湖南瀏陽河酒業有限公司 成立於1998年,是湖南中商集團的主要產業。當年10月,“瀏陽河”與“五糧液”聯合打造的瀏陽河酒第一代產品,在“唱中國名歌、喝中國名酒”的廣告宣傳中破殼而出。瀏陽河酒以一位偉人、一條名河、一首名歌為品牌內涵,通過13年勵精圖治,很快在中國白酒市場構建起了強大的品牌張力,成為中國知名白酒品牌,經權威機構評估其無形資產上100億元。
Hunan Liuyanghe Liquor Industry Co., Ltd.
In 1998, Hunan Zhongshang Group began to develop the Liuyanghe brand by cooperating with the “Chinese liquor industry magnate” Wuliangye Group through the State Industrial and Commercial Administration after purchasing Liuyanghe Liquor Distillery with its own capitals and permanently buying off the trademark use right of Liuyanghe. Through eleven years of continuous efforts, Liuyanghe has quickly constructed its strong brand power on the Chinese liquor market by generating seven series products including “Liuyanghe”, “Golden Century”, “Red Sun”, “Xiyangyang”, “Wanshixing”, “2008” and “Qinghuaci”; with its market share climbing gradually and its output and sales increasing annually, Liuyanghe has become the domestically well-known and fashion-leading “cross-century Chinese famous liquor brand” and “Chinese well-known trademark” sold on both domestic and overseas markets
Liuyanghe Liquor Manufacturing Base
1998年,湖南中商集團買斷了瀏陽市酒廠的瀏陽河酒商標,委託宜賓五糧液酒廠生產瀏陽河系列酒,當年中商集團設立湖南瀏陽河酒業有限公司為主經營。“瀏陽河”與“五糧液”這兩個各有優勢的品牌嫁接在一起,憑藉五糧液酒廠先進的釀酒工藝和“瀏陽河”名揚天下的名聲,打造了一個國內響噹噹的知名白酒品牌。 五糧液酒廠坐落在萬里長江第一城——酒都宜賓,占地4.5平方公里,為全國酒類行業之冠,在中國食品行業中獨占鰲頭。五糧液集五糧之精華而成玉液,歷史可上溯三千年,以其“歷史悠久,質量超群,風格獨特,魅力無窮”的品格,在國際國內擁有極高的聲譽,是當之無愧的“中國酒業大王”,成為中國酒業的現代“航空母艦”。五糧液集團開發研製了50多種品牌,而“瀏陽河”是其中重點品牌,是名符其實的“名門之後,五糧新貴”,融民族性、文化性、藝術性為一體,展現了文化酒的高貴品質。
In 1998, Hunan Zhongshang Group bought off the Liuyanghe Liquor trademark of Liuyang City Liquor Distillery and entrusted the manufacturing of Liuyanghe series liquors with the Yibin Wuliangye Liquor Factory. In the same year, Zhongshang Group set up Hunan Liuyanghe Liquor Industry Co., Ltd. as its major operation. Since then, the two respectively advantageous brands “Liuyanghe” and “Wuliangye” have been “grafted” together and a domestically