

男,1971年生於河北臨城,博士,教授,2007年入選教育部優秀人才支持計畫。負責國家自然基金項目等在研項目2項,參與973課題及國家自然基金重點項目各1項。截止2008年10月,已發表學術論文30餘篇,其中SCI檢索論文10餘篇,並為國外學者多次引用。參編國外學術著作1部。獲省部級三等獎1次。 4在Dept of Neuroscience, Columbia University做訪問學者


Yongjie LI, PhD and Professor of Biomedical Engineering.


(Research Interests)


李永傑[電子科技大學教授] 李永傑[電子科技大學教授]

Modelling of Visual Information Processing Mechanisms and its application to Image Analysis.

(2)智慧型計算(GA / SA / ANN / ACO / PSO / DNA計算 ... )

Intelligent Computation (GA / SA / ANN / ACO / PSO / DNA...)

(3)醫學物理技術(IMRT / IGRT / ART技術 ... )

Optimization Algorithms in Medical Physics (IMRT / IGRT / ART)



(2)"資料庫技術" (本科)

(3)"醫學成像原理" (研究生)


1989.09~1993.07 成都理工大學 套用地球物理專業本科生1993.09~1996.07 成都理工大學 套用地球物理專業碩士生2000.02~2004.06 電子科技大學 生物醫學工程專業博士生


1996.07~1998.12 中國石油天然氣集團公司物探局研究院2004.07~2005.08 電子科技大學生命科學與技術學院 講師2005.09~2008.07 電子科技大學生命科學與技術學院 副教授2008.08~至今 電子科技大學生命科學與技術學院 教授

2009.09~至今 在Dept of Neuroscience, Columbia University做訪問學者











截止2008年10月,已發表學術論文30餘篇,其中在國外重要刊物Phys. Med. Biol.和Med. Phys.等上發表SCI檢索論文15篇,EI檢索論文7篇。主要論文如下:

[1] Yongjie Li, Dezhong Yao. Ant Colony System for the Beam Angle Optimization Problem in Radiotherapy Planning, Chapter in "Systems Engineering using Swarm Particle Optimisation", N. Nedjah, L. M. Mourelle (Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, NY, ISBN: 1-60021-119-4, 2006, p31-54[2] Yongjie Li, Jonathan Yao and Dezhong Yao, Genetic algorithm based deliverable segments optimization for static intensity-modulated radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2003, Vol.48(20), p3353-3374 [3] Yongjie Li, Jonathan Yao, Dezhong Yao. Automatic beam angles selection in IMRT planning using genetic algorithm. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2004, 49(10), p1915-1932[4] Yongjie Li, Dezhong Yao, Jonathan Yao, Wufan Chen. A particle swarm optimization algorithm for beam angle selection in intensity-modulated radiotherapy planning. Phys. Med. Biol. 2005, 50 (15), p3491-3514[5] Yongjie Li, Dezhong Yao, Jonathan Yao. Optimization of Beam Angles in IMRT Using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 2005, Vol.63, Supplement 1. pp.S492-S493[6] Yongjie Li, Jonathan Yao and Dezhong Yao, Direct optimization of segments for intensity-modulated radiotherapy. Medical Physics, 2002, 29(6), p1259-1260[7] Yongjie Li, Jonathan Yao and Dezhong Yao, Problem-dependent simulated annealing for inverse treatment planning. Medical Physics, 2002, 29(6), p1259[8] Yongjie Li, Dezhong Yao. Accelerating the Radiotherapy Planning with a Hybrid Method of Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony System, 2006, LNCS-II, 4222, p340-349[9] Yongjie Li, Dezhong Yao. Expert knowledge guided genetic algorithm for beam angle optimization problem in intensity-modulated radiotherapy planning. 2006, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Science (LNCIS) 345, pp. p834- 839 [10] Yongjie Li, Dezhong Yao, Optimizing the MLC apertures for conformal radiotherapy with a hybrid algorithm, Medical Physics. 2006, 33(6), p2126-2127 [11]Yongjie Li, Dezhong Yao, Accelerating the Radiotherapy Planning with a Hybrid Method of Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony System, ICNC'06-FSKD'06, LNCS-II, 4222, p340-349[12]Yongjie Li, Dezhong Yao, Jiancheng Zheng, Jonathan Yao. A modified genetic algorithm for the beam angle optimization problem in intensity-modulated radiotherapy planning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 3871, pp.97-106, 2006[13]Yongjie Li, Jonathan Yao and Dezhong Yao, Genetic algorithm based automatic beam angles selection in IMRT, Medical Physics. 2003, Vol.30(6), p1373[14]Yongjie Li, Jonathan Yao and Dezhong Yao, Aperture based optimization for static IMRT using genetic algorithm, Medical Physics. 2003, Vol.30(6), p1372[15]Yongjie Li, Jonathan Yao and Dezhong Yao, Automatic beam angles selection for IMRT planning with orientation constraints (abstract), Medical Physics. 2004, Vol.31(6), p1865-1866[16]Yongjie Li, Weifu Xie, Dezhong Yao. A Preliminary Study of Automatic Delineation of Eyes on CT Images using Ant Colony Optimization, Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2007, 5(1), p66-69[17]Xinyu Du, Yongjie Li, Wufan Chen, Yi Zhang, Dezhong Yao, A Markov Random Field based Hybrid Algorithm with Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm for Image Segmentation, ICNC'06-FSKD'06, LNCS, 4221, p706-715[18]Xinyu Du, Yongjie Li, Dezhong Yao, An Adaptive Algorithm for Image Denoising Based on Fuzzy Gibbs Random Fields, ICCCAS’06, p467-471[19]Lei Jie, Yongjie Li*, A DNA Genetic Algorithm for Beam Angle Selection in Radiotherapy Planning, Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems(CIS), 2008, p1331-1336[20]Li Long, Yongjie Li*, Contour Detection Based On the Property of Orientation Selective Inhibition of Nonclassical Receptive Field, Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems(CIS), 2008, p1002-1006[21]Pei Jiang, Yongjie Li*, A Hybrid Face Recognition Algorithm Based on WT, NMFs and SVM, Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems(CIS) , 2008, p734-737[22]XiaoYi Song, Yongjie Li*, Wufan Chen, A Textural Feature-Based Image Retrieval Algorithm, Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC), 2008, Vol.4, p71-75[23]Xinyu Du, Yongjie Li, Dezhong Yao, A Support Vector Machine Based Algorithm for Magnetic Resonance Image Segmentation, Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC), 2008, Vol.3, p49-53


