

姓名: 李志慧性別: 女 職稱: 教授







1. Zhihui Li, PingLi, YongMingLi, The relationships among several types of fuzzy automata, Information Sciences, 176, 2006: 2208-2225.

2. Zhihui Li, TingXue, HongLai, Secret sharing scheme from binary linear codes, Information Sciences,180, 2010: 4412-4419.

3. WeiCong Wang, ZhiHui Li, Yun Song, The optimal information rate of perfect secret sharing schemes, 2011 IEEE International Conference on business management and electronic information, 2011: 207-212.

4. QianQian Zhang, ZhiHui Li, A verifiable secret sharing Scheme without dealer in vector space, 2011 Eighth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD2011: 2222-2225.

5. YunSong , Zhihui Li, The information rate of secret sharing schemes on seven participants by connected graphs, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol.4(127), 2012: 637-645.

6. Zhihui LiJingLi , YunSong , A novel multi-secret sharing scheme based on linear codes, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics Engineering and Computer Technology (PEECT2012) , 2012:214-217.

7. Zhihui Li, Jianhong Sun, JingLi, A Novel Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Minimal Linear Codes , Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.18, No.2, 2013 : 407-412.

8. Zhihui Li, YunSong, Yongming Li, The optional information rates of the graph access structures on seven participants, Advanced Materials Research , Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, Vol. 859, 2014: 596-601.

9. Yun Song, Zhihui Li, A new multi-use multi-secret sharing scheme based on the duals of minimal linear codes, Security and Communication Networks, 8(2), 2015: 202-211.

10. Yun Song, Zhihui Li, Yongming Li. The optimal information rate of the graph access structures on nine participants. Frontiers of Computer Science, Vol..9, No.5, 2015: 778-787.

11. Zhihui Li, Yun Song & Yongming Li, Ideal access structures based on a class of minimal linear codes, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol.93, No.11, 2016: 1818-1832.

12. 宋雲,李志慧,基於極小線性碼上的秘密共享方案, 電子學報, Vol.41(2), 2013: 220-226.

13. 宋雲,李志慧,李永明,含至多四個參與者的量子秘密共享方案的最優信息率,電子學報, Vol.42,No.10,2014:1951-1956.

14. 宋雲,李志慧,極小特權數組上的理想的多秘密共享方案,中國科學:信息科學, Vol.44,No.5, 2014, :610-622.

15. 李志慧,高等代數研究問題的基本方法的教學實施, 數學教育學報,Vol.22, No.2,2014.

16. 李志慧,李永明,高等代數中的典型問題與方法(第二版),北京:科學出版社,2016年.


