



何其莘博士,北京外國語大學教授,博士生導師。1994年-2005年任北外副校長,現為中國人民大學外國語學院院長、清華大學雙聘教授、廣東外語外貿大學等29所院校的客座教授、教育部高校英語專業教學指導委員會主任、全國翻譯碩士專業學位教育指導委員會副主任、全國英國文學學會會長、全國有突出貢獻的中青年專家。主要成果包括:Listen to This,《新概念英語》、《文化透視英語教程》、《英國文藝復興時期文學史》、《英國戲劇史》、《英國中古時期文學史》,《中國學者眼中的英國文學》等。
楊孝明博士,教授。畢業於西安外國語大學,後獲英國諾丁漢大學英語碩士學位、美國鮑陵格林州立大學英語博士學位。在俄亥俄州鮑陵格林大學和新澤西州海洋郡學院任教二十餘年,教授英文寫作、英美文學和語言學等課程,現為新澤西州海洋郡學院英語系終身教授。主要成果包括:The Rhetor of Propaganda,Error of Creativity,A Hundred Flowers Blossoming,《中國式英語錯誤分析》,《文學批評理論的運用》等。


UNIT ONEThinking StartersText A: For Patriot DreamsText B: Little Flag, Full of HopeReadings and Self-testingUNIT TWOThinking StartersText A: A Rounded Version: The Theory of Multiple IntelligencesText B: Names That Match Forge a Bond on the InternetReadings and Self-testingUNIT THREEThinking StartersText A: Think about ItText B: Commencement Speech at Harvard University Medical SchoolReadings and Self-testingUNITFOURThinking StartersText A: The Tipping PointText B: Fly on the Wall: Wilson vs. GouldReadings and Self-testingUNITFIVEThinking StartersText A: Debtor NationText B: Debtor Nation (Continued)Readings and Self-testingUNIT SIXThinking StartersText A: "1 Can't Afford to Get Sick"Text B: Fat, IncReadings and Self-testingUNITSEVENThinking StartersText A: When Miss America Was Always WhiteText B: Taking for Granted and SurpriseReadings and Self-testingUNITEIGHTThinking StartersText A: Beyond BeliefText B: A Shift in the Created OrderReadings and Self-testingUNIT NINEThinking StartersText A: Memoria ex MachinaText B: Thriving in a "User-friendly" UniverseReadings and Self-testingUNITTENThinking StartersText A: The Science of HappinessText B: The Science of Happiness (Continued)Readings and Self-testingUNIT ELEVENThinking StartersText A: Management Philosophies, Old and NewText B: Challenging Corporate Power: An Interview with Richard GrossmanReadings and Self-testingUNIT TWELVEThinking StartersText A: Birth of a FeministText B: Women Under SiegeReadings and Self-testingUNIT THIRTEENThinking StartersText A: Toward a Liberal Realist Foreign PolicyText B: The Accountability DeficitReadings and Self-testingUNITFOURTEENThinking StartersText A: Why the Rich Are Getting Richer and the Poor, PoorerText B: Why the Rich Are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer (Continued)Readings and Self-testingUNITFIFTEENThinking StartersText A: Separation versus Accommodation: Why We Should Favor the LatterText B: New Jersey v. T.L.OReadings and Self-testingUNITSIXTEENThinking StartersText A: The Obligation to EndureText B: "Taming" the RhineReadings and Self-testing


