

菜系及功效:家常菜譜 美味粥湯 私家菜 海皇竹盅雞
海皇竹盅雞的 製作材料 主料:活鮑魚三隻,干貝兩粒泡軟,冬菇三朵泡軟,鮮人叄一條,雞腿兩隻 調料:紅棗兩粒,姜數片,料酒一大匙,鹽少許,清水,竹筒一個。 海皇竹盅雞的特色:這道湯的特色是一股清淡的竹香里融合了鮮人叄的藥味,冬菇的香氣,干貝和雞腿的濃郁鮮美,還有鮮鮑魚的獨特口感,充滿了秋的氣息。教您海皇竹盅雞怎么做,如何做海皇竹盅雞才好吃做法 : 將所有材料放進竹筒里,注滿清水,加料酒。大鍋里注入清水(足夠淹及竹筒的一半)燒開,將竹筒移至鍋里以大火燉25分鐘後轉小火繼續燉90分鐘,加鹽調味即可。


Cuisine and efficacy: homemade soup recipes tasty private cooking porridge Neptune Orient bamboo cup chicken Production of materials Ingredients: 3 live abalone, scallops, two soaked, soaked mushrooms 3, a fresh one triple, two chicken Sauce: 2 red dates, ginger pieces, one tablespoon cooking wine, salt a little, water, bamboo 1. Neptune Orient bamboo cup chicken Characteristics: This Road soup is characterized by an integration of light in a fresh bamboo incense were triple the taste, the aroma of mushrooms, fresh scallops and a rich chicken legs, but also the unique taste of fresh abalone, full autumn atmosphere. Hoi Wong Chuk cup chicken teach you how to do and how to make bamboo cup chicken was delicious Hoi Wong practices: All the ingredients into the bamboo tube, filled with water, plus wine. Pot with fresh, cold water (enough to flood and half of bamboo) boil, will go to pot bamboo cook for 25 minutes after the big switch to low heat and simmer 90 minutes, season with salt.


