







Chapter 1 Introduction / 1
1.1 Target of the Research/1
1.2 Research Orientation/6
1.3 Rationale of the Research/8
1.4 Notes on Methodology, Data Collection and Terminology/10
1.5 Structure of the Book/11
Chapter 2 Literature Review / 13
2.1 Traditional Research/15
2.2 Research on the Basis of OT/38
2.3 Achievements and Limitations of the Past Researches/43
Chapter 3 Some Aspects of Chinese Morpho-syntax and Prosody / 45
3.1 Wordhood/45
3.2 Foot Binarity/51
3.3 Prosodic Constraints on Chinese Syntax/52
3.4 Summary/53
Chapter 4 The Conceptual Framework / $4
4.1 0TTheory/54
4.2 Justification for an OT Account of TSD/57
4.3 Characterization of the Conceptual Framework/59
Chapter 5 TS Phrasing in the Dialects Dominated by Morpho-syntactic Constraints / 71
5.1 Morpho-syntactic Constraints on TS Phrasing/71
5.2 Ruicheng. Case Study (1)/74
5.3 Danyang. Case Study (2)/ 81
5.4 Pingyao: Case Study (3)/89
5.5 Xiamen. Case Study (4)/98
5.6 Fuzhou. Case Study (5)/104
5.7 Shanghai: Case Study (6)/112
5.8 Summay/119
Chapter 6 TS Phrasing in the Dialects Dominated by Prosodic Constraints / 121
6.1 TSR Application Directionality/121
6.2 Dominance of Prosodic Constraints in the Phrasing of TS/126
6.3 Summary/166
Chapter7 Conclusion / 168
7.1 Major Findings/168
7.2 Implications/171
7.3 Limitations/173
7.4 Suggestions for Further Studies/173
Bibliography / 175

