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梁建[同濟大學經濟與管理學院教授] 梁建[同濟大學經濟與管理學院教授]



1. 論文發表 (最近5年)

梁建 陳爽英 蓋慶恩. 2010. 民營企業的政治參與、公司治理和慈善捐贈. 管理世界. 已接受.

Li, N., Liang, J. & Crant, J. M. 2010. The role of proactive personality in job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior: A relational perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology (2008年影響因子:3.769),95: 395-404.

梁建 唐京. 2009. 員工合理化建議的多層次分析:來自本土連鎖超市的證據. 南開管理評論. 3:125-134.

----to be appeared in Frontiers of Business Research in China.

梁建 樊景立. 2008. 理論構念的測量. 見陳曉萍、徐淑英、樊景立編著《組織與管理研究的實證方法》p229-254. 北京:北京大學出版社。

樊景立 梁建 陳志俊. 2008. 實證研究研究的設計和評價. 見陳曉萍、徐淑英、樊景立編著《組織與管理研究的實證方法》p107-127. 北京:北京大學出版社。

Farh, J. L., Liang, J., Chou, L.-F., & Cheng, B. S. (2008). Paternalistic leadership in Chinese organizations: Research progress and future research directions. In Chen, C. C. & Lee, Y.-T. (Eds.): Business Leadership in China: Philosophies, Theories & Practices (pp171-205). Cambridge University Press.

Farh, J. L., Hackett, R. D. & Liang, J. 2007. Individual-level cultural values as moderators of perceived organizational support-employee outcomes relationship in China: Comparing the effects of power distance and traditionality. Academy of Management Journal(2007年影響因子:5.017), 50: 715-729.

2. 會議論文(最近5年,AoM and IACMR only)

Farh, C. I. C., Tangirala, S., & Liang, J. 2010. Knowledge job characteristics and employee voice: The role of process improvement engagement and employee informational credibility. Paper will be presented at the Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management.

Liang, J. 2010. Effects of ethical leadership on employee voice behavior: Examining the mediating roles of psychological safety and felt obligations. Paper will be presented at the Fourth Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR).

Tang, T. L. P, Liang, J., Sutarso, T., Ansari, M. A., Akande, A., Allen, M. W. et al. 2009. A cross-level study of entity affluence, money attitude, pay satisfaction, and corrupt intent. Paper will be presented at the Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Chicago.

Li, N., Liang, J. & Crant, M. Elaborating the effects of proactive personality in China: A relational perspective. Paper presented at Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, 2008.

Liang, J. & Farh, J. L. Promotive and prohibitive voice behavior in organizations: A two-wave longitudinal examination. Paper presented at the Third Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Guangzhou, China, 2008.

Farh, J. L., Liang, J. & Hackett, R. D. Individual beliefs in power distance and traditionality: Conceptual distinction, measurement clarification, and implications for organizational research. Paper presented in the Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Philadelphia, 2007.

Liang, J. Bring leader consideration back in: Examining a dual-path model. Paper presented in the Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Philadelphia, 2007.

Farh, J. L., Liang, J. & Hackett, R. D. Power distance and traditionality: Theoretical clarification and measurement refinement. Symposium conducted at the Second International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, Nanjing, 2006.

Liang J. Moral leadership in Chinese context: A structural analysis. Paper presented at the IACMR Chinese management research methods workshop, Xi’an, 2005.

Liang, J. & Farh, J. L. Developing content adequate measures for organizational research: A review of current practices and suggestions for future research. Paper presented at the Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Honolulu, 2005.








1. Academy of Management

2. International Association of Chinese Management Research


1. Academy of Management

2. International Association of Chinese Management Research


