


作 者: 趙堪培 編
出 版 社: 世界圖書北京出版公司
ISBN: 9787506246392
出版時間: 2010-05-01
版 次: 1
頁 數: 434
裝 幀: 平裝
開 本:
所屬分類: 圖書>>其它分類


《最新簡明英語閱讀教程》收集了80篇英文短文,配備了相應的閱讀理解、辭彙及開放式討論練習,是一本針對性較強的英語泛讀教材。適應大學一、二年級學生泛讀學生使用,也可作為大學英語四、六級考試複習的輔導用書。 本書具有以下特點:①課文內容豐富,涉及面較廣。有關自然、社會、天文、歷史、政治、民俗、心理、宗教等方面的知識均有不同程度的介紹,實現了語言和文化的相互交融。②所選文章均為地道的原文,文筆流暢,內容新穎,具有一定的時代氣息。③文章編排循序漸進,由淺入深。提供的練習能有效地抓住閱讀理解和辭彙這兩大環節,對提高英語閱讀技巧,增強應試能力,提高應試水平,具有一定的指導意義。


Unit 1
Passage A Higher Education in the United States
Passage B Applying for Studying in USA
Unit 2
Passage A International Standardized English Tests
Passage B Degrees Offered in USA
Unit 3
Passage A Strengthen Your Confidence
Passage B Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Unit 4
Passage A Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Passage B Problem Sleepiness
Unit 5
Passage A Why Do We Yawn and Blink
Passage B tinnitus
Unit 6
Passage A Sleeping and Snoring
Passage B Dreaming
Unit 7
Passage A Parents and Cash
Passage B Controlling Anger
Unit 8
Passage A Creating Physical Balance
Passage B Balancing Brains
Unit 9
Passage A Alternative Forms of Exercise
Passage B Computers and Health
Unit 10
Passage A Common Values of North Atlantic Treaty
Passage B The Fundamental Role of NATO
Unit 11
Passage A The World Trade Organization
Passage B History of BBC
Unit 12
Passage A Valentine's Day
Passage B Jesus Christ
Unit 13
Passage A The Warming of the Earth
Passage B Living in Space
Unit 14
Passage A Hubble Space Telescope
Passage B Astronaut's Four Options
Unit 15
Passage A Mystery in the Milk Way
Passage B The Enduring Mysteries
Unit 16
Passage A Interviewing Skills
Passage B How to Leave a Job Properly
Unit 17
Passage A Winston Churchill
Passage B Brigham Young Mormon Pioneer of t
Unit 18
Passage A Superstitions
Passage B Childhood Customs and Superstitions
Unit 19
Passage A Common Plants Help Reduce Indoor Air
Passage B New Style Hunter Emerging
Unit 20
Passage A Towards a Standing Army
Passage B Responses to Terrorism
Unit 1
Passage A Living in Britain
Passage B Moving about london
Unit 2
Passage A Mr. Bush, The World Doesn't Want to Be American
Passage B The Die Is Cast
Unit 3
Passage A A Word about Abiotic Oil
Passage B Further Oil Shortage Certain
Unit 4
Passage A Human Bombs: weapon of 21st century
Passage B Bows vs. Lasers
Unit 5
Passage A U.S. Banks and the Dirty Money Empire
Passage B Today's Handicap Tomorrow's Advantage
Unit 6
Passage A Civic Journalism
Passage B Journalist's Role in Society
Unit 7
Passage A A Turning Point in smog History
Passage B Farming by Satellite
Unit 8
Passage A Independent Day
Passage B Duty Calls
Unit 9
Passage A Desert Animal Survival
Passage B Geomorphology of the Deserts
Unit 10
Passage A Village Life of Native Americans
Passage B Fusion of Asian and Western Cultures
Unit 11
Passage A Your Community out of Control
Passage B Diverging Incomes in the Global Village
Unit 12
Passage A Constant Retraining Essential
Passage B Quality Education Network Here Soon
Unit 13
Passage A Technology for Education
Passage B Is Still Seeing Believing
Unit 14
Passage A Politicians--An Endangered Species
Passage B Let Companies Run Government
Unit 15
Passage A Globalization and Equalization
Passage B CQ Could Top IQ
Unit 16
Passage A Our Schools Aren't Working
Passage B Electronic Spy antidote
Unit 17
Passage A Recycling
Passage B Now Know What They Know
Unit 18
Passage A The New Office of Global Communications
Passage B Life on Mars: The Great Debate
Unit 19
Passage A Decorate your Home with Love
Passage B Home Electronics
Unit 20
Passage A The Industrial Age vs. the Communications Age
Passage B Industrial Age vs Communications Age Thinking
Key to Exercises ...


