2008.07至今 , 教授,大連理工大學,工程力學系,航空航天學院
2006.10~2008.07, Research Associate,史丹福大學航空航天系
2005.11~2006.09, Visiting Associate Professor,史丹福大學航空航天系
2004.09~2005.10, Visiting Scholar,史丹福大學航空航天系
2003.07~2004.09, 副教授,哈爾濱工業大學航天學院;
2001.09~2003.06, 講師,哈爾濱工業大學航天學院;
2000.04~2001.09, 助理研究員,哈爾濱工業大學航天學院
●Member of the Organizing Committee of 2 International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering;
●Member of the Organizing Committee of the 7 International Conference of Structural Health Monitoring;
●Reviewer for:
◆Smart Materials and Structures;
◆Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures;
◆ Measurement Science and Technology
1. Wu, Zhanjun; Qing, Xinlin; Chang, Fu-kuo, “Debond Detection for Composite laminate Plates with A Distributed Hybrid PZT/FBG Sensor Network”, Intelligent Material and Structural System. 2009
2. Wu, Zhanjun; Qing, Xinlin; Ghosh, Kumar; Chang, Fu-kuo, Karbhari, Vistasp; “Health monitoring of bonded composite repair in bridge rehabilitation”, Smart Materials and Structures, 17 (2008) p9-18
3. Wu, Zhanjun; Zhang, Boming; Wan, Libin; Zhou, Zhi; Ou, Jinping; “Engineering Approach to In-Situ Bridge Health Monitoring with Fiber Bragg Gratings”, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (English),2006(1).
4. Wu, Zhanjun; Ghosh, Kumar; Qing, Xinlin; Karbhari, Vistasp; Fu-kuo Chang. “Structural health monitoring of composite repair patches in bridge rehabilitation”, Proceedings of SPIE,Volume 6174, Apr. 11, 2006, San Diego.
5. Qing, Xinlin; Wu, Zhanjun; Chang, Fu-Kuo; Ghosh, Kumar; Karbhari, Vistasp; and Charles Sikorsky, “Monitoring the Disbond of Externally Bonded CFRP Composite Strips for Rehabilitation of Bridges”, The European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, held in July, 2006, in Granada.
6. Zhang, Xiaojing; Wu, Zhanjun; and Zhang, Bomin; “Strain dependence of fiber Bragg grating sensors at low temperature”. Optical Engineering, 2006, 459(5), 054401-4
7. Wu, Zhanjun; Guo, Zhan-Sheng; Wan, Libing; Zhang, Boming; Du, Shanyi; “Measurement of process-induced stresses in composite laminates by FBG sensors”, International SAMPE Technical Conference; 2004; Vol.49, p.3217-3224.
8. Wu, Zhanjun; Zhang, Boming; Wang, Dianfu; “Monitoring of epoxy composite cure process with fiber optic pefractive index sensors”, Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments; 2003; p.158-161, Conference: Proceedings of the International Symposium of Young Scholars on Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments; Aug 11-16 2001; Changsha/Zhangjiajie, China
9. Wu, Zhanjun; Zhang, Boming; Wang, Dianfu; etc., “In-Situ Monitoring Of Composite Cure Process with Fiber Optic Refractive Sensors”, Proc. SPIE Vol. 4563, P. 84-90.
10. Wu, Zhanjun; Zhang, Boming; Wang, Dianfu; etc., “Smart Process Monitoring & Control For Advanced Composites”, Asia Scientific Review, 2002, Vol. 3.
11. Du, Shanyi; Wu, Zhanjun; Zhang, Boming, “Smart process monitoring and control for advanced composites used in space engineering”, IAF, International Astronautical Congress, 52nd, Toulouse, France; INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION; 1-5 Oct. 2001.
12. Du, Shanyi; Wu, Zhanjun; Zhang, Boming; Wang, Dianfu; “Smart Process Monitoring and Control for Advanced Composites”, ICCM14, 2003, San Diego, CA, USA.
13. Zhang, Boming, Wu, Zhanjun, Wang, Dianfu, Du, Shanyi, “An Investigation of Multi-Functional Fiber Optic Sensor in Smart Composite, Optical Engineering”,2001, Vol.40, No. 4, pp. 612-617
14. Zhang, Boming, Wu, Zhanjun, Wang, Dianfu, Du, Shanyi, “Experimental Study of Composite autoclave Cure Process Monitoring & Controlling Featured with Fiber Optic Sensor”, Journal of Material Science and Technology, 2001,Vol.17 No.4 P.449-452
15. Zhang, Boming; Wu, Zhanjun; Wang, Dianfu, “Composite cure process optimization with the aid of fiber optic sensors”, SPIE Vol.4202, January 2001.
16. Liu Ling,Wu Zhanjun,Zhang Boming,Wang Dianfu.”Effects of cure pressure induced voids on the mechanical strength of carbon/epoxy Laminates”.Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2005, Vol.21, No.1, P.87-91
17. Zhou Zhi, Wu Zhanjun, Ou Jinping, “Technique and application of in-situ monitoring for concrete structures with fbg sensors”, Pacific Science Review, Vol.3.
18. Zhang, Boming; Zhang, Jifeng; Wu, Zhanjun; Du, Shanyi. “A load reconstruction model for advanced grid-stiffened composite plates”, Composite Structures, 2008,Vol.82, No.3, P. 600–608
19. Liu, Ling; Zhang, Boming; Wu, Zhanjun; Wang, Dianfu, “Effects of cure pressure induced voids on the mechanical strength of carbon/epoxy laminates”, Journal of Materials Science and Technology; January 2005; v.21, no.1, p.87-91
1. 武湛君,萬里冰,張博明,“單根光纖光柵監測複合材料固化工藝過程多目標參量技術的研究”,複合材料學報,2004 V.21, No.6, p.82-86。
2. 武湛君,萬里冰,張博明,趙海濤,“光纖光柵應變感測器監測複合材料層板疲勞過程的研究“,複合材料學報,2004 V.21, No.6, p.75-81。
3. 武湛君,王殿富,李辰砂,“先進複合材料生產光纖智慧型監控系統”,電機與控制學報,2002, Vol.6, No.2 P.168-172,178
4. 武湛君,王文玲,“水泥水化放熱規律數學模型的研究”,低溫建築技術,2003(6):18-19。
5. 武湛君,張博明,王殿富,杜善義,“光纖感測器在民用建築結構中的套用”,哈爾濱工業大學學報,2001, V33, No.4 P.469-474
6. 武湛君,張博明,王殿富,杜善義,“用於FRP固化線上監測的光纖微彎壓力感測器研究”,複合材料學報,2002, V19, No.6, P. 125-129。
7. 武湛君,張博明,王殿富,李青坤等,“基於折射率變化的複合材料固化線上監測研究”,複合材料學報,2002, V19, No.6, P. 87-91。
8. 武湛君,郭戰勝,吳春濤,孫晶潔,張博明,“HD03環氧樹脂粘-溫關係研究”,哈爾濱理工大學學報,2004, V9, No. 2, P. 90-93
9. 萬里冰,武湛君,張博明,莫淑華等,“埋光纖光柵感測器智慧型土木結構應變監測”,力學與實踐,2003,Vol.25(4):35-38.
10. 萬里冰,武湛君,張博明,王殿富,“基於光纖光柵感測技術的橋樑結構內部應變監測”,光電子.雷射,2004, Vol. 15, No.12, P. 1472-1476
11. 萬里冰,武湛君,張博明,王殿富,“光纖布拉格光柵監測複合材料固化”,複合材料學報,2004,Vol.21, No.3, P.1-5。
12. 萬里冰,武湛君,張博明,王殿富,趙雪峰,周智,“套用光纖Bragg光柵測量混凝土結構內部應變”,光電子·雷射,2002 Vol.13, No.7 P.722-725。
13. 張曉晶,武湛君,張博明,吳春濤,杜善義,“光纖布拉格光柵溫度和應變交叉靈敏度的實驗研究”,光電子·雷射,2005 Vol.16 No.5 P.566-569。
14. 張曉晶,武湛君,張博明,吳春濤,杜善義,“光纖布拉格光柵溫度靈敏性的實驗研究”,光學技術,2005 Vol.31 No.4 P.497-499。
15. 周智,武湛君,田石柱,趙雪峰,萬里冰,歐進萍,“光纖布喇格光柵溫度感測特性的研究”,壓電與聲光,2002 Vol.24 No.6 P.430-433
16. 周智,武湛君,趙雪峰,歐進萍,“混凝土結構的光纖光柵智慧型監測技術”,功能材料,2003,Vol.34(3):344-348.
17. 李辰砂,張博明,武湛君,王殿富,“採用光纖感測器的專家系統實時監控複合材料固化成型過程的研究”,高技術通訊(中文版),2001, Vol.11, No.8, P.98-101,97
18. 莫淑華,趙海濤,張博明,武湛君,“電阻法預報CFRP層板疲勞損傷演變過程”, 材料科學與工藝,2004,Vol. 12, No. 2. P. 186-189
19. 歐進萍,周智,武湛君,趙雪峰,莫淑華,“黑龍江呼蘭河大橋的光纖光柵智慧型監測技術”,土木工程學報,2004,Vol.37, No.1. P. 45-64。
20. 喬英傑,吳培蓮,武湛君,王慎敏,王殿富等,“高抗氧化低硫柔性石墨複合密封材料研究”,哈爾濱工業大學學報,2002, Vol. 34, No.1, P. 19-20
21. 陳吉安,張曉晶,武湛君,張博明,“探測氫氣泄漏的布拉格光柵型感測器”, 光學技術,2005 Vol.31 No.5 P.688-690。