
李小華, 1980年6月生於湖南衡陽,理學博士,教授 ,碩士生導師,留學歸國人員,南華大學粒子物理與原子核物理創新團隊負責人。

2004-2009年,師從南開大學繆炎剛教授、蔡崇海教授攻讀理論物理專業博士學位。於2009年6月獲南開大學理論物理專業博士學位。同年7月進入南華大學核科學技術學院從事核物理教學科研工作。2011-2013年,師從上海交通大學陳列文教授從事博士後研究工作;2013-2014年,師從Texas A&M University-Commerce李寶安教授從事博士後研究工作。

近年來主要從事核反應理論、對稱能、α衰變理論研究。主持完成國家自然科學基金2項,已在Phys. Lett. B、Phys. Rev. C、Eur. Phys. J. C、Chin. Phys. C等國內外SCI雜誌公開發表論文近20篇,論文他引100餘次。


[20]Quark matter and quark stars at finite temperaturein Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model,Peng-Cheng Chu*, Xiao-Hua Li*, Bin Wang, Yu-Min Dong, Yu-Yue Jia, Shu-Mei Wang, Hong-Yang Ma, Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 512

[19] Systematic study of alpha decay half-lives of doubly odd nuclei within the two-potential model, Xiao-Dong Sun, Jun-Gang Deng, Dong Xiang*, Ping Guo, Xiao-Hua Li*, Phys. Rev. C 95(2017)044303

[18] Systematic study of alpha decay for odd-A nuclei within a two-potential approach, Xiao-Dong Sun, Chao Duan, Jun-Gang Deng,Ping Guo, Xiao-Hua Li*, Phys. Rev. C 95(2017)014319

[17] Systematic study of alpha preformation probability of nuclear isomeric and

ground states, Xiao-Dong Sun, Xi-Jun Wu, Bo Zheng,Xiang Dong, Ping Guo, Xiao-Hua Li*, Chin. Phys. C 41(2017)014102

[16] Quark magnetar in three-flavor Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model under strong magnetic fields with two types of vector interactions, Peng-Cheng Chu, Bin Wang, Yu-Yue Jia, Yu-Min Dong, Shu-Mei Wang, Xiao-Hua Li, Lei Zhang, Xiao-Min Zhang, and Hong-Yang Ma, Phys. Rev. D 94 (2016)123014

[15] Isospin dependence of nucleon effective masses in neutron-rich matter, Bao-An Li, Bao-Jun Cai, Lie-Wen Chen, Xiao-Hua Li, Nucl. Sci.& Tech. 27(2016)1-8

[14] Systematic study of favored α-decay half-lives of closed shell odd-A and doubly-odd nuclei related to ground and isomeric states, Xiao-Dong Sun, Ping Guo, Xiao-Hua Li*, Phys. Rev. C 94(2016)024338

[13] Systematic study of α decay half-lives for even-even nuclei within a two-potential approach, Xiao-Dong Sun, Ping Guo, Xiao-Hua Li*, Phys. Rev. C 93 (2016)034316

[12] Neutron–proton effective mass splitting in neutron-rich matter at normal density from analyzing nucleon–nucleus scattering data within an isospin dependent optical model, Xiao-Hua Li, Wen-Jun Guo, Bao-An Li, Lie-Wen Chen, Farrukh J.Fattoyev, William G.Newton, Phys. Lett. B 743(2015)408-414.

[11] Search for C-parity violation in J=ψ → γγ and γϕ, BESIII Collaboration, Bo Zheng*, Ming-Gang Zhao(主要完成人), Xiao-Hua Li(主要完成人), Phys. Rev. D 90 (2014)092002

[10] Extracting the nuclear symmetry potential and energy from neutron–nucleus scattering data, Xiao-Hua Li, Bao-Jun Cai, Lie-Wen Chen*, Rong Chena, Bao-An Li, Chang Xu, Phys. Lett. B, 721 (2013) 101-106

[9] Single-nucleon potential decomposition of the nuclear symmetry energy, Rong Chen, Bao-Jun Cai, Lie-Wen Chen*, Bao-An Li, Xiao-Hua Li, Chang Xu , Phys. Rev. C, 85 (2012) 024305

[8] Isospin dependent global neutron–nucleus optical model potential, Xiao-Hua Li*, Lie-Wen Chen*, Nucl. Phys. A, 874 (2012) 62–80

[7] Cross sections of C q+( q=1—4)electron loss in collision with He, Ne and Ar investigating, Lu Yan-Xia, Xie An-Ping, Li Xiao-Hua, Xiang Dong, Lu Xing-Qiang, Li Xin-Xia, Huang Qian-Hong, Acta Phys. Sci. 80, 083401(2011)

[6] Systematic analysis of the reaction cross section for d, 3He and 4He as projectiles, Chun-Tian Liang*, Yan-An Luo, Xiao-Hua Li, Chong-Hai Cai, J. Phys. G, 36 (2009) 015102

[5] Global 3He optical model potential below 270 MeV, Chun-Tian Liang*, Xiao-Hua Li, Chong-Hai Cai, J. Phys. G, 36 (2009) 085104

[4] Comparison between global phenomenological and microscopic optical potentials for proton as projectile below 100 MeV, LI Xiao-Hua*,LIANG Chun-Tian, CAI Chong-Hai*, Chin. Phys. C, 33 (2009) 415-422

[3] The folding deuteron optical model potentials, Xiaohua Li*, Haixia An, Chonghai Cai*, Eur. Phys. J. A, 39 (2009) 355-362

[2] Global dispersive optical model potential for proton as projectile in the energy region up to 200 MeV, Xiaohua Li*, Chonghai Cai*, Nucl. Phys. A, 801 (2008) 43–67

[1] Global triton optical model potential, Xiaohua Li*, Chuntian Liang, Chonghai Cai*, Nucl. Phys. A 789 (2007) 103-113


