博士後研究員,美國史丹福大學(Stanford University), 2007.1-2008.2
國際建築信息領域著名期刊 ITcon 編委
美國ASCE Global Center of Excellence in Computing成員
Ontology 映射
Wu Wei, Raja R.A. Issa and Jiayi Pan. The Status of BIM Application in China’s AEC Industry. Journal of Building Information Modeling,2010,fall
Cheng, C. P., Lau, G. T., Law, K. H., Pan, J., and Jones, A. (2009) 'Improving Access to and Understanding of Regulations through Taxonomies.' Government Information Quarterly, 26(2): 238-245, 2009.
Pan, J., Cheng, C.P., Lau, G.T. and Law, K.H. (2008) Utilizing Statistical Semantic Similarity Techniques for Ontology Mapping-with Applications to AEC Standard Models. 12th International Conferences on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering & 2008 international Confernece on Information Technology in Construction. Journal of Tsinghua University-Science and Technology. Vol 13 No. S1 October 2008, p.217-222.
Anumba C J, Issa R R A, Pan. J, and Mutis I (2008) “Ontology-based information and knowledge management in construction.” Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 8(3): 218-239, 2008.
Pan, J. and Anumba, C.J. (2008) Semantic-Discovery of Project Files. Journal of Tsinghua University-Science and Technology. Vol 13 No. S1 October 2008, p.305-310
Cheng, C.P., Pan, J., Lau, G.T., Law, K.H. and Jones, A. (2008) Relating Taxonomies with Regulations. Received best paper award from The 9th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, May 18-21th 2008, Montreal Canada.
Anumba, C J, Pan, J. and Mutis, I. R. R. A. (2008) Collaborative Project Information Management in a Semantic Web Environment. Engineering, Construction, and Architectural Management (ECAM) Journal, Vol 15, No. 1, 2008.