

本片由1955年北愛爾蘭-加拿大作家Brian Moore在離開愛爾蘭之後所出版的小說朱迪斯·赫恩 (Judith Hearne)改編。本書一經出版,著名導演約翰·休斯頓就曾試圖獲得改編權,並計畫由伊利亞·卡贊執導,凱薩琳·赫本主演。直到1987年才有人擁有足夠的資金和著作權---傑克·克萊頓被選中執導。

演員 | 角色 | 備註 |
瑪吉·史密斯 | 朱迪斯·赫恩 | |
鮑勃·霍斯金斯 | 詹姆·梅登 | |
溫蒂·希勒 | 達西姑媽 | |
Marie Kean | Mrs. Rice | |
Ian McNeice | Bernard Rice | |
Alan Devlin | Father Quigley | |
Rudi Davies | Mary | |
Prunella Scales | Moira O'Neill | |
Aine Ni Mhuiri | Edie Marinan | |
Sheila Reid | Miss Friel | |
Niall Buggy | Mr. Lenehan | |
Kate Binchy | Sister Ignatius | |
Martina Stanley | Sister Mary-Paul | |
Veronica Quilligan | Mrs. Mullen | |
Frank Egerton | The Major | |
Leonard Maguire | Doctor Bowe | (as Leonard McGuire) |
Kevin Flood | Owen O'Neill | |
Catherine Cusack | Una O'Neill | |
Peter Gilmore | Kevin O'Neill | |
James Holland | Shaun O'Neill | |
艾丹·吉倫 | Youth at Liquor Store | 曾用名:Aiden Murphy |
Emma Jane Lavin | Young Judith | |
Dick Sullivan | Priest | |
Alan Radcliffe | Young Priest | |
Seamus Newham | Taxi Driver | |
Paul Boyle | Taxi Driver | |
Isolde Cazelet | Old Woman | |
Marjorie Hogan | Old Woman | |
Gerard O'Hagan | Waiter | |
Anna Murphy | Girl Giggler | |
Gemma Murphy | Girl Giggler | |
Paddy Joyce | Drunk in Pub | |
Richard Taylor | Tin Whistle Player | |
Sue Hampson | Cellist at Aunt D'Arcy's | |
Mike Rennie | Violinist at Aunt D'Arcy's |

製片人:Richard Johnson、Peter Nelson
執行製片人:George Harrison、Denis O'Brien
音樂:Georges Delerue
攝影:Peter Hannan
剪輯:Terry Rawlings
選角導演:Irene Lamb

作品指導:Michael Pickwoad
藝術指導:Henry Harris
布景指導:Josie MacAvin
服裝設計:Elizabeth Waller
化妝:Lois Burwell、Ken Lintott
髮型:Bobbie Smith、Annie Townsend

![]() | 朱迪斯·赫恩∣演員:瑪吉·史密斯 20世紀50年代一個生活在都柏林的中年老剩女,為人善良,虔誠的信仰著天主教,靠教授鋼琴課勉強度日。居住在一個十分破舊的房子裡面。在那個搖搖欲墜的房子裡有一個自稱有著旅館產業的男子。出於愛慕的緣故,朱迪斯·赫恩將自己的錢財給了他。 瑪吉·史密斯女爵士曾憑藉春風不化雨,加州套房兩度奪得奧斯卡獎,加上奧賽羅,與姑媽同游,看得見風景的房間,高斯福莊園六度提名。憑藉春風不化雨,個人作用,看得見風景的房間,朱迪斯赫恩的孤獨感四度奪得英國電影學院獎影后桂冠,並憑藉與墨索里尼喝茶獲得得學院獎最佳女配角。 |
![]() | 達西姑媽∣演員:溫蒂·希勒 朱迪斯·赫恩的姑媽,為人比較霸道, 確實朱迪斯赫恩的精神支柱。 溫蒂·希勒女爵士曾憑藉鴛鴦譜獲得奧斯卡金像獎最佳女配角,並憑藉賣花女,良相佐國三次提名奧斯卡金像獎。 |
![]() | 詹姆·梅登∣ 演員:鮑勃·霍斯金斯 一個自稱有著旅館產業的,實際來自紐約一個酒店的破產門童。又矮又胖的騙子。 鮑勃·霍斯金斯曾與1986年獲得奧斯卡金像獎影帝提名。 |
第42屆英國電影學院獎 |
最佳女主角(獲獎):瑪吉·史密斯 |
最佳編劇(提名):Brain Moore、Peter Nelson |
Evening Standard British Films Awards |
最佳女主角(獲獎):瑪吉·史密斯 |
最佳男主角(獲獎):鮑勃·霍斯金斯 |
紐約影評人協會獎 |
女主角(獲獎):瑪吉史密斯 |
USC編劇工會獎 |
最佳改編劇本(提名):Brain Moore、Peter Nelson |

國家 | 日期 | 備註 |
美國 | 1987.12.23 | 限制上映 |
英國 | 1989.1.6 | 倫敦點映 |
義大利 | 1989.2.2 | |
澳大利亞 | 1989.5.11 | |
荷蘭 | 1989.9.1 | |
芬蘭 | 1990.2.9 |


had this film been properly distributed MAGGIE SMITH would have SURELY WON another OSCAR (her 3rd) - I have to agree with other critics on this one - this HAS to be one of the greatest performances by an actress in all of cinematic history - watch it if only for seeing MAGGIE SMITH prove to you that she is indeed one of the GREATEST actresses that has ever graced the silver screen.把這部電影正規的發行的話,瑪吉·史密斯就穩穩噹噹的拿下了她第三個奧斯卡金像獎。我必須的同意別的影評人說的那樣,瑪吉·史密斯在這部電影裡的表演是縱觀電影歷史裡面最偉大的女演員表演之一。看這部電影,就像看瑪吉·史密斯證明她是最偉大的女演員一樣。
As Judith Maggie Smith turns in the performance of a lifetime and one of the best and most complete portrayals by any actor on film. This is an astonishing film, full of bleak Irish heartbreak, yet with the promise of hope.這部電影裡面瑪吉·史密斯獻上了一生的表演,也是縱觀所有演員里最完美最完整的表演。
Smith is a no less than a revelation in the title role and one cannot help but route for this desperate character even when all looks hopeless. The screenplay had been fought over for years by actresses of every stripe, with, for a while, Jane Fonda, leading the pack of actresses trying to get Judith onto the screen. It's a good thing Maggie Smith won out.It is such a pity this film has been pushed out of USA that year.瑪吉·史密斯差不多啟示性的表演,讓觀眾沒有辦法不沿著這個絕望至極的角色走下去。這個劇本在當年被女演員們搶瘋了,簡·方達甚至一度領先試圖將朱迪斯赫恩呈現在螢屏上。瑪吉·史密斯拿到這個角色真是太好了。不過很可惜當年美國不讓這部片子大規模上映。
She does not play the role of Judith in this film. She IS Judith Hearne in all her depressing, desperate, lonely, and passionate glory. I could've cried my eyes out at her devastation over the spilling of the whiskey. She simply reaches through the screen, grabs your heart, and rips it out of your chest. There is NO WAY you can see this film and not feel SOMETHING. It is one of the best, if not THE BEST performance by a female actor recorded.瑪吉·史密斯不是扮演朱迪斯·赫恩,而是就是朱迪斯·赫恩,在那種壓抑,絕望,孤獨,熱情的榮耀里。她的的威士忌被撒掉時的極度悲傷與震驚讓我哭的不能自主。她簡簡單單的到達銀幕外,把你的心從你的胸膛裡面扯了出來。看這部電影你沒有可能沒有感覺。瑪吉·史密斯的表演如果不是歷史上最好的女性表演,那也是最好的之一。
Maggie's performance CRUSHED the nominees and the winner that year.瑪吉·史密斯的表演無情的碾壓了那一年的提名者和獲獎者。
It's Maggie Smith's searing portrayal of the title character, a brave but broken woman yearning for the impossible: a knight in shining armor to help her salvage some meaning from life.she's built her entire life on this illusion; there is no white knight, only a dumpy hustler from New York. Judith Hearne dwells in impossible possibilities like Blanche. Every time I see this film, I'm struck with the notion that this may rank among the finest moments in acting any of us will ever behold. 瑪吉·史密斯對主角的熾熱的表演:一個破碎但是依然勇敢的女人渴望著不可能的事情,渴望著一個穿著金光閃閃的盔甲的其實給她帶來生命的意義。她把生命建立在了幻想之上。但是那裡沒有騎士,只有一個紐約來的矮胖騙子。朱迪斯赫恩像布蘭奇一樣生活在不可能的希望里。每次看這部電影,我都堅定的覺得這是我們所能領悟的所有演員裡面最完美的時刻。(註:布蘭奇是戲劇與電影欲望號街車裡的悲劇靈魂人物,曾由一代巨星費雯·麗出演並獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角。欲望號街車被認為是當代美國最偉大的戲劇)
1.had this film been properly distributed MAGGIE SMITH would have SURELY WON another OSCAR (her 3rd) - I have to agree with other critics on this one - this HAS to be one of the greatest performances by an actress in all of cinematic history - watch it if only for seeing MAGGIE SMITH prove to you that she is indeed one of the GREATEST actresses that has ever graced the silver screen.把這部電影正規的發行的話,瑪吉·史密斯就穩穩噹噹的拿下了她第三個奧斯卡金像獎。我必須的同意別的影評人說的那樣,瑪吉·史密斯在這部電影裡的表演是縱觀電影歷史裡面最偉大的女演員表演之一。看這部電影,就像看瑪吉·史密斯證明她是最偉大的女演員一樣。
2.As Judith Maggie Smith turns in the performance of a lifetime and one of the best and most complete portrayals by any actor on film. This is an astonishing film, full of bleak Irish heartbreak, yet with the promise of hope.這部電影裡面瑪吉·史密斯獻上了一生的表演,也是縱觀所有演員里最完美最完整的表演。
3.Smith is a no less than a revelation in the title role and one cannot help but route for this desperate character even when all looks hopeless. The screenplay had been fought over for years by actresses of every stripe, with, for a while, Jane Fonda, leading the pack of actresses trying to get Judith onto the screen. It's a good thing Maggie Smith won out.It is such a pity this film has been pushed out of USA that year.瑪吉·史密斯差不多啟示性的表演,讓觀眾沒有辦法不沿著這個絕望至極的角色走下去。這個劇本在當年被女演員們搶瘋了,簡·方達甚至一度領先試圖將朱迪斯赫恩呈現在螢屏上。瑪吉·史密斯拿到這個角色真是太好了。不過很可惜當年美國不讓這部片子大規模上映。
4.She does not play the role of Judith in this film. She IS Judith Hearne in all her depressing, desperate, lonely, and passionate glory. I could've cried my eyes out at her devastation over the spilling of the whiskey. She simply reaches through the screen, grabs your heart, and rips it out of your chest. There is NO WAY you can see this film and not feel SOMETHING. It is one of the best, if not THE BEST performance by a female actor recorded.瑪吉·史密斯不是扮演朱迪斯·赫恩,而是就是朱迪斯·赫恩,在那種壓抑,絕望,孤獨,熱情的榮耀里。她的的威士忌被撒掉時的極度悲傷與震驚讓我哭的不能自主。她簡簡單單的到達銀幕外,把你的心從你的胸膛裡面扯了出來。看這部電影你沒有可能沒有感覺。瑪吉·史密斯的表演如果不是歷史上最好的女性表演,那也是最好的之一。
5.Maggie's performance CRUSHED the nominees and the winner that year.瑪吉·史密斯的表演無情的碾壓了那一年的提名者和獲獎者。
6.It's Maggie Smith's searing portrayal of the title character, a brave but broken woman yearning for the impossible: a knight in shining armor to help her salvage some meaning from life.she's built her entire life on this illusion; there is no white knight, only a dumpy hustler from New York. Judith Hearne dwells in impossible possibilities like Blanche. Every time I see this film, I'm struck with the notion that this may rank among the finest moments in acting any of us will ever behold. 瑪吉·史密斯對主角的熾熱的表演:一個破碎但是依然勇敢的女人渴望著不可能的事情,渴望著一個穿著金光閃閃的盔甲的其實給她帶來生命的意義。她把生命建立在了幻想之上。但是那裡沒有騎士,只有一個紐約來的矮胖騙子。朱迪斯赫恩像布蘭奇一樣生活在不可能的希望里。每次看這部電影,我都堅定的覺得這是我們所能領悟的所有演員裡面最完美的時刻。(註:布蘭奇是戲劇與電影欲望號街車裡的悲劇靈魂人物,曾由一代巨星費雯·麗出演並獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角。欲望號街車被認為是當代美國最偉大的戲劇)

This is an astonishing film, full of bleak Irish heartbreak, yet with the promise of hope.這是一部經驗的電影,充斥著淒涼的心碎,到結束又有那么一絲的希望
The story is so annoyingly melodramatic and manipulative that I would have turned it off if Smith hadn't been there in almost every scene, transforming a cheap soap opera into a vehicle for the finest, smartest, rawest, most moving and most exhilarating acting performance I have ever seen in the thousands of movies I've watched in the past 60+ years.電影惱人的過渡戲劇化和嬌柔。要不是瑪吉·史密斯差不多每一場戲都在,我早就不看了。瑪吉史密斯獎中庸的肥皂劇轉化為了成就最完美和聰慧表演的工具。這是我60多年幾千部觀影生涯里最純真,最動人,最振奮的表演。
Mediocre soap opera containing the single greatest acting performance ever filmed.中庸的肥皂劇卻成就了歷史上最偉大的單人表演。
This film has to contain one of the contenders for Dame Maggie's best performance. If it wasn't for the appalling lack of efficiency of the film's distributor in America, I think that this could have earned her, her third Academy Award. 這部影片在美國發行的駭人聽聞的低效率是瑪吉史密斯女爵士最大的競爭者,這部電影應該給她帶來第三個奧斯卡。
1.This is an astonishing film, full of bleak Irish heartbreak, yet with the promise of hope.這是一部經驗的電影,充斥著淒涼的心碎,到結束又有那么一絲的希望
2.The story is so annoyingly melodramatic and manipulative that I would have turned it off if Smith hadn't been there in almost every scene, transforming a cheap soap opera into a vehicle for the finest, smartest, rawest, most moving and most exhilarating acting performance I have ever seen in the thousands of movies I've watched in the past 60+ years.電影惱人的過渡戲劇化和嬌柔。要不是瑪吉·史密斯差不多每一場戲都在,我早就不看了。瑪吉史密斯獎中庸的肥皂劇轉化為了成就最完美和聰慧表演的工具。這是我60多年幾千部觀影生涯里最純真,最動人,最振奮的表演。
3.Mediocre soap opera containing the single greatest acting performance ever filmed.中庸的肥皂劇卻成就了歷史上最偉大的單人表演。
4.This film has to contain one of the contenders for Dame Maggie's best performance. If it wasn't for the appalling lack of efficiency of the film's distributor in America, I think that this could have earned her, her third Academy Award. 這部影片在美國發行的駭人聽聞的低效率是瑪吉史密斯女爵士最大的競爭者,這部電影應該給她帶來第三個奧斯卡。
