

無錫巨旺塑化---專一的導電抗靜電及特殊改性塑膠生產供應商! 巨旺塑化位於江蘇省無錫市惠山區玉祁曙光工業園,距滬寧高速玉祁出口3分鐘車程,距滬寧高鐵惠山站5分鐘車程,距無錫機場和常州機場35分鐘車程,交通十分方便。巨旺塑化擁有無錫巨旺和綿陽巨旺兩個自建工廠,廠房淨面積8000平方米。


無錫巨旺塑化材料有限公司:是研發、生產和銷售透明HIPS、無毒無味亞磷酸酯螯合劑、阻燃PET假髮聚酯粒料、有機錫熱穩定劑、CPVC粒料和CPVC混合料、醫用聚氨酯含鋇造影料。並代理國外知名塑、化企業耐高溫特殊塑膠、導電塑膠、塑膠助劑、化工等原料。在塑膠橡膠、複合材料、化工、水處理事業、電子材料、醫藥、醫療器械等領域與客戶展開著廣泛的業務。 無錫工廠生產類:無毒亞磷酸酯、透明HIPS膠粒、PBC環保塑膠、醫用聚氨酯TPU、導電塑膠、CPVC粒料、特殊塑膠改性、高耐熱塑膠 無錫工廠代理類:美國聯邦化學氧化聚乙烯蠟OPE粉沫中國總經銷、瑞士JW塑膠抗靜電劑中國總代理、PP和PE透明成核劑 蘇州工廠生產類:醫用級PP、醫用級PE、醫用級非鄰苯PVC、醫用級ABS、醫用級PC、醫用級PS、醫用級矽膠、醫用級改性塑膠 蘇州工廠經銷類:巴斯夫DINCH環保增塑劑、檸檬酸酯ATBC、硬料專用非鄰苯環保增塑劑 我們熱誠期待行業內的朋友兼職或代理分銷,包裝方式可做成中性包裝或按要求OEM 憑藉其成熟豐富的客戶資源,我們期待能為更多國內外知名企業的特殊塑膠、化工及相關產品在國內外架起橋樑與渠道。 Wuxi JuWang Plastic Material Co.,Ltd is a manufacturer specializes in Comprehensive new material, produces and sells transparent HIPS, FRPET, CPVC material and CPVC blended power. Also we are agents of some overseas famous brands of plastic ad chemical material, such as heat-resistant special plastics,conductive plastics, medical plastics,plastic additive and chemical plastics. We have a broad range of business cooperation with customers from Plastic rubber industry, composite material industry, Chemical industry, Water treatment, Electronic material, Medical Instruments, etc. We have rich experience of technology and practice in rubber&plastic raw material and products, metallurgy and special instruments, chemical fiber and textile products, chemical raw material and additive. We sincerely hope developing and sharing our technology, market and profits together with our cooperation friends! We believe we make all efforts in order to meet your satisfactory and standard. We look forward to be a bridge and channel for more home&abroad enterprises who wants to enter China special plastic, chemical and related products markets. 公司名稱:無錫巨旺塑化材料有限公司




