



女,1976年10月出生,湖南大學物理與微電子科學學院,微納光電器件及套用教育部重點實驗室教授(博導)。2005年6月博士畢業於中科院物理研究所,隨後獲日本科學技術振興學會博士後獎學金(JSPS),在日本產業技術綜合研究所(AIST)工作,2007年9月留任該研究所契約職員。2008年6月加盟湖南大學微納中心工作,發表SCI論文40多篇,包括以第一作者或通訊作者在 Appl. Phys. Lett. J. Mater. Chem. Nanoscale. CrystEngComm 等影響因子大於3.0以上期刊上發表論文15篇,申請專利5項,累計SCI引用他引總計1300多次,研究成果得到了眾多國際同行的肯定和支持。目前承擔課題包括國家自然科學青年基金,湖南省傑出青年基金,973子課題等。






1) J. M. Ma, Q. H. Li, et al. “Plate-like SnS2nanostructures: Hydrothermal preparation, growth mechanism and excellent electrochemical properties” CrystEngComm14, 832 (2012)

2) B. H. Qu, Q. H. Liand T. H. Wang,“Ternary Cu2SnS3cabbage-like nanostructures: large-scale synthesis and their application in Li-ion batterieswith superior reversible capacity” Nanoscale. 3, 4389 (2011)

3) M. Zhang, Q. H. Liand T. H. Wang, et al. “Fast synthesis of SnO2/graphene composites by reducing graphene oxide with stannous ions”, J. Mater. Chem.21,1673-1676 (2011)

4) M. Zhang, Q. H. Liand T. H. Wang, et al. “Fast Synthesis of Graphene Sheets with Good Thermal Stability by Microwave Irradiation”, Chem Asian J6, 1151 (2011)

5) C. C. Li, Q. H. Li, and T. H. Wang, et al. “Enhanced gas sensing properties of ZnO/SnO2hierarchical architectures by glucose-induced attachment”, CrystEngComm13, 1557 (2011)

6) L. M. Li, Z. F. Du, S. Liu, Q. Y. Hao, Y. G. Wang, Q. H. Li ,and T. H. Wang,“A novel nonenzymatic hydrogen peroxide sensor based on MnO2/graphene oxide nanocomposite”, Talanta 82, 1637 (2010)

7) S. Liu, L. M. Li, Q. Y. Hao, X. M. Yin, M. Zhang, Q. H. Li ,L. B. Chen, and T. H. Wang, “A novel non-enzymatic hydrogen peroxide sensor based on Mn-nitrilotriacetate acid (Mn-NTA) nanowires ”, Talanta81, 727 (2010)

8) Q. H. Li ,T. Horiuchi, S. Wang, M. Takahashi, and S. Sakai, “Threshold voltage adjustment of ferroelectric-gate field effect transistors by ion implantation” Semicond. Sci. Technol24, 025012 (2009)

9) Q. H. Li ,M. Takahashi, T. Horiuchi, S. Wang, and S. Sakai, “Threshold-Voltage Distribution of Pt/SrBi2Ta2O9/Hf-Al-O/Si MFIS FETs” Semicond. Sci. Technol23, 045011 (2008)

10) Q. H. Li ,and S. Sakai, “Characterization of Pt/SrBi2Ta2O9/Hf–Al–O/Si field-effect transistors at elevated temperatures” Appl. Phys. Lett.89, 222910 (2006)

11) Q. H. Li , T. Gao, and T. H. Wang, “Optoelectronic characteristics of single CdS nanobelts”, Appl. Phys. Lett.86, 193109 (2005)

12) Q. H. Li ,T. Gao, Y. G. Wang, and T. H. Wang, “Adsorption and desorption of oxygen probed from ZnO nanowire films by photocurrent measurements” Appl. Phys. Lett.86, 123117 (2005)

13) Q. H. Li, Q. Wan, Y. G. Wang, and T. H. Wang, “Abnormal temperature dependence of conductance of single Cd-doped ZnO nanowires” Appl. Phys. Lett.86, 263101 (2005)

14) Q. H. Li ,Q. Wan, Y. X. Liang, and T. H. Wang, “Electronic transport through individual ZnO nanowires” Appl. Phys. Lett.84, 4556-4557 (2004)

15) Q. H. Li ,Y. X. Liang, Q. Wan, and T. H. Wang, “Oxygen sensing characteristics of individual ZnO nanowire transistors” Appl. Phys. Lett.85, 6389-6391 (2004)

16) Q. H. Li , Y. J. Chen, Q. Wan, and T. H. Wang “Thin film transistors fabricated by in situgrowth of SnO2nanobelts on Au/Pt electrodes” Appl. Phys. Lett.85, 1805-1807 (2004)

17) Q. H. Li, and T. H. Wang, “Removal of shells of multi-wall carbon nanotubes by repeatedly scanning bias voltage” Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences47, 1-5 (2004)

18) Q. H. Li ,Q. Wan, Y. J. Chen, T. H. Wang, H. B. Jia, and D. P. Yu, “Stable field emission from tetrapod-like ZnO nanostructures” Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 636-638 (2004)


1) 李秋紅,趙亨,王太宏,一種原位構建微納器件的方法,200810143760.2(2008)

2) 王太宏,黃睿,陳立寶,周鋼,李秋紅,高吸液率微納結構聚合物電解質膜及其製備方法,200910043615.1(2009)

3) 李秋紅,白立朋,陳立寶,王太宏,一種高功率鋰離子電池,200920066183.1(2009)

4) 李秋紅,陳杰,陳立寶,王太宏,一種大容量高功率鋰離子電池,200920259942.6(2009)

5) 陳立寶,王太宏,李秋紅,白立朋,陳杰,一種內部多卷芯並聯結構聚合物鋰離子電池,200920259483.1(2009)


