Niu G, Tan H *. (2013) Biosynthesis and regulation of secondary metabolites in microorganisms. Science China Life Sciences56(7): 581-583.

13.Liu G, Chater KF, Chandra G, Niu G, Tan H*. (2013) Molecular regulation of antibiotic biosynthesis in Streptomyces. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews77(1): 112-143.

14.Zhang Y, Zou Z, Niu G, Tan H*. (2013) jadR*and jadR2act synergistically to repress jadomycin biosynthesis. Science China Life Sciences56(7): 584-590.

15.Zhong X, Tian Y, Niu G, Tan H*. (2013) Assembly and features of secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters in Streptomyces ansochromogenes. Science China Life Sciences56(7): 609-618.

16.Li J, Li L, Tian Y, Niu G, Tan H*. (2011) Hybrid antibiotics with the nikkomycin nucleoside and polyoxin peptidyl moieties. Metabolic Engineering13(3): 336-344.

2010 年之前發表的論文

1. Niu G,Okinaga T, Qi F, Merritt J *. (2010) The Streptococcus mutansIrvR repressor is a CI-like regulator that functions through autocleavage and Clp-dependent proteolysis. Journal of Bacteriology192(6): 1586-1595.

2.Xie Z, Okinaga T, Niu G, Qi F, Merritt J*. (2010) Identification of a novel bacteriocin regulatory system in Streptococcus mutans. Molecular Microbiology78(6): 1431-1447.

3.Okinaga T, Niu G,Xie Z, Qi F, Merritt J*. (2010) The hdrRMoperon of Streptococcus mutansencodes a novel regulatory system for coordinated competence development and bacteriocin production. Journal of Bacteriology192(7):1844-1852.

4.Okinaga T, Xie Z, Niu G,Qi F, Merritt J*. (2010) Examination of the hdrRM regulon yields insight into the competence system of Streptococcus mutans. Molecular Oral Microbiology 25(3):165-177.

5.Merritt J*, Niu G,Okinaga T, Qi F. (2009) Autoaggregation response of Fusobacterium nucleatum. Applied and Environmental Microbiology75(24):7725-7733.

6. Niu G, Okinaga T, Zhu L, Banas J, Qi F, Merritt J *. (2008) Characterization of irvR, a novel regulator of the irvA-dependent pathway required for genetic competence and dextran-dependent aggregation in Streptococcus mutans. Journal of Bacteriology190(21): 7268-7274.

7.He X, Wu C, Yarbrough D, Sim L, Niu G, Merritt J, Shi W, Qi F*. (2008) The ciaoperon of Streptococcus mutansencodes a unique component required for calcium-mediated autoregulation. Molecular Microbiology70(1):112-126.

8.Xie Z, Niu G, Li R, Liu G, Tan H*. (2007) Identification and characterization of sanHand sanIinvolved in the hydroxylation of pyridyl residue during nikkomycin biosynthesis in Streptomyces ansochromogenes. Current Microbiology55(6):537-542.

9.Niu G, Liu G, Tian Y, and Tan H *. (2006) SanJ, an ATP-dependent picolinate-CoA ligase, catalyzes the conversion of picolinate to picolinate-CoA during nikkomycin biosynthesis in Streptomyces ansochromogenes. Metabolic Engineering8(3):183-195.


