0 Introduction
PART Ⅰ: History and Philosophy of Mathematics
1 Egyptian Mathematics
2 Scales of Notation
3 Prime Numbers
4 Sumerian-BabylonianMathematics
5 More about Mesopotamian Mathematics
6 The Dawn of Greek Mathematics
7 Pythagoras and His School
8 Perfect Numbers
9 Regular Polyhedra
10 The Crisis of Incommensurables
11 From Heraclitus to Democritus
12 Mathematicsin Athens
13 Plato and Aristotle on Mathematics
14 Constructions with Ruler and Compass
15 The Impossibility of Solving the Classical Problems
16 Euclid
17 Non-Euclidean Geometry and Hilbert's Axioms
18 Alexandria from 300bcto 200 BC
19 Archimedes
20 Alexandria from 200 BC to 500 AD
21 Mathematics in China and India
22 Mathematics in Islamic Countries
23 New Beginnings in Europe
24 Mathematics in the Renaissance
25 The Cubic and Quartic Equations
26 Renaissance Mathematics Continued
27 The Seventeenth Century in France
28 The Seventeenth Century Continued
29 Leibniz
30 The Eighteenth Century
31 The Law of Quadratic Reciprocity
PART Ⅱ: Foundations of Mathematics
1 The Number System
2 Natural Numbers (Peano's Approach)
3 The Integers