2009.1– 現在:中南大學“升華學者”特聘教授,博士生導師,教育部“新世紀優秀人才”
2007.9– 現在: 教授,測繪與國土信息工程系,中南大學
2007.6 – 2007.9: Research Fellow,Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics,The Hong KongPolytechnicUniversity
2005.6 – 2007.6: Postdoctoral Fellow,Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics,The Hong KongPolytechnicUniversity
2003.8 – 2005.2: Research Associate,Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics,The Hong KongPolytechnicUniversity
1. 合成孔徑雷達干涉(InSAR)監測城市、礦區地表變形
2. 高解析度InSAR測圖技術
3. InSAR地震、火山監測及相關地球物理參數反演
4. InSAR監測冰川和凍土運動
5. InSAR圖像處理理論
先後主持國家自然科學基金3項,優秀青年科學基金1項,歐洲、日本、義大利空間局數據計畫等項目9項,省教育廳、國家重點實驗室等開放基金7項。參與國家863項目、國家西部測圖研究課題。省重大專項、省科技計畫、省國土資源保護項目等各類項目10餘項。發表論文50餘篇,其中SCI檢索42篇,在國際雜誌《 Geophysical Journal International》、《 Journal of Geodesy》、《 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing》、《 ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing》、《 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics》、《 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters》《 International Journal of Remote Sensing》、《 Global and Planetary changes》、《 Survey Review》、《 Sensors》等發表論文24篇。
國內外著名雜誌《 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing》、《 International Journal of Remote Sensing》、《 International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation》、《 Journal of Applied Geodesy》、《 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics》、《 中國科學》、《 自然科學進展》、《 地球物理學報》、《 測繪學報》等的審稿人。
1. Xu,W.B., Li,Z.W.,Ding,X.L.,Zhu,J.J. Interpolating atmospheric water vapor delay by incorporating terrain elevation information, Journal of Geodesy,accepted.
2. Jiang,M., Li,Z. W.,Ding,X. L.,Zhu,J. J.,Feng,G.C. Modeling Minimum and Maximum Detectable Deformation Gradients of Interferometric SAR Measurements, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,accepted.
3. Li,J., Li,Z.W.,Ding,X.L.,Zhu,J.,Wang,C.C. Filtering Strong Noisy SAR Interferogram with Integrated Contoured Median and Goldstein two-step Filter,Journal of Remote Sensing,accepted
4. Song,Y.C.,Zhu,J.J., Li,Z.W. The Least-squares Estimation of Adjustment Model Constrained by Some Non-negative Parameters. Survey Review,42(315): 62-71,2010
5. Feng,G.C.,Hetland,E.A.. Ding,X.L., Li,Z.W.,Zhang,L. Coseismic fault slip of the 2008 M-w 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake estimated from InSAR and GPS measurements. Geophysical Research Letters,37,L01302,2010
6.尹宏傑,朱建軍, 李志偉,丁曉利,汪長城. 基於SBAS的礦區形變監測研究. 測繪學報,2011(1).
7. Hu,J., Li,Z.W.,Zhu,J.J.,Ren,X.C.,Ding,X.L. Inferring three-dimensional surface displacement field by combining SAR interferometric phase and amplitude information of ascending and descending orbits. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences,53(4): 550-560,2010
胡俊,李志偉,朱建軍,任小沖,丁曉利. 融合升降軌SAR干涉相位和幅度信息揭示地表三維形變場的研究. 中國科學(D輯),40(3): 307-318,2010
8. 許文斌, 李志偉,丁曉利,馮光財,胡俊,龍江平,尹宏傑,楊亞夫. 利用MERIS水汽數據改正ASAR干涉圖中的大氣影響,地球物理學報,53(5): 1073-1084,2010
9. 孫倩,朱建軍, 李志偉,尹宏傑,胡波,蔣彌. 基於信噪比的InSAR干涉圖自適應濾波. 測繪學報,38(5):437-442,2009
10. 蔣彌, 李志偉,丁曉利,朱建軍,馮光財,尹宏傑. InSAR可檢測的最大最小變形梯度的函式模型研究. 地球物理學報,52(7):1715-1724,2009
11. Yin,H.J., Li,Z.W.,Ding,X.L.,Jiang,M.,Sun.,Q.,Wang.,P.,Optimal Integration-based Adaptive Direction Filter for InSAR Interferogram,Journal of Remote Sensing,13(6): 1092-1098,2009
尹宏傑,李志偉,丁曉利,蔣彌,孫倩,王平. 基於最最佳化融合的InSAR干涉圖自適應方向平滑濾波,遙感學報,13(6): 1099-1105,2009
12. Li,Z.W.,Ding,X.L.,Zheng,D.W. and Huang,C. Least Squares Based Filter for Remote Sensing Image Noise reduction, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,46(7): 2044-2049,2008
13. Li,Z.W.,Ding,X.L.,Huang,C,Zhu,J.J. and Chen,Y.L. Improved Filtering Parameter Determination for the Goldstein Radar Interferogram Filter, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,63(6): 621-634,2008
14. Li, Z.W.,Ding,X.L.,Chen,W.,Liu,G.X.,Shea,Y.K.,Emerson,N.. Comparative study of tropospheric empirical model for Hong Kong region, Survey Review,40(310): 328-341,2008
15. Hu,J., Li,Z.W.,Ding,X.L.,Zhu,J.J.,Two-dimensional Co-Seismic Surface Displacements Field of the Chi-Chi Earthquake Inferred from SAR Image Matching, Sensors,8:6484-6495,2008
16. Ding,X.L., Li,Z.W.,Zhu,J.J.,Feng,G.C.,Long,J.P.,Atmospheric Effects on InSAR Measurements and Their Mitigations, Sensors,8: 5426-5448,2008
17. Li,Z.W.,Ding,X.L.,Huang,C.,Zou,Z.R. Atmospheric effects on repeat-pass InSAR measurements over Shanghai region, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics,69: 1344-1356,2007
18. Li,Z.W.,Ding,X.L.,Huang,C. and Zheng,D.W. Filtering Method for Radar Interferogram with Strong noise, International Journal of Remote Sensing,27(14): 2991-3000,2006.
19. Li,Z.W.,Ding,X.L.,Huang,C,Zheng,D.W. Modeling of atmospheric effects on InSAR measurements by incorporating terrain elevation information, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics,68: 1189-1194,2006
20. Li,Z.W.,Ding,X.L. and Liu,G.X. Modeling Atmospheric Effects on InSAR with Meteorological and Continuous GPS Observations: Algorithms and Some Test results, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics,66: 907-917,2004.
21. Li,Z.W.,Ding,X.L.,Liu,G.X. and Huang,C. Atmospheric Effects on InSAR Measurements - A Review, Geomatics Research Australasia,79,43-58,2003.