



2001/12 - 2003/08: 加拿大阿爾伯塔大學醫學院生物化學系博士後,細胞信號傳導方向

1998/05 - 2001/12: 美國愛荷華州立大學動物科學系和食品科學與人類營養系雙專業博士學位,


1990/09 - 1993/07: 中國農業大學食品科學學院,碩士學位,研究方向:肉品科學和肌肉生物學

1986/09 - 1990/07: 浙江大學食品科學與技術系,獲食品科學學士學位


2013/08 - Present: 美國華盛頓州立大學藥理學系兼職教授

2011/11 - Present: 美國華盛頓州立大學動物科學系特別資助教授

2009/07 - 2011/10: 美國懷俄明大學動物科學系發育生物學科研團隊負責人

2003/08 - 2011/10: 美國懷俄明大學動物科學系肌肉生物學助理教授和副教授

2001/10 - 2003/07: 加拿大阿爾伯塔大學醫學院生物化學系博士後,研究方向:細胞信號傳導

1998/05 - 2001/12: 愛荷華州立大學動物科學系研究助理

1997/09 - 1997/12: 德國聯邦肉類研究中心技術研究所訪問科學家

1995/05 - 1998/05: 中國農業大學食品科學學院分子肌肉生物學實驗室主任

1993/07 - 1998/05:中國農業大學食品科學學院肉品科學和肌肉生物學系任講師


1. 營養調控與骨骼肌和脂肪組織發育

2. 間充質多潛能幹細胞分化為脂肪和骨骼肌的表觀遺傳學機理

3. 胎兒發育對動物生產效率和肉品質及人類健康的長期影響


1. Du, M.(PI), J. R. Busboom, and M. L. Nelson. USDA-NIFA (2015-67015-23219 ), Vitamin A, Zfp423 and intramuscular adipogenesis in beef cattle. (4/1/2015-3/31/2019).

2. Du, M.(PI). USDA-NIFA (HATCH, WNP00796). Deciphering mechanisms regulating intramuscular adipogenesis and fibrogenesis in beef cattle. (3/2012-2/2017).

3. Du, M. (PI), NIH(1R01HD067449). AMP-activated protein kinase in cell differentiation during muscle development affected by maternal obesity. (2011/1-2015/12).



· Yang, Q. Y., J .F. Liang, C. J. Rogers, J. X. Zhao, M. J. Zhu, and M. Du. (2013). Maternal obesity induces epigenetic modifications to facilitate Zfp423 expression and enhance adipogenic differentiation in fetal mice. Diabetes, 62: 3727-3735.

· Fu, X., J. X. Zhao, X., M. J. Zhu, M. Foretz, B. Viollet, M. V. Dodson, and M. Du. (2013). AMP-activated protein kinase a1 but not a2 catalytic subunit potentiates myogenin expression and myogenesis. Molecular and Cell Biology, 33: 4517-4525.

· Fu, X., J. X. Zhao, J. F. Liang, M. J. Zhu, M. Foretz, B. Viollet, and M. Du. (2013). AMP-activated protein kinase mediates myogenin expression and myogenesis via histone deacetylase 5. American Journal of Physiology – Cell Physiology, 305: C887-895.

· Du, M., W. Bo, M.J. Zhu. (2015). Fetal programming in meat production. Meat Science, in press.

· Wei, S., X. Fu, X. Liang, M. Zhu, Z. Jiang, S. M. Parish, M. V. Dodson, L. Zan, and M. Du. (2015). Enhanced mitogenesis in stromal vascular cells derived from subcutaneous adipose tissue of Wagyu compared with those of Angus cattle. Journal of Animal Sciences, In press.

· Wang, S., X. Liang, Q. Yang, X. Fu, C. J. Rogers, M. J. Zhu, B. D. Rodgers, Q. Jiang, M. V. Dodson, and M. Du. (2014). Resveratrol induces brown-like adipocyte formation in white fat through activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) alpha1. International Journal of Obesity, In press.

· Duarte, M. S., M.P. Gionbelli, P.V.R. Paulino, N.V.L. Serão, C.S. Nascimento, M.E. Botelho, T.S. Martins, S.C.V. Filho, M.V. Dodson, S.E.F. Guimarães, M. Du. (2014). Maternal overnutrition enhances mRNA expression of adipogenic markers and collagen deposition in skeletal muscle of beef cattle fetuses. Journal of Animal Science, 92: 3846-3854.

· Wang, B., G. Yang, X. Liang, M. J. Zhu, and M. Du. (2014). Grape seed extract prevents skeletal muscle wasting in interleukin 10 knockout mice. BMC-Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 14, 162.

· Du, M.(2014). Meat Science and Muscle Biology Symposium – Implants, muscle development and meat quality. Journal of Animal Science, 92: 1-2.

· Du, M., Y. Huang, A. K. Das, Q. Yang, M. S. Duarte, M. V. Dodson, and M. J. Zhu. (2013). Manipulating mesenchymal progenitor cell differentiation to optimize performance and carcass value of beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 91: 1419-1429.

· Yan, X.,Y. Huang, J. X. Zhao, C. J. Rogers, M. J. Zhu, S. P. Ford, P. W. Nathanielsz, and M. Du. (2013). Maternal obesity down-regulates microRNA (miRNA) let-7g expression, a possible mechanism for enhanced adipogenesis during ovine fetal skeletal muscle development. International Journal of Obesity, 37: 568-575.


· Du, M., and M. V. Dodson. (2011). Advanced techniques to enhance marbling in meat. In “ Control of Meat Quality”. pp 105-115, Edited by S. T. Joo. Transworld Research Network.

· Du, M., and R. J. McCormick. (2009). Applied Muscle Biology and Meat Science. CRC press, Boca Raton, FL.

· Du, M., and Meijun Zhu. (2009). Fetal programming of skeletal muscle development. In “ Applied Muscle Biology and Meat Science”. Edited by M. Du and R. J. McCormick. CRC press, Boca Raton, FL.

· Du, M., Q. W. Shen, K. R. Underwood, J. F. Tong, and M. J. Zhu. (2009). AMP-activated protein kinase in muscle growth, fat deposition and meat quality. In “ Applied Muscle Biology and Meat Science”. Edited by M. Du and R. J. McCormick. CRC press, Boca Raton, FL.

· Du, M., and M. J. Zhu. (2008). Developmental programming of fetal skeletal muscle by maternal nutrition. In “ Developmental Programming of Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome”, Page 85-102. Edited by Marlon E. Cerf. Transworld Research Network.


241 Clark Hall

Department of Animal Sciences

Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164

