

游靜,1974年10月生,1996年畢業於長春地質學院套用化學專業,2000年在中國科學院蘭州化學物理研究所獲得分析化學博士學位。之後在美國南伊利諾州立大學化學系和動物系從事分析化學與環境毒理學的研究,2006年任南伊利諾州立大學動物系兼職研究生導師,2007年任美國中密蘇里州立大學生物化學、化學與物理系助理教授。2008年入選中國科學院“百人計畫”,並與2009年1月正式到位工作。 現任中國科學院研究員。


主要從事沉積物中有機污染物(新興農藥與其它持續性有機污染物)的分布、生物有效性、生態毒性和毒理動力學以及混合污染物的毒性評價和鑑定的研究。近年來在沉積物中擬除蟲菊酯類農藥殘留的分布及其對底棲無脊椎動物的毒性效應與毒理動力學方面進行了大量研究,其中該類農藥對城市區域中水體環境評價的研究被國際環境科學界權威雜誌Environmental Science & Technology(ES& T)作為封面文章進行了專門報導。在國際SCI雜誌ES & T, Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry, Chemosphere 和Journal of Chromatograph A等上發表論文31篇,其中第一作者16篇。目前的工作重點在沉積物中有機污染物生物有效性和毒性評估研究。















1. Du J., Pang J.-X., You J*. Bioavailability-based chronic toxicity measurements of permethrin to Chironomus dilutus. Environ. Toxicol. Chem.

2. Li H.-Z., Sun B.-Q., Chen X., Lydy M.J., You J.* Addition of contaminant bioavailability and species susceptibility to a sediment toxicity assessment: Application in an urban stream in China, Environ. Pollut.

3. Li H.-Z., Sun B.-Q., Lydy M.J., You J*. Sediment-associated pesticides in an urban stream in Guangzhou, China: Implication of a shift in pesticide use patterns. Environ. Toxicol. Chem

4. Li Y.-L., Fang Z.-X., You J*. Application of Box-Behnken Experimental Design to optimize the extraction of insecticidal Cry1Ac from soil, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2013, 61, 1464-1470.

5. Ding Y.-P., Landrum P.F., You J.*, Lydy M.J.* Assessing bioavailability and toxicity of permethrin and DDT in sediment using matrix solid phase microextraction. Ecotoxicology

6. Pang J.-X., Sun B.-Q., Li H.-Z., Mehler W.T., You J*. Influence of bioturbation on bioavailability and toxicity of PAHs in sediment from an electronic waste recycling site in South China. Ecotox. Environ. Saf.

7. Wang J.-Z., Li H.-Z., You J.* Distribution and toxicity of current-use insecticides in sediment of a lake receiving waters from areas in transition to urbanization, Environ. Pollut

8. Du J., Mehler W.T., Lydy M.J., You J. * Toxicity of sediment-associated unresolved complex mixture and its impact on bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, J. Hazard. Mater

9. Mehler W. T., Li H.-Z., Lydy M. J., You J.* Identifying the causes of sediment-associated toxicity in urban waterways of the Pearl River Delta, China. Environ. Sci. Technol

10. Mehler W.T., Du J., Lydy M.J., You J.* Joint toxicity of a pyrethroid insecticide, cypermethrin, and a heavy metal, lead, to the benthic invertebrate Chironomus dilutus. Environ. Toxicol. Chem

11. You J.*, Harwood A. D., Li H.-Z., Lydy M. J. Chemical techniques for assessing bioavailability of sediment- associated contaminants: SPME versus Tenax extraction. J. Environ. Monit

12. Li H.-Z., Bai J.-M., Li Y.-T., Cheng H.-F., Zeng E. Y., You J.* Short-range transport of contaminants released from e-waste recycling site in South China. J. Environ. Monit

13. Yan Y., Yang Y., You J.*, Yang G., Xu Y., Huang N., Wang X., Ran D., Yuan X., Jin Y., Fan Y., Lei J., Li W., Gu H.*, Permethrin modulates cholinergic mini-synaptic currents by partially blocking the calcium channel. Toxicol. Lett

14. Mehler W. T., Li H.-Z., Pang J.-X., Sun B.-Q., Lydy M. J., You J.*. Bioavailability of hydrophobic organic contaminants in sediment with different particle size distributions. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol.

15. Ding Y.-P, Weston D. P., You J.*, Rothert A. K., Lydy M. J., Toxicity of sediment-associated pesticides to Chironomus dilutus and Hyalella azteca. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol

16. You J., Kelley R., Crouse C., Trushenski J.T., Lydy M.J. Analysis of persistent halogenated hydrocarbons in fish feeds containing fish oil and other alternative lipid sources. Talanta

17. H.-Z. Li, W. T. Mehler, M. J. Lydy, J. You*. Occurrence and distribution of sediment-associated insecticides in urban waterways in the Pearl River Delta, China. Chemosphere

18. H.-Z. Li, W.-L. Wei, J. You*, M. J. Lydy, Analysis of sediment-associated insecticides using ultrasound assisted microwave extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Talanta

19. Pehkonen S., You J.*, Akkanen J., Kukkonen J.V.K., Lydy M.J. Influence of black carbon and chemical planarity on bioavailability of sediment-associated contaminants. Environ. Toxicol. Chem

20. Wang D., You J.*, Lydy M.J. Sediment matrix effects in quantitative analysis of pyrethroid insecticides using gas chromatography-quadrupole mass spectrometer. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol.

21. Mehler W.T., You J.*, Maul J. D., Lydy M.J. Comparative analysis of whole sediment and pore water toxicity identification evaluation techniques for ammonia and nonpolar organic contaminants. Chemosphere

22. You J., Wang D., Lydy M.J. Determination of pyrethroid insecticides in sediment by gas chromatography – ion trap tandem mass spectrometry. Talanta

23. Ding Y.-P, You J.*, Lydy M.J. Analysis of pyrethroid insecticides in Chironomus dilutus using matrix solid phase dispersion extraction. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol

24. You J., Brennan A.A., Lydy M.J. Bioavailability and biotransformation of sediment- associated pyrethroid insecticides in Lumbriculus variegatus, Chemosphere







