李海英,女,1977, 河南師範大學副教授,碩士生導師

1997.9-2001.6 河南師範大學 數學教育專業 獲學士學位
2001.9-2004.6 河南師範大學 基礎數學專業 獲碩士學位
2005.9-2008.6 武漢大學 基礎數學專業 獲博士學位
2004.7-2007.7 河南師範大學數學與信息科學學院 助教
2007.8-2011.3 河南師範大學數學與信息科學學院 講師
2011.4- 河南師範大學數學與信息科學學院 副教授
Li Haiying and Ma Tianshui. Products of integral-type and composition operators between generally weighted Bloch spaces, Acta Math. Univ. Comenian., 80(2011), 107-117.
· T. S. Ma, H. Y. Li and S. H. Wang, Quasitriangularity of Brzezinski's crossed coproducts. J. Algebra Appl. 10(2)(2011), 241-255.(SCI)
· T. S. Ma, H. Y. Li and S. H. Wang, A class of new braided Hopf algebras. Front. Math. China 6(2) (2011), 293-308. (SCI)
· T. S. Ma, H. Y. Li and W. Z. Zhao. On the braided structures of Radford's biproduct. Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B Engl. Ed. 31B(2)(2011), 701-715. (SCI)
· Li Haiying and Liu Peide. Weighted composition operators between H^∞ and generally weighted Bloch spaces on polydisks, Internat. J. Math., 21 (2010), 687-699. (SCI)
· Li Haiying and Ma Tianshui. On a Stević integral-type operator from generally weighted Bloch spaces to Bloch-type spaces on the unit ball, Ars Combin.,96 (2010),185-192. (SCI)
· Changsen Yang and Haiying Li, An inequality between Jordan-von Neumann constant and James constant. Applied Mathematics Letters, 23(3)(2010), 277-281. (SCI)
· Li Haiying and Yang Xiangzhao. Products of integral-type and composition operators from generally weighted Bloch space to F(p,q,s) space, Filomat, 23 (2009), 231-241. (SCI)
· Li Haiying and Liu Peide. Composition operators between generally weighted Bloch space and log^Q_q space, Banach J. Math. Anal., 3(2009), 99-110. (SCI)
· Yisheng Song and Haiying Li, Strong convergence of iterative sequences for nonexpansive mappings. Applied Mathematics Letters, 22(10)(2009), 1500-1507. (SCI)
· Li Haiying and Liu Peide. Composition operators between H^∞ and generally weighted Bloch spaces of polydisk, Acta Math.Sci., 29 A(2009), 1634-1641.
· Li Haiying and Liu Peide. Composition operators between generally weighted Bloch space and Q_K(p , q) space, Math. Appl. (Wuhan), 22(2009), 711-715.
Li Haiying and Liu Peide. Composition operators from B^α to BMOA in several complex variables, J. Math. (Wuhan), 29(2009), 581-586.
· Li Haiying. Powers of an invertible (s,p)-w-hyponormal operator. Acta Mathematica Scientia (Series B), 28(2)(2008), 282-288. (SCI)
· Li Haiying, Liu Peide and Wang Maofa. Composition operators between generally weighted Bloch spaces of polydisk, J. Inequal. Pure Appl. Math., 8 (2007), 1-8.
· 楊長森,左紅亮,李海英.《正運算元理論》,武漢大學出版社,2009.