1) 國家自然科學基金課題《裸燕麥β葡聚糖對血脂異常的調控作用:以腸道菌群為靶點的機制研究》、
2) 國家自然科學基金課題《內質網應激在糖尿病動脈粥樣硬化中的作用機制及槲皮素干預效果研究》、
3) 國家自然科學基金課題《原花青素對2型糖尿病周圍神經病變改善作用的基礎研究》、
4) 國家自然科學基金課題《海洋骨源寡肽預防原發性骨質疏鬆及其對骨相關礦物質吸收和利用的基礎研究》、;
5) 國家十一五科技支撐計畫《輔助改善老年記憶功能食品的研究和產業化》。
1) Julian Lindsay, Lin-lin Wang, Yong Li, Shu-Feng Zhou. Structure,function and polymorphism of human cytosolic sulfotransferases. Current Drug Metabolism, 2008;9(2):99-105. (SCI收錄, IF5.762)
2) Shu-Feng Zhou, Lin-Lin Wang, Yuan Ming Di, Charlie Changli Xue, Duan Wei, Chun Guang Li, Yong Li. Substrates and Inhibitors of Human Multidrug Resistance Associated Proteins and the Implications in Drug Development. Curr Med Chem. 2008;15:1981-2039. (SCI收錄, IF5.207)
3) Cooperative interaction between the basic Helix-loop-helix transcription factor dHAND and myocyte enhancer factor 2C regulates myocardial gene expression. JBC. 2004;279(52):54258-54263(SCI收錄,IF 6.482);
4) Xiaolong Han, Yajun Xu, Junbo Wang, Xinrong Pei, Ruiyue Yang, Nin Li, Yong Li. Effects of cod bone gelatin on bone metabolism and bone microarchitecture in ovariectomized rats. Bone. 2009;44:942-947. (SCI收錄, IF4.145)
5) Lin-Lin Wang, An-Kui Yang, Shu-Ming He, Jun Liang, Zhi-Wei Zhou, Yong Li, Shu-Feng Zhou. Identification of Molecular Targets Associated With Ethanol Toxicity and Implications in Drug Development. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2010;16:1313-1355. (SCI收錄,IF4.414)
6) Qiong Li, Yong Li. Long-term administration of Green tea catechins prevents age-related spatial learning and memory decline in C57BL/6J mice by regulating hippocampal cyclic AMP-response element binding protein signaling caspase. Neurosciese. 2009;159:1208-1215. (SCI收錄, IF3.556)
7) Zhaofeng Zhang, Yong Li. Acetyl-L-carnitine inhibits TNF-α-induced insulin resistance via AMPK pathway in rat skeletal muscle cells. FEBS Letters. 2009:583:470-474. (SCI收錄, IF3.601)
8) Lin-Lin Wang, An-Kui Yang, Shu-Ming He, Jun Liang, Zhi-Wei Zhou, Yong Li, Shu-Feng Zhou. Identification of Molecular Targets Associated With Ethanol Toxicity and Implications in Drug Development. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2010;16:1313-1355. (SCI收錄,IF4.414)
9) Junbo Wang, Ming Zhao, Rui Liang, Zhaofeng Zhang, Haifeng Zhao, Jiali Zhang, Tian Li, Yong Li. Whey peptides improve wound healing following caesarean section in rats. British Journal of Nutrition. 2010;104(11):1621-1627. (SCI收錄,IF3.446)
10) Zhaofeng Zhang, Ming Zhao, Junbo Wang, Ye Ding, Xiaoqian Dai, Yong Li. Oral Administration of Skin Gelatin Isolated from Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) Enhances Wound Healing in Diabetic Rats. Marine Drugs 2011, 9, 696-711. (SCI收錄,IF3.471).